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This topic lists intrinsic properties that can be assigned to BMC Server Automation system objects. The properties in the following list are grouped by property class, and the property classes are sorted in alphabetical order.

The same property name might appear several times in the table, as the same name can be used for different properties in multiple different property classes.

Properties ending in an asterisk were introduced in version 8.0 or later. Properties that do not end in an asterisk were introduced before version 8.0. These asterisks appear in the product user interface, as well.

If a property class has child classes, all properties in the property class are inherited by the child classes.

Property class (full path in property dictionary)Property namesDescription
SystemObjectAUDIT_TRAILS*Audit Trails
AUTO_GENERATEDSpecifies if the object was auto generated
BROKEN_OBJECTSpecifies if this object is broken
DATE_CREATEDThe date of creation of the instance
DATE_MODIFIEDThe date of the last modification of the instance
DESCRIPTIONThe description of the instance
GROUP*Group that this object belongs to (if any)
IS_HIGHLIGHTED*Indicates that object is highlighted, this property is currently used only in case of DCA Portal
NAMEThe name of the instance
ROLE_CREATEDThe role who created this instance
ROLE_MODIFIEDThe role who modified this instance
USER_CREATEDThe user who created this instance
USER_MODIFIEDThe user who modified this instance
SystemObject > Application ServerDISPLAY_NAMEDisplay Name
SystemObject > Approval RequestAPPROVAL_REQUEST_IDApproval Request Id
CHANGE_TYPEChange type
COMMENTSApproval Comments
SystemObject > Audit TargetAUDITAssociated Audit
BATCH_JOB_RUN*Associated Batch Job run
CHANGED_ITEM_TOTALTotal number of changed items
COMPONENTAssociated Component
COMPONENT_HEADER_NAMEName of the associated component
EXIT_CODE*Exit code
EXTRA_ITEM_TOTALTotal number of extra items
HAD_ERRORSTrue if the run had errors
HAD_WARNINGSTrue if the run had warnings
MISSING_ITEM_TOTALTotal number of missing items
SERVER_HEADER_NAMEName of the associated server
SNAPSHOT_NAMEName of the associated snapshot
SystemObject > Audit Target PartCHANGED*Number of changed for part
EXTRA*Number of extra for part
MISSING*Number of missing for part
TARGET_PART_PATH*Target component part path
SystemObject > AuditTrailLOG_DATEDate when this audit trail entry was created
MESSAGEMessage about the audited operation
OBJECT_NAMEObject for which this audit trail entry applies
ROLE_NAMEActive role
SUCCESSIndicates if the audited operation was successful
USER_NAMEActive user
SystemObject > Auth ProfileAUTHS*BL Auths
SystemObject > AuthorizationBL_AUTH_ENUMBl Auth Enum
IS_ALLOWED_IN_ACLTrue if allowed in acl
SystemObject > AutomationPrincipalDOMAIN_NAMEDomain name of the automation principal
PRINCIPALOS specific identifier of the automation principal
SystemObject > Batch Job Run BrowserBATCH_JOB_RUN*Batch Job Run
SystemObject > BlAclCURRENT_ROLE_AUTH_NAMESAuthorization names for the current role
SystemObject > Compliance Job Result Unique Component For A TemplateCOMPLIANCE_JOB_RESULT_COMPONENT_NAME*Associated component name
SystemObject > Compliance Result Component SummaryJOB_RESULT*Job Result for this summary
NUMBER_CONSISTENT*Number of consistent components
NUMBER_CONSISTENT_WITH_EXCEPTION*Number of consistent with exceptions components
NUMBER_INCONSISTENT*Number of inconsistent components
NUMBER_UNKNOWN*Number of unknown components
SystemObject > Compliance RuleCOMPLIANCE_RULE_GROUP*Compliance Rule Group containing this Compliance Rule
IS_COMMENTED_OUT*Is commented out
REFERENCE_NUMBER*Compliance rule reference number
REPAIR_OPTION_ID*Repair Option Id for this Compliance Rule
RULE_STRING*String Representation of this Compliance Rule
TEMPLATE*Template containing this Compliance Rule
SystemObject > Compliance Rule GroupPARENT_GROUP*Parent Compliance Rule Group
TEMPLATE*Template containing this Compliance Rule Group
SystemObject > Compliance Rule ResultCOMPLIANCE_RULE*Compliance Rule for this result
COMPONENT*Component for this result
IS_CONSISTENT*True if rule is consistent
IS_CONSISTENT_WITH_EXCEPTION*True if rule is consistent with exceptions
IS_INCONSISTENT*True if rule is inconsistent
IS_UNKNOWN*True if rule is unknown
JOB_RESULT*Job Result for this result
MISMATCH_RESULT_STRING*Mismatch rule result string
RULE_RESULT_STRING*Rule result string
SystemObject > ComponentALLOWED_OPERATIONS*Allowed Operations
EXCEPTIONS*Component Exceptions
IS_VALID*Is Component in a valid state
LOOP_ATTR_FOR_COMPLIANCE_INTThis property is used as list or enumeration property attribute in loop
LOOP_ATTR_FOR_COMPLIANCE_STRThis property is used as list or enumeration property attribute in loop
TARGETThe target Server
TEMPLATEThe source Component Template
SystemObject > Component Discovery Result Component Level StatJOB_RESULT*Associated Job Result
SERVER*Associated Server
TEMPLATE*Associated Template
SystemObject > Component Discovery Result Server Level StatJOB_RESULT*Associated Job Result
TEMPLATE*Associated Template
SystemObject > Component ExceptionCOMMENTS*Exception comments
COMPLIANCE_RULES*Associated Compliance Rules
EXPIRATION_DATE*Expiration date
REFERENCE_NUMBER*Refference Number
SystemObject > Component TemplateALLOWED_OPERATIONS*Allowed Operations
ATRIUM_SYNC_ENABLED*Indicates if the Template should be synchronized with Atrium
PRODUCT_MANUFACTURER*The product manufacturer that will be displayed in the Product Catalog
PRODUCT_VERSION*The product version that will be displayed in the Product Catalog
SystemObject > ConnectionCONNECTION_DOMAINThe authorization domain.
