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Patch 5 is now available for Release Process Management (RPM) version 5.0.03. This patch includes enhancements. 


This patch includes the following enhancements.

Support for global request templates

With this release, you can mark request templates as global. All the users in the system can create requests using these global templates. You can mark a template global either while creating the template or after creating it. 

In addition, when creating a request from a new or an existing template (whether global or not), you can select the application to which you want to assign the request. Applications are available for selection based on the access permissions. For more information, see Managing request templates.

To mark a template as global using REST API, see the PUT and POST methods on REST request templates

Defining dependency for a step

With this release, you can define dependency for a step. A step can be dependent on a request or a specific step of a request. If a step is dependent on a request, the step will not execute unless all the steps of the request are executed. You can define this dependency only if you have the View Deployment Dependency Tab permission. For more information about the permission, see Requests permissions.

You can define the dependency for a step on the Dependency tab or while importing a step. To define a dependency using REST API, see the PUT and POST methods on REST steps

Support for logo and banner

Now you can set up any .jpeg, .jpg, png, or .gif image as the logo of your organization in the RPM UI. The logo appears in the upper right corner of the UI. Also, you can add a banner to the Login page to notify users of any important information. For more information, see Setting up logo and banner.

Restrictions on viewing full automation run results

With this release, you can restrict non-root users from viewing the full automation run results for a step. Non-root users can view full results (the script, input parameters for the script, and the script execution results) for a step only if they have the View Full Automation Results permission. Otherwise, they can view only script execution results. For more information, see Viewing automation results.

Enhanced readability of audited changes

The following updates are made to the audited changes:

  • The attributes affected by an operation are formatted to improve readability. Each attribute is displayed on a separate line.
  • For the Update, Enable, and Disable operations, the search_term attribute no longer appears.
  • The Audit notes in the right pane show how to interpret the audited changes.

 For more information about audited changes, see Auditing resources.

Support for Oracle Database 12c R2

This patch supports Oracle Database version 12c R2. For the list of supported databases, see System requirements.

REST API updates

In this patch release, the following updates are made to the REST APIs:

  • Steps: REST API POST (v1, v2) and PUT (v1, v2) methods have been updated to include the following attributes:
    • deployment_dependency
    • dependent_request_id
    • dependent_step_id
  • Request templates: POST (v1) and PUT (v1) methods have been updated to include the following attribute:
    • global

Third-party software support

This version uses the following third-party software: 

WildFly Application Server19.1
AdoptOpenJDK 1.8 update 252
Apache Tomcat web server version
(Used only in case of Requester UI)

Downloading the patch

This patch includes the full installer of RPM. For download instructions, see Downloading the installation files

Applying the patch

You can install this patch as a new product installation. For instructions, see Installing.

If you have any of the following versions of RPM, you can upgrade to this patch. For instructions, see Upgrading.

  • 5.0.02 
  • 5.0.00 
  • 4.8.x


If you upgrade to this patch, the production.rb file (located at RLMhome\releases\productVersion\RPM\portal.war\WEB-INF\config\environments) gets replaced by a new instance of the file. If you have made changes to the production.rb file, ensure that you back up the file, and update the changes to the file after the upgrade. 

Changes due to support for WildFly Application Server 

Support for WildFly Application Server was introduced in RPM version and continues in version If you are upgrading from version or earlier, note these changes.

Feature/ChangeVersion or earlierVersion, more information
Change in the RPM Home Directory<RLMInstallDir>\releases\<versionNo>\RPM<RLMInstallDir>\releases\<versionNo>\RPM\portal.war\WEB-INF-
Automation job concurrency and other product settings moved

Present in the torquebox.yml file

Present in the wildfly.xml filePerformance tuning
Change in the standalone file names


standalone-ha.xml (for clusters)


standalone-full-ha.xml (for clusters)

Change in the location of deployment informationRLMInstallDir/server/jobss/standalone/deployments/RPM-knob.yml contains the deployment information.

This information is now contained in the CURRENT_RPM_PATH environment variable in the <RLMHome>/bin/ file.

Applying hotfix
STOMP Host URLNeeded by Requester UINot needed any more-
Running the rake tasksNeