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See the following topics for information about provisioning and tasks related to provisioning.

For an end to end discussion of the tasks required to implement provisioning, see Implementation process for provisioning



Setting up provisioning jobs and post-provisioning jobs

The topics in this section provide information about setting up provisioning jobs and post-provisioning jobs.

A provisioning job performs the unattended installation of an operating system on a server. It is the basic utility BMC Server Automation provides for provisioning physical servers.

Provisioning servers

To provision servers, you create and run Provision Jobs. The topics in this section describe how to create and run Provision Jobs.

Managing the provisioning environment

The topics in this section describe the processes the administrator uses to manage the BMC Server Automation provisioning environment.

Provisioning scenarios

The topics in this section provide step-by-step instructions for specific types of provisioning.

VM provisioning

This topic describes how to deploy and manage virtual guests in multiple virtualization environments. BMC Server Automation provides IT Operators with essential tools for the management of the virtual environment and on-demand deployment of virtual assets.

UCS Manager provisioningThis section describes how to use BMC Server Automation UCS Manager (the integration of BMC Server Automation UCS Manager with the Cisco UCS Manager) to provision blades in a Cisco UCS system.