CONNECTION_PASSPHRASEThe authorization passphrase (e.g., SSH2 authentication passphrase).
CONNECTION_PASSWORDThe password to be used for the connection (e.g., a SSH URL).
CONNECTION_URLThe URL associated with the connection (e.g., a SSH URL).
CONNECTION_USERThe user name to be used for the connection.
SystemObject > Custom CommandAUTO_CLOSEA flag indicating whether to automatically close the command window after execution
BLSEPARATORThe BL separator (command format option)
COMMANDThe command of the Custom Command
COMMAND_INTERFACEThe command interface of the Custom Command (GUI > CLI > Tabular)
COMMAND_ORDERThe command order of the Custom Command
COMMAND_TYPEThe command type of the Custom Command (Remote > Depot file > NSH Script > Local application)
DISPLAY_NAMEThe display name of the Custom Command
EXECUTE_TYPEThe execute type of the Custom Command (Single host > Multi host)
INTERACTION_TYPEThe interaction type of the Custom Command (Interactive > Non interactive)
PROMPT_RUNTIME_ARGUMENTSA flag indicating whether to prompt for runtime arguments
QUICK_LAUNCHA flag indicating whether to quick launch the command
STRING_DELIMITERThe string delimiter (command format option)
USE_DELIMA flag indicating whether to use a delimiter
USE_HEADERSA flag indicating whether to use table headers (command format option)
WINDOW_TYPEThe window type of the Custom Command (Single > Multi)
SystemObject > Custom Objects EnvironmentJPA_JAVA_HOME*The JAVA_HOME location.
JPA_JVM_ARGUMENTS*The arguments for the jvm.
JPA_JVM_LIB*The JVM lib to be used.
SystemObject > DataStore > AI DataStoreAUTOMATED_INSTALLATION_SERVER*The host name of the Automated Installation Server
STAGING_DIR*The Staging directory path
SystemObject > DataStore > Ignite DataStoreHOME_DIR_PATHThe full path to the ignite directory on the Ignite Server
IGNITE_SERVERThe host name of the IGNITE master
STAGING_DIR_PATHThe full path to the Bladelogic staging directory on the Ignite Server
SystemObject > DataStore > Jumpstart DataStoreBOOT_SERVERThe host name of the boot server
BOOT_SERVER_FULL_PATHThe full path to the root folder on the boot server
CONFIG_SERVERThe host name of the config server
CONFIG_SERVER_FULL_PATHThe full path to the configuration root on the config server
INSTALL_SERVERThe host name of the install server
INSTALL_SERVER_FULL_PATHThe full path to the installers of the install server
SystemObject > DataStore > Jumpstart WAN Install DataStoreBOOT_SERVER*The host name of the boot server
BOOT_SERVER_CGI_BIN_PATH*The full path to the cg-bin directory on the boot server
BOOT_SERVER_CGI_BIN_URL*The URL to the cg-bin directory on the boot server
BOOT_SERVER_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH*The full path to the document root directory of the boot server
BOOT_SERVER_URL*The URL to boot server
INSTALL_SERVER*The host name of the install server
INSTALL_SERVER_CGI_BIN_PATH*The full path to the cg-bin directory on the install server
INSTALL_SERVER_CGI_BIN_URL*The URL to the cg-bin directory on the install server
INSTALL_SERVER_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH*The full path to the document root directory of the install server
INSTALL_SERVER_URL*The URL to install server
SystemObject > DataStore > NIM DataStoreNIM_MASTERThe host name of the NIM master
STAGING_DIR_PATHThe full path to the BladeLogic staging directory on the NIM master
SystemObject > DataStore > Pxe DataStoreFULL_PATHThe Full Path of the DataStore
LOCATIONThe Location of the DataStore
PASSWORDThe Password to log into the DataStore
USERNAMEThe Username to log into the DataStore
VIRTUAL_DIRThe Virtual Directory of the DataStore
SystemObject > Deploy Job Result TargetERROR_CODE*Error code
EXIT_CODE*Exit code
HAD_ERRORS*Had errors
HAD_WARNINGS*Had warnings
IS_ATTEMPTED*Is attempted
PROGRESS_STATUS*Progress status
REQUIRES_REBOOT*Requires reboot
SystemObject > Deploy Job Run Result On TargetERROR_CODE*Error code
EXIT_CODE*Exit code
FILE_DEPLOY_LOG_ITEM*file deploy job run Log item
HAD_ERRORS*Had errors
HAD_WARNINGS*Had warnings
IP_ADDRESS*server IP Address
IS_ATTEMPTED*Is attempted
IS_SERVER*Is server
LATEST_PHASE_RUN*Latest phase run for a target
LOG_ITEM*Job run Log item
PROGRESS_STATUS*Progress status
REQUIRES_REBOOT*Requires reboot
STATUS*job run ststus
TARGET_COMPONENT*The target Component
TARGET_NAME*job run target name
TARGET_SERVER*The target Server
SystemObject > DeployOptionsAGENT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUTAgent connection timeout
AGENT_QUEUE_WAIT_TIMEOUTAgent queue wait timeout
BY_PHASE_ALL_HOST_MUST_PASS_COMMITAdvanced deploy job by phase all hosts must pass commit, undo otherwise
COPY_LOCKED_FILESShould locked files be copied
DEPLOY_JOB_TYPEDeploy job type (Advance or Basic)
ENABLE_SINGLE_JOB_MODEEnable single job mode
FLOW_CONTROLAdvanced deploy job flow control
FOLLOW_SYMLINKS_ON_URLRemote repository copy at staging should follow symlinks to data source
IGNORE_COPY_ON_BOOT_FILESShould copy on boot files be ignored
IS_ALLOW_ROLLBACKIs rollback allowed
IS_AUTO_ROLLBACKIs auto rollback enabled
IS_COMMIT_ENABLEDIs commit enabled
IS_RECONFIGURE_REBOOTIs reconfigure reboot
IS_SIMULATE_ENABLEDIs simulate stage enabled
IS_STAGING_INDIRECTIs staging indirect
ITEM_RECONFIGURE_REBOOT_OPTIONSItem Reconfigure Reboot options
LOGGING_LEVELSet logging level
OVERWRITE_READONLY_FILESShould read-only files be overwritten
PRESERVE_STAGING_DIR_ON_FAILUREShould the staging dir be preserved after failure
REBOOT_OPTIONSReboot options
REGISTER_COM_COMPONENTSShould COM components be registered for commit phase
REGISTER_COM_COMPONENTS_FOR_UNDO*Should COM components be registered for undo phase
RESET_JOB_ON_FAILUREAdvanced deploy job reset job on failure
UNREGISTER_COM_COMPONENTS_FOR_COMMIT*Should COM components be unregistered for commit phase
UNREGISTER_COM_COMPONENTS_FOR_UNDO*Should COM components be unregistered for undo phase
USER_MODE_OPTIONS_UNIX_ONLYSet user mode options (Unix only)
SystemObject > DeployedPackageTARGETThe target Server
SystemObject > Depot ObjectHAD_ERRORS*True if the Depot Object had errors. False otherwise.
