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The Configuration Details wizard panel lets you specify information for an image for booting a target server from local media (CD-ROM, DVD, USB flash drive, iLO, DRAC). Provide information only if you creating an ISO or UFD image.

The following figure shows the Configuration Details wizard panel.

Field definitions

Network Details

(Optional) Specifies the path to the network.ini file. This file contains the MAC address of each target server and its network details (static IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, WINS server, and DNS servers). Specify this file if the provisioning environment does not contain a DHCP server.
Click Browse to select the network.ini file.
If you select a network.ini file, the image creation process copies the file to the root of the WinPE ISO image or UFD directory, depending on the image types you selected.
If you do not specify a network.ini file during image creation, you can:

  • Manually copy the network.ini file to the root directory of the media (CD, DVD, USB) you use for local provisioning of the server.
  • Provide network details during the provisioning of the target server. Use this option if your provisioning environment does not include a DHCP server.

    When you run the Provision Job, it searches for the network.ini file at the root of the local media. If the file is not present there, the job allows the DHCP server to provide network details dynamically. If no DHCP server is present, the job prompts you for those details.

Application Server IP Address

Specifies the IP address of the Application Server with which the target server communicates.

Application Server Port

Specifies the port that the target server uses to communicate with the Application Server.

Configuration Components for Local Data Store

Specifies the location to which these components (bmiwin.exe, RSCD Agent installer, and operating system drivers) are copied on local media. Select either of the following:

  • Copy to root of ISO/UFD: Copies configuration components to the root of ISO image or UFD directory on the media.
  • Copy to WinPE image: Copies configuration components to a pre-defined directory (LDS) in the WinPE image.

    The copy option you select becomes the value of the CONFIG_STORE property. You can set the value of the CONFIG_STORE property in Local Properties when you create a system package.


Specifies the path to the bmiwin.exe file to copy the local media. For example: D:\DataStore\bmiwin.exe. Type the path (including the file name) or click Browse to select the file.

RSCD Installer Path

Specifies the path to the RSCD agent installer files to copy to the local media. For example: D:\DataStore\RSCD\rscd_76_x86. Type the path or click Browse to select the directory.

OS Drivers Path

Specifies the path to the operating system driver files you want to copy to the local media. For example: D:\DataStore\Drivers. Type the path or click Browse to select the directory.


If you are using the DHCP server to assign IP addresses (not the network.ini file) and the server fails to assign the network details due to slow initialization of network cards on the target machine, edit the BLAssignNetDetails.vbs file and increase the ATTEMPTS and DELAY values to allow for initialization time. For example, you might increase ATTEMPTS from 2 (the default) to 5 and DELAY from 10 (the default) to 30.
The BLAssignNetDetails.vbs file resides in the /provisioning/winpe subdirectory you created by unzipping the file.