Page tree

The console provides many types of preferences. This section describes preferences that are specific to BMC Server Automation.

See Preference settings - General category for a description of standard Eclipse preferences.


Setting Options/ Default

Dependency View Options

  • Maximum number of objects displayed in Show Dependency Upward View — Sets the number of objects displayed in the dependency view when you show an object's dependencies. By default, the maximum number of objects displayed is 100.
  • Maximum number of objects displayed in Delete Dialog Dependency View — Sets the number of objects displayed in the dependency view when you delete an object. By default, the maximum number of objects displayed is 100.

Display Options

  • Show compliant software in audit results — Shows software items when they appear on both the master and target servers. Clearing this option means that audit results only show software items when they appear on either the master or target server.
  • Show only in Message View — Instructs the console to display messages broadcast from the Application Server only in the Messages view, disabling the one-time pop-up display of the message upon arrival.
  • Show quick start page on login — Controls the automatic display of the quick start page every time that the console is launched.
    By default, this check box is selected. If you do not want the quick start page to display every time that you launch the console, you can clear this check box. Subsequently, to launch the quick start page manually whenever required, use the Quick Start Page option in the Configuration menu.
  • Show no access nodes — Shows a system object even though the user does not have appropriate permissions to interact with the object.
    RBAC Manager shows nodes to which the user has no access. Clearing this option means that users cannot see nodes to which they have no access. For more information about no access nodes, see No access nodes.
    The display of no access nodes can also be controlled using the Application Server. If the Application Server forbids the display of no access nodes, you cannot access this option in the BMC Server Automation Console. For more information see Displaying no access nodes in the BMC Server Automation Console.
  • Remember most recent live browse object — Instructs the console to remember the last object you opened using a dialog box and open that object again the next time you use the same dialog box. For some objects, this can result in slow performance. If you clear this option, a dialog box does not open an object by default. This preference is not selected by default.
  • Enable server check for live browse and active nodes — Instructs the console to determine whether a server is available when you select the server's Live node or display the server in the Active Node view. If a server is unavailable, the console must wait while it determines the server's status, and the server is marked with a red X. If you clear this option, the console only determines if a server is available when you expand objects in the server's Live node or the Active Node view. By default, this preference is selected.
  • Always show notification for Move/Copy — Instructs the console to display a dialog box after you do a paste during a move or copy operation. The dialog box announces that a move or copy is occurring in the background. This dialog box only appears when you have chosen to run operations in the background (see Running background operations). An option in the dialog box itself also lets you specify whether you want to display the dialog box in the future.
  • Show last login date — Displays the last log in date on the window title bar. This preference is selected by default. After you change the setting, you must relaunch the RCP Client, for your change to take effect.
  • Use local help — Associates the BMC Server Automation user interface with an offline, local Help, instead of the online Help (which opens the BMC Server Automation space). The option to call a static, offline Help (for example, by pressing F1 for context-sensitive Help) is useful in an air-gapped environment, which does not allow access to the Internet.
  • Use External Browser for help — Opens BMC Server Automation Help pages in an external browser whenever the online Help is accessed from the Console.
    On some Linux platforms, you may encounter a Connection terminated unexpectedly error while trying to access BMC Server Automation Help pages from within the Console. You can enable this option to resolve this error and view the Help in an external browser.
  • Show jobs in "Tasks in Progress" or "Completed Job Runs" window
    • For which the current role has access permission — Shows all running jobs for which the current role has access permission.
    • Executed by current role — Shows all running jobs executed by the current role.
    • Executed by current user — Shows all running jobs executed by the current user.

File Deploy Options

  • Parallel processes — Number of parallel deployments you want to occur.
  • Block level update — Minimum size (in kb) for a file that should invoke large file management during a deployment. Files smaller than this value are copied in full.
  • Update block size — Block size (in kb) to use for comparison and update purposes.
  • Minimum disk free — Minimum amount of disk space (in kb) for a destination directory.
  • Default destination dir — Default destination directory for push jobs.
  • Default staging directory — Default directory on repeater hosts that holds content while it is being copied to destination machines.
  • Default backup suffix — Suffix that is appended to all files that otherwise are overwritten during a copy. Adding a backup suffix creates a backup copy of those files.
  • Default backup directory — Directory where a backup of a target file or directory can be stored.

Live Browse/Snapshot/Audit Results Option

Number of live browse/snapshot/audit results to return — Maximum number of items that can be displayed when you select a node while browsing the Servers folder or while viewing snapshot or audit results.
This limit can also be set for the Application Server. (For more information about using the blasadmin utility to set a maximum, see Limiting the number of results displayed when browsing.) If you enter a value that is lower than the maximum defined for the Application Server, the limit you enter takes precedence over the limit set for the Application Server. You cannot set this value greater than the value that is defined for the Application Server. Setting this number to 0 indicates no results are displayed.
If you select a node while browsing the Servers folder or select snapshot or audit results and the potential number of results exceeds the limit defined at the Application Server level or as a console preference, the results are truncated. An icon indicating truncation is superimposed on the node. For example, if you browse a Windows registry (a simple folder icon) and truncation occurs, the registry icon appears as .


If you change this setting while browsing nodes, refresh any node for the change to take affect. If you raised the number of items to display beyond the number of items that exist under the node but the truncation icon is still displayed, refresh the node once again or refresh the top node.

Paging Options

Page Size — Number of items each page displays. The default value is 50 items. You can specify a value between 1 and 1000. For more information, see Paging through multiple objects.
Config Object Dictionary Page Size — Maximum number of server objects that the Configuration Object Dictionary displays. The default value is 50. This option does not affect how the Configuration Object Dictionary displays configuration objects or extended objects.
Execution Task Matrix Page Size — Maximum number of target servers that appear in a matrix when viewing the results of an Execution Task. The default value is 100. For more information, see Executing a job through an Execution Task.

Refresh OptionsJob polling interval — The frequency, in seconds, for the console to poll the Application Server for job run information. The range is 5–300 seconds, and the default is 30 seconds. To restore the value set on the Application Server, click Restore Defaults.

Note: For information about changing the Application Server setting using the blasadmin utility, see Setting the job polling interval.

Tail File Options

  • Open Files — Number of Tail File Editors that you can have open simultaneously. The default is 5; the range is 1 to 10. The more editors you have open, the more impact it has on performance. To stop polling data to minimize the performance impact of multiple open files, click Pause.
  • Initial Lines — Number of lines of string to be retrieved upon the first request. The default value is 100; the range is 1 to 1000.
  • Buffer Lines — Number of lines that can be cached on the client side. The Tail -f command may return a large amount of data, which may cause a memory exception. The default value is 2000; the range is 1 to 10,000.
  • Polling Interval (seconds) — Number of seconds before retrieving new Tail -f data. The default value is 3.