HAD_WARNINGS*True if the Depot Object had warnings. False otherwise.
LOCATION*Location of the Depot Object
TYPE*Depot Object Type
SystemObject > Depot Object > Abstract Xccdf Content File > XCCDF BenchmarkFILE_NAME*XCCDF benchmark filename
IDENTIFIER*XCCDF benchmark identifier
IS_PART_OF_DATASTREAM*Is benchmark part of datastream
PLATFORM_ID*XCCDF benchmark platform Id
VERSION*XCCDF benchmark version
SystemObject > Depot Object > BLPackageDATA_FILE_DESTINATION*Data File Destination of BlPackage
IS_DIRECT_DEPLOYMENT*Is BlPackage Direct Deployment
IS_PKG_BEING_CONVERTED*Is BlPackage being converted
IS_TRANSIENT*Is BlPackage transient
SystemObject > Depot Object > FileDEPOT_FILE_ID*ID of Depot File
SystemObject > Depot Object > NSH ScriptCHARSET*The Charset of the NSH Script
GLOBAL_FLAGS*Global Flags for NSH Script
PARAMETERS*NSH Script Parameters
SystemObject > Depot Object > SoftwareACTION_ON_FAILUREAction taken by deploy job in case of this depot item deployment failure
APPLICATION_TYPE*Depot Software Application Type
DEPENDENCY_LISTA List of DepotSoftware objects that this DepotSoftware depends on
INSTALL_COMMAND*The Install command for this depot software item
SKIP_COPY_SOURCE_TO_UNDO*Skip Copy Source to Undo
SOFTWARE_PATCH_STATUS_FLAGS*Status flags for software patch status
SOFTWARE_PAYLOAD_EXISTS_AT_URL_FLAG*Does software exist at URL flag? Y > N
UNINSTALL_COMMAND*The Uninstall command for this depot software item
SystemObject > Depot Object > Software > AIX FilesetFILESET_PACKAGE*AIX Fileset package
IS_REBOOT*Is reboot required
VRMF*AIX Fileset V.R.M.F
SystemObject > Depot Object > Software > AIX Patch Container

AIX_UPDATE_TYPE*Type of AIX container, viz. TL, APAR etc
OS_LEVEL*Os Level of aix patch container
SystemObject > Depot Object > Software > Debian PackageDEB_ARCH*Architecure of Debian Package
DEB_BREAKS*Prevent installation until other packges listed are deconfigured first
DEB_CONFLICTS*Listed packages cannot be unpacked at the same time
DEB_DEPENDS*Absolute dependency, requiring all packages listed to be configured first
DEB_DESCRIPTION*Short and Long description about the package
DEB_DISTRIBUTION*Debian Package distribution name
DEB_ENHANCES*List of other packages that could benefit from installing this package
DEB_FILENAME*Name of Debian Package File
DEB_HOMEPAGE*Web page for package
DEB_INSTALLED_SIZE*Estimated disk space required to install the package
DEB_MAINTAINER*Maintainer's name and email address
DEB_ORIGINAL_MAINTAINER*Maintainer's name and email address for original creator
DEB_OS*Supported OS for this Debian Package
DEB_PACKAGE_NAME*Name of Debian Package
DEB_PRE_DEPENDS*List of other packages that must be installed first before this package can start to install
DEB_PRIORITY*Indication on how important this package is to install
DEB_PROVIDES*List of virtual packages that this package provides
DEB_RECOMMENDS*Strongly but not absolute dependencies
DEB_REPLACES*Replace or overwrite in certain other packages
DEB_REPOSITORY_COMPONENT*Debian Package repository component
DEB_SECTION*Application area into which the package has been classified
DEB_SIZE*Size of the package file
DEB_SOURCE*Source for Debian Package
DEB_SUGGESTS*List of other packages that could be helpful to this one if also installed
DEB_VERSION*Version of Debian Package
SystemObject > Depot Object > Software > RPMRPM_ARCH*Architecture of rpm
RPM_BUILD_DATE*Build date of rpm
RPM_LICENSE*License of rpm
RPM_PACKAGE*Package Name of rpm
RPM_PAYLOAD_SIZE*Payload Size of rpm
RPM_RELEASE*Release of rpm
RPM_SUMMARY*Summary of rpm
RPM_SUPPORTED_OS_ARCH*Supported Os Architecture of rpm
RPM_VENDOR*Vendor of rpm
RPM_VERSION*Version of rpm
SystemObject > Depot Object > Software > RedHat errataERRATA_ADVISORY*Advisory of errata
ERRATA_CVE_IDS*CVE Ids of errata
ERRATA_ISSUE_DATE*Issue date of errata
ERRATA_SEVERITY*Severity of errata
ERRATA_SUPPORTED_OS_ARCH*Supported Os Architecture of errata
ERRATA_SYNOPSIS*Synopsis of errata
ERRATA_TYPE*Type of errata
SystemObject > Depot Object > Software > Solaris PatchIS_GLOBAL_ZONE_PATCH*Is patch applicable to global zone
IS_LOCAL_ZONE_PATCH*Is patch applicable to local zone
IS_OBSOLETE*Is obsolete
IS_RECOMMENDED*Vendor recommendation
IS_SECURITY*True if a security patch
OS_ARCH*OS and architecture for patch
REBOOT_REQUIRED*Reboot requirement status for the solaris patch
RELEASE_DATE*Release date of patch
SINGLE_USER_MODE*Single User Mode requirement for the solaris patch
SystemObject > Depot Object > Software > Solaris Transparent ClusterNUMBER_OF_PATCHES*Number of patches in the cluster
OS_ARCH*Cluster os architecture
PAYLOAD_SIZE*Total size of payloads in the cluster
RELEASE_DATE*Release date of cluster
SystemObject > Depot Object > Software > Win Depot Software > HotFixBULLETIN_ID*Bulletin id of the Hotfix
CVE_ID*CVE id of the Hotfix
CVE_URL*CVE url of the Hotfix
DATE_POSTED*Date at which hotfix is posted
DOWNLOAD_URL*Download url of the hotfix provided by Shavlik
HOTFIX_TYPE*Hotfix type
INSTALLABLE_SOURCE*Installable source of the Hotfix
KB_ARTICLE_URL*Knowledge Base Ariticle URL of the Hotfix
LANGUAGE_ID*Language id of Hotfix
PATCH_KEY*Patch name
PAYLOAD_SIZE*Size of the hotfix in bytes
PRODUCT_NAME*Product name of the hotfix
QNUMBER*QNumber of the Hotfix
SERVICE_PACK*Service pack of the hotfix
SHAVLIK_FILENAME*Shavlik file name
SUPERSEDED_BY*Superseded by
VENDOR_IMPACT*Bladelogic custom patch impact
SystemObject > Depot Object > Software > Windows BulletinCVE_IDS*List of cve ids
DATE_POSTED*Date at which bulletin is posted
IAVA_ID*Iava number for the bulletin
IS_OBSOLETE*True if bulletin obsolete
KB_ARTICLE_URL*Knowledge Base article url
SUPERSEDED_BY*Superseded by
TITLE*Bulletin title
VENDOR_IMPACT*Bladelogic custom patch impact
VENDOR_NAME*Vendor name
SystemObject > Depot Object > SystemPackageCREATION_TEMPLATE_TYPECreation template type
C_PARTITION_SIZE*Size of the C partition
SYSTEM_PACKAGE_TYPE*System package type
SystemObject > Depot Object > Virtual Guest PackageCUSTOMIZE_GUEST_OS*True if the guest OS is customized
EXECUTE_POST_VM_CREATION_JOB*True if post VM creation job to be executed
IS_VM_CONFIG_FILE_DATASTORE_CLUSTER*True if the datastore to store VM config file is of type cluster
POST_VM_CREATION_BATCH_JOB*Batch job to be run post VM creation
POWER_ON_VM*True if VM to be power on after creation
VC_CONTAINER*Name of VC server
VGP_GUEST_OS_ID*Virtual Guest Package Guest Operating System ID
VGP_GUEST_OS_VERSION_ID*Virtual Guest Package Guest Operating System Version ID
VGP_MEMORY_IN_MB*Virtual Guest Package Memory In MB
VGP_NO_OF_PROCESSORS*Virtual Guest Package Number of Processors
VGP_TYPE_ID*Virtual Guest Package Type ID
VMWARE_VM_TEMPLATE*Name of the temaplate > VM used to create VGP
VM_CLONED_DISK_FORMAT*Format of the VM cloned disk
VM_CONFIG_FILE_DATASTORE*Name of the datastore to store VM config file
VM_DISK_CONFIGURATION*Disk configuration details for VM
VM_FOLDER_PATH*Path Of the folder On VCenter where VM to be stored
VM_NAME*Name Of the VM
VM_NETWORK_CONNECTIONS*VM network connection list
VM_OS_CUSTOM_CONFIGURATION*OS related custom configuration details for VM
WAIT_FOR_POST_BATCH_JOB*True if process should wait for batch job to complete
SystemObject > Depot Object > Virtual Guest Package BaseVGPACKAGE_TYPE_ID*Virtual Guest Package Type ID
SystemObject > Depot Object > Virtual Guest Package Base > Virtual Guest Package LPARVGP_GUEST_ENVIRONMENT*Virtual Guest Package Guest Environment
SystemObject > DeviceMAC_ADDRESSThe MAC Address of the device
PM_STATE*Status of the device (imported > provisioned)
SystemObject > Device > JumpStart DeviceARCHITECTUREThe JumpStart device architecture
SystemObject > Device > Jumpstartx86DeviceARCHITECTUREThe JumpStart x86 device architecture
SystemObject > Device > NIMDeviceCABLE_TYPEThe cable type of the ethernet adapter
NETBOOT_KERNELThe kernel type (up > mp) of the client
NET_SETTINGSThe speed and duplex settings of the ethernet adapter
PLATFORMHardware platform of the machine
SystemObject > Device > PXE DeviceARCHITECTUREThe PXE device architecture (x86 > x64)
SERIAL_NUMBERThe serial number of the PXE device
SystemObject > Device > PXE Device > IDRAC DeviceIDRAC_HOST*IDRAC hostname or Ipaddresss
SystemObject > JobDEBUG_MODE_ENABLED*Debug Mode Enabled
DEPOT_OBJECT*Job Depot Object
EXECUTION_ROLEThe default role for job execution
EXECUTION_USERThe default user for job execution
IS_COMPONENT_SPECIFIED*Is Component Specified?
IS_SCHEDULEDIs the job scheduled
IS_SERVER_SPECIFIED*Is Server Specified?
IS_TARGETS_MODIFIED*Is Targets Modified?
JOB_PART_TIMEOUTNumber of minutes the job part > work item should run before it is automatically cancelled
JOB_RESULT_PROPERTY_NAME*The property name of the property that will keep the job result
JOB_TIMEOUTNumber of minutes the job should run before it is automatically cancelled
MAX_PARALLEL_PER_VM_HOST*The Maximum number of parallel work items processed per Virtual Machine host
PARALLEL_PROCS*The Parallel Procs
PRIORITY*Job Priority
RESULTS_RETENTION_TIMEThe number of days to retain old job runs and job results for the job
TARGET_COMPONENTS*Job Target Components
TARGET_COMPONENT_SMART_GROUPS*Job Target Component Smart Groups
TARGET_COMPONENT_STATIC_GROUPS*Job Target Component Static Groups
TARGET_SERVERS*Job Target Servers
TARGET_SERVER_SMART_GROUPS*Job Target Server Smart Groups
TARGET_SERVER_STATIC_GROUPS*Job Target Server Static Groups
SystemObject > Job Depot Object AssocASSOCIATION_TYPE*Association Type
SystemObject > Job Depot Object Group AssocASSOCIATION_TYPE*Association Type
SystemObject > Job Log ItemCOMPONENT*Component
EVENT_TYPE_ID*Event type id
SystemObject > Job Log Item > Deploy Log ItemITEM_ID*Item ID
SystemObject > Job ResultJOB_RESULT_COMPONENTS*Job Result Components
JOB_RUNObjectId of parent JobRun
OBJECT_TYPEThe Object type of Job Result
SystemObject > Job Result ComponentBATCH_JOB_RUN*Associated Batch Job run
COMPONENTAssociated component
EXIT_CODE*Exit code
HAD_ERRORSHad errors
HAD_WARNINGSHad warnings
IS_ATTEMPTEDIs attempted
JOB_RESULTAssociated job result
PROGRESS_STATUSProgress status
REQUIRES_REBOOTRequires reboot
SystemObject > Job Result DeviceBATCH_JOB_RUN*Associated Batch Job run
DEVICEAssociated device
ERROR_CODE*Error code
EXIT_CODE*Exit code
HAD_ERRORSHad errors
HAD_WARNINGSHad warnings
IS_ATTEMPTEDIs attempted
JOB_RESULTAssociated job result
PROGRESS_STATUSProgress status
REQUIRES_REBOOTRequires reboot
SystemObject > Job RunEND_TIMEEnd Time
HAD_ERRORSTrue, if the job run had errors. False otherwise.
HAD_WARNINGSTrue, if the job run had warnings. False otherwise.
IS_ABORTEDTrue, if the job run has been aborted. False otherwise.
IS_CANCELLEDTrue, if the job run has been cancelled. False otherwise.
IS_COMPLETEDTrue, if the job run has been completed. False otherwise.
IS_INCOMPLETETrue, if the job run is incomplete. False otherwise.
IS_RESETTrue, if the job run has been reset. False otherwise.
IS_RUNNINGTrue, if the job run is running. False otherwise.
JOBObjectId of parent Job
JOB_NAMEThe Job name.
PRIORITY*Job Priority
REQUIRES_REBOOTSTrue, if the job requires a reboot. False otherwise.
TRANSACTION_ID*The id of the transaction under which the job run executed
SystemObject > Job ScheduleAPPROVAL_REQUEST*Approval Request
DAYS_OF_WEEK*Days of Week
DAY_OF_MONTH*Day of Month
IS_LIST_FAILED_SERVERS*whether to list failed servers in notification
JOB*Scheduled Job Instance
JOB_PRIORITY*Job priority
ONCE_DATE_TIME*Once date time
WEEK_OF_MONTH*Week of Month
SystemObject > Job > Audit JobCOMPONENT_TEMPLATE*Audit Job Component Template
MASTER*Audit Job Master Components
SystemObject > Job > Batch JobIS_CONTINUE_ON_ERROR*True, if job execution to be continued on error. False otherwise.
IS_EXECUTE_PARALLEL*True, if job execution is in parallel.
IS_EXECUTE_SEQUENTIALLY*True, if job execution is in sequence.
IS_OVERRIDEN_SERVERS*True, if server are overriden. False otherwise.
ROLLING_SERVER_NUMBER*Maximum number of server on which job can run at same time.
SystemObject > Job > Compliance JobCOMPONENT_TEMPLATE*Job Component Template
DEPLOY_OPTIONS_INSTANCE_FOR_REMEDIATIONDeploy job options for remediation
IGNORE_DATA_ERROR*True if asset data collection error need to be ignored, default value is false
SystemObject > Job > Deploy JobCOMMIT_MAX_PARALLEL_TARGETS*Maximum number of targets that can be executed against in Commit phase
DEPLOY_JOB_NSH_CMD_TIMEOUTNumber of seconds that an NSH command should run before it is automatically cancelled
DEPLOY_JOB_URL_COPY_TIMEOUTNumber of seconds that an URL copy command should run before it is automatically cancelled
DEPLOY_TYPE*Type of Deploy Job
SIMULATE_MAX_PARALLEL_TARGETS*Maximum number of targets that can be executed against in Simulate phase
STAGING_MAX_PARALLEL_TARGETS*Maximum number of targets that can be executed against in Staging phase
UNDO_MAX_PARALLEL_TARGETS*Maximum number of targets that can be executed against in Undo phase
SystemObject > Job > Deregister Configuration Objects JobUSE_ALL_VERSIONSShould the job use all versions of the asset classes
SystemObject > Job > Distribute Configuration Objects JobUSE_LATEST_CLASSESShould the job use the latest version of the asset classes
SystemObject > Job > File Deploy JobDEST_FILE_PATH*Destination for file deploy job
SOURCE_FILE_PATH*Source file path list
SystemObject > Job > NSH Script JobNSHSCRIPT_JOB_PARAM_RUNTIME_OPTIONS*NSH Script Job Paramater Runtime Options
SystemObject > Job > PATCHING JOBPATCH_CATALOG*Patch Catalog associated with patching job
PATCH_DEPOT_OBJECTS*Patching Job Depot objects
PATCH_SMART_GROUPS*Patching Job Smart Groups
SystemObject > Job > PATCHING JOB > AixPatchingJobAIX_ANALYSIS_MODE*Aix Patch Analysis mode
AIX_ANALYSIS_OPTION*Aix Patch Analysis option
SystemObject > Job > PATCHING JOB > OtherLinuxPatchingJobOTHER_LINUX_ANALYSIS_OPTION*Other linux Patch Analysis option
OTHER_LINUX_ANALYSIS_TYPE*Other linux Patch Analysis Type
SystemObject > Job > PATCHING JOB > RedHatPatchingJobREDHAT_ANALYSIS_OPTION*Redhat Patch Analysis option
YUM_CONF*Redhat Patch Analysis Yum Conf
SystemObject > Job > PATCHING JOB > SolarisPatchingJobSOLARIS_ANALYSIS_OPTION*Solaris Patch Analysis option
SystemObject > Job > PATCHING JOB > UbuntuPatchingJobDEBIAN_ANALYSIS_MODE*Debian Patch Analysis mode
SystemObject > Job > PATCHING JOB > WindowsPatchingJobEXCLUDE_SERVICE_PACKS*Windows Patch Analysis option for Exclude Service Packs
WINDOWS_ANALYSIS_OPTION*Windows Patch Analysis option
SystemObject > Job > Patch Analysis JobDEPLOY_OPTIONS_INSTANCE_FOR_REMEDIATIONDeploy job options for remediation
SystemObject > Job > Snapshot JobCOMPONENT_TEMPLATE*Snapshot Job Component Template
POLICY_MODE*Policy mode
USE_FOR_SERVICE_CONTEXT*Determines whether the Change Details captured by this instance of the Job would be used by Service Context
SystemObject > Job > Virtual Guest JobJOB_VIRTUAL_GUEST_PACKAGE*Virtual Guest Package associated with job
VGJ_TARGET_INTERNAL_NAME*Internal name for Virtual guest job target
VGJ_TARGET_NAME*Name of Virtual guest job target
VGJ_TARGET_TYPE*Type of Virtual guest job target
SystemObject > LdapConnectionURLURL of the LDAP connection
SystemObject > LdapQueryBASE_DN*Base distinguished name of the LDAP query
LDAP_ATTRIBUTE*Attribute to be retrieved in the LDAP query
LDAP_FILTER*Filter to be used for the LDAP query
SEARCH_SCOPE*Search scope of the LDAP query
SystemObject > LifecycleCREATED_DATEThe creation date of server.
CREATION_CHANGE_REQUEST_IDThe change request identifier associated with the server creation.
CREATION_SERVICE_REQUEST_IDThe service request identifier associated with the server creation.
CREATION_TASK_IDThe task identifier associated with the server creation.
EXPIRY_DATEThe date when the server is supposed to expire (or lease lapses).
LOCATIONThe location of server.
OWNERThe owner of the server.
RECONCILIATION_IDThe reconciliation identifier from CMDB.
SOURCE_DEPOT_OBJECTThe property set instance of the depot object used for creating this server.
SystemObject > NSH Script Job Param Runtime OptionsIS_SKIP_FLAG*NSH Parameter Skip Flage
IS_SKIP_VALUE*NSH Parameter Skip Value
SystemObject > NSH Script Job Param ValueNSHSCRIPT_PARAMETER*NSH Script Parameters
PARAMETER_VALUE*Value of a single parameter for command line for a script
SystemObject > NSH Script ParameterCOMMAND_ARGUMENTCommand argument
DEFAULT_VALUEDefault value for a parameter argument
PARAMETER_FLAGSparameter flags
PARAMETER_NAMEName of a single parameter for command line for a script
SystemObject > PatchCVE_IDENTIFIERSCVE identifiers of the patch
DEPLOY_URL_TYPEPatch deploy url type
DISABLEDDisabled patch
IMPACTImpact of the patch (critical, moderate..)
MAX_PACKAGE_SIZEMaximum Package Size
NETWORK_PAYLOAD_LOCATIONPatch network payload location
OBSOLETETrue if the patch is obsolete, otherwise false
OSThe operating system for this patch
PATCH_LANGUAGEPatch language
PAYLOAD_LOCATIONPatch payload location
PLATFORMThe processor architecture for this particular patch
PREREQUISITESUUIDs of all other patches that are required to be installed prior to this patch
PRODUCTProduct this patch applies to
REBOOT_TYPEReboot options for this patch - Needs reboot, auto rebbot etc
RELEASE_DATEDate when the patch was released to the public
SECURITYTrue if the patch is security related, otherwise false
SUBSCRIPTIONSNames of subscriptions this patch is member of
SUPERSEDESUUIDs of other patches that supersede this patch
UUIDGlobally unique identifier for a the patch
VENDORVendor name for this patch (Microsoft, Adobe, IBM, Sun, etc).
VENDOR_IDENTIFIERVendor identifier of this patch
WITHDRAWNWithdrwan or obsolete patch
SystemObject > Patch Analysis Detail ResultCONTAINER*The Patch Container
JOB_RESULT*Analysis Job Result
SERVER*The target Server
SEVERITY*Severity of patch
STATUS*Status of patch
SystemObject > Patch Download Result DataJOB_RESULT*Job Result
PATCH_NAME*Name of Patch Software
SystemObject > Patch Download resultJOB_RESULT*Job Result
TOTAL_COUNT*Count of patches
SystemObject > Patch Remediation Job ResultDEPLOY_BATCH_JOBRUN*Patch Remediation Batch Job Run
DEPLOY_JOB_COUNT*Count of Deploy Jobs
DOWNLOAD_JOBRUN*Patch Remediation Download Job Run
JOB*Patch Remediation Batch Job
SERVER_COUNT*Count of Servers
SystemObject > Patch > AIX PatchAIX_SECURITYSecurity related
APPLICABLE_COMP_IDApplicable component id
FILESET_IDFileset id
FIXED_COMP_IDFixed component id
INCLUDED_IN_MAINT_LEVELIncluded in this maintenenace level
MAINTENANCE_LEVELIs this patch represent a maintenance level
REF_NUMBERReference number
SPL_AWARENESSSpecial awareness
SystemObject > Patch > HP-UX PatchBUNDLEPatch bundle
CATEGORY_TAGSCategory tags
EQUIVALENT_PATCHESEquivalent patches
REQUIREDRequired patch
USER_MODESingle user mode or multi user mode deployment
SystemObject > Patch > Redhat PatchINCLUDED_IN_UPDATEIncluded in update
SECURITY_LEVELSecurity level
TYPEType of the patch
UPDATE_LEVELUpdate level
SystemObject > Patch > SUSE PatchSPService Pack
SystemObject > Patch > Solaris PatchCLUSTERCluster patch
RECOMMENDEDRecommended by vendor
USER_MODESingle user mode
VERSIONVersion of the patch
SystemObject > Patch > Windows PatchBULLETIN_IDBulletin Number
INCLUDED_IN_SPIncluded in service pack
MIN_SPMinimum service pack
SEVERITY_RATINGMaximum severity rating
SPService Pack
USER_RECOMMENDATIONUser recommendation
SystemObject > Patching Job Result AssocANALYSIS_JOBRUN*Patch Analysis Job Run
JOBRUN*Patching Job Run
REMEDIATION_JOBRUN*Patch Auto-remediation Job Run
SystemObject > Proxy ServerHOSTNAMEProxy Server Hostname
PASSWORDPassword for user authentication
PORTProxy Server Port
RESOLVES_HOSTNAMETrue indicates the proxy resolves hostnames
USERNAMEUsername for authentication
SystemObject > ROLEAUTHS*BL Auths
AUTH_PROFILES*BL Auth profiles
MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_RUNTIME_JOB_PRIORITY*Maximum allowed runtime job priority
TENANT_NAME*Tenant name for the role
USERS*List of Users
SystemObject > RbacAce > BlAceBL_AUTHAuthorization
SystemObject > Repeater ServerHOSTNAMERepeater Server Hostname
MAXCACHESIZERepeater Server Max Cache Size
STAGINGDIRRepeater Server Staging Dir
SystemObject > Routing PolicyCURRENT_ROLEThe name of the current role
SESSION_TYPEThe type of session (job or client)
SystemObject > Routing Policy > Job Routing PolicyJOBThe job object
SystemObject > Routing Policy > Net Proxy Routing PolicyTARGET*The target Server
SystemObject > Routing Policy > Remote Host Authentication Routing PolicyTARGET*The target remote host authentication
SystemObject > Routing Policy > Repeater Routing PolicyTARGETThe target repeater
SystemObject > SERVERAGENT_BUILD_VERSION*Agent Build Version
AGENT_STATUSStatus of the agent (alive > not-responding > not licensed > not installed)
BUILD_ENVIRONMENTThe build environment for the agent installed on this machine
CUSTOMERCustomer to Which Server Belongs
CUSTOM_OBJECTS_ENVIRONMENT*Environment variables for Custom Objects Runtime on the Agent side
DEPLOYNAMEdeploy name (package name)
DEPLOYPATHFull path to deploy package directory on agent
DEPLOY_ALLOW_NFS_DURING_SUMIndicates whether NFS is allowed in Single-User Mode during deploy
FQ_HOSTFully Qualified Hostname
HOSTServer Hostname
HOSTIP_BITSIP address represented as bits
IS_DEPLOYABLEIndicates whether the server can have a deploy job run on the device (TRUE > FALSE)
IS_LOCKED*Indicates whether the server is locked for any other job to be executed due to an existing system activity like running of an agent installer job (TRUE > FALSE)
IS_ONLINEDecides whether the server is available (TRUE > FALSE)
IS_REPEATERAvailable as a BladeLogic Repeater (TRUE > FALSE)
IS_SOLARIS_LIVE_UPGRADE*Indicates whether the Live Upgrade is applicable(TRUE > FALSE)
IS_VIRTUAL*Indicates if this is a virtual server, such as, a VMware Virtual Machine or Solaris non-global zone
LIFECYCLE*The life-cycle data associated with the server.
MS_OFFICE_INSTALL_LOCATIONUNC path to the MS-Office Installation Media for deploying patches
MS_OFFICE_INSTALL_PWDPassword that will be used corresponding to the username specified in the MS_OFFICE_INSTALL_USERNAME property
MS_OFFICE_INSTALL_USERNAMEUsername that will be used to connect to the UNC path containing MS-Office installble media for deploying patches
OSOperating System
OS_ENUMERATED_VALUE*Enumerated blvalue for OS
OS_PATCHLEVELOperating System Patch Level
OS_PLATFORMOperating System Platform
OS_RELEASEOperating System Release
OS_VENDOROperating System Vendor
OS_VERSIONOperating System Version
PATCHING_ENV*Patching environment for Server(Active > AIX-Multibos > AIX-Alt-disk)
PATCHING_ENV_NAME*The name of patching env for Server.
PATCHING_TOOL*The default patching tool used on this OS type
PATCHING_TOOL_INSTALL_LOCATION*The default patching tool install location to be used on this Server
PUSH_ACL_NO_USERS_FLAGPush acl sends nousers flag to agent (TRUE > FALSE)
RECONCILIATION_IDENTITY*Reconciliation Identity populated from CMDB by Atrium Import Job
REPEATER_MAX_CACHE_SIZEMax Cache Size in KB that BladeLogic is allowed to use if Host is a Repeater
REPEATER_NAMEBladeLogic Repeater Hostname
REPEATER_STAGING_DIRStaging Directory if Host is a Repeater
ROLLBACKPATHFull path to rollback directory on agent
RSCD_DIRBladeLogic RSCD Agent Installation Directory
RSCD_VERSIONBladeLogic RSCD Agent Version
SERVER_CONTAINER_TYPEType of software container if enabled on this server
SOLARIS_ALTERNATIVE_BOOT_ENV*Alternative Boot Environment
STAGING_DIRStaging directory on target server
STATEState of the Server(Not-Enrolled > Enrolled > Decommisioned)
SYSTEMROOTValue of SystemRoot Environment Variable (Windows Only)
TEMPLATES*Templates that have one or more components on this server
TRANSACTIONS_DIRThe Transactions directory on target server
VIRTUALIZATION*The virtualization capabilities of the server.
VIRTUALIZATION_MANAGER_TYPE*The virtualization manager type of the server.
VM_HOSTThe host server this VM belongs to
VM_WS_PWDThe web service authentication pwd for the ESX server
VM_WS_URLThe web service URL for the ESX server
VM_WS_USERNAMEThe web service authentication Username for the ESX server
WINDIRValue of WinDir Environment Variable (Windows Only)
SystemObject > SERVER > Agentless Managed ObjectAGENTLESS_MANAGED_OBJECT_ICON_FILE*The agentless managed object icon file name.
AGENTLESS_MANAGED_OBJECT_PROXY_HOST*The agentless managed object proxy host.
SystemObject > Smart GroupGROUP_SMART*Group (Smart Group) that this object belongs
IS_USED_IN_REPORTS*True if used for reports.
SystemObject > SnapshotBATCH_JOB_RUN*Associated Batch Job run
COMPONENTThe Component that this is data for.
COMPONENT_VERSIONThe Component version that this is data for.
IS_CHANGES_DETECTED*True if the snapshot job detected changes.
IS_FAILED*True if the snapshot job faild.
IS_NOT_ATTEMPTED*True if not attempted.
JOB_RUNThe job run that this is data for.
SystemObject > SnapshotChangeTrackingByServerJOB_RUNThe job run that this is change tracking data for.
SystemObject > Static GroupIS_USED_IN_REPORTS*True if used for reports.
PATH*Fully qualified path
SystemObject > Static Group > Abstract depot group > AIXPatchCatalogLAST_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL*whether the last catalog update was successful
UPDATED_WITH_LATEST_FILTER*whether the catalog is updated with latest filter
USABLE*whether the catalog is usable
SystemObject > Static Group > Abstract depot group > OtherLinuxPatchCataloLAST_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL*whether the last catalog update was successful
TYPE*Catalog type
UPDATED_WITH_LATEST_FILTER*whether the catalog is updated with latest filter
USABLE*whether the catalog is usable
SystemObject > Static Group > Abstract depot group > RedhatPatchCatalogLAST_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL*whether the last catalog update was successful
UPDATED_WITH_LATEST_FILTER*whether the catalog is updated with latest filter
USABLE*whether the catalog is usable
SystemObject > Static Group > Abstract depot group > RpmLinuxPatchCatalogLAST_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL*whether the last catalog update was successful
UPDATED_WITH_LATEST_FILTER*whether the catalog is updated with latest filter
USABLE*whether the catalog is usable
SystemObject > Static Group > Abstract depot group > SolarisPatchCatalogLAST_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL*whether the last catalog update was successful
UPDATED_WITH_LATEST_FILTER*whether the catalog is updated with latest filter
USABLE*whether the catalog is usable
SystemObject > Static Group > Abstract depot group > UbuntuPatchCatalogLAST_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL*whether the last catalog update was successful
UPDATED_WITH_LATEST_FILTER*whether the catalog is updated with latest filter
USABLE*whether the catalog is usable
SystemObject > Static Group > Abstract depot group > WindowsPatchCatalogLAST_UPDATE_SUCCESSFUL*whether the last catalog update was successful
UPDATED_WITH_LATEST_FILTER*whether the catalog is updated with latest filter
USABLE*whether the catalog is usable
SystemObject > USERDEFAULT_ROLE*Default Role
FAILED_LOGINS*Number of failed logins
IS_AUTO_DISABLE*Can be auto disabled
IS_ENABLED_ADK_AUTH*Is Enabled for ADK authentication
IS_ENABLED_ATRIUM_SSO_AUTH*Is Enabled for Atrium Single Sign-On authentication
IS_ENABLED_LDAP_AUTH*Is Enabled for LDAP authentication
IS_ENABLED_PKI_AUTH*Is Enabled for PKI authentication
IS_ENABLED_SECUR_ID_AUTH*Is Enabled for SecurId authentication
IS_ENABLED_SRP_AUTH*Is Enabled for SRP authentication
IS_PWD_EVER_EXPIRED*Can password expire
IS_SYNCHRONIZABLE*Is synchronizable with an external source
LAST_ACTIVE_DATE*Last active login date
LAST_FAILED_LOGIN_DATE*Last failed login date
LAST_PWD_CHANGE_DATE*Last password change date
ROLES*List of Roles
SystemObject > Virtual Guest Job Run ResultDEPLOY_JOB_RUN*Deploy Job Run
ERROR_CODE*Error code
EXIT_CODE*Exit code
HAD_ERRORS*Had errors
HAD_WARNINGS*Had warnings
LOG_ITEM*Virtual Guest job run Log item
STATUS*job run ststus
TARGET_SERVER*Job Target Server
VIRTUAL_GUEST_JOB_TARGET_KEY*Target Key for Virtual Virtual Guest Job
SystemObject > VirtualizationVIRTUAL_ENTITY_CONNECTIONThe connection information for the Virtual Entity.
VIRTUAL_ENTITY_CONTAINERThe property set instance of the container of the Virtual Entity (e.g., ESX Host, Global Zone).
VIRTUAL_ENTITY_GUEST_OS*Guest OS installed on the virtual entity
VIRTUAL_ENTITY_IDThe unique identifier associated with the Virtual Entity (e.g., UUID for a VM or Zone).
VIRTUAL_ENTITY_MANAGERThe property set instance of the manager of the Virtual Entity (e.g., Virtual Center, ESX Host, Global Zone).
VIRTUAL_ENTITY_MEMORY_IN_MB*Memory allocated for the virtual entity
VIRTUAL_ENTITY_NO_OF_CPUS*CPU allocated for the virtual entity
VIRTUAL_ENTITY_RESOURCE_POOL*Resource Pool to which the Virtual Entity is associated with
VIRTUAL_ENTITY_TYPEThe type of Virtual Entity (e.g., HMC, VirtualCenter, ESX Host, Global Zone, Frame, VM, Zone, LPAR).
VMWARE_CLUSTER*Cluster at which the Virtual Entity is associated with
VMWARE_DATASTORE*Datastore at which the Virtual Entity is associated with
VMWARE_TOOLS_STATUS*Specifies if VMware tools has been installed on the Virtual Entity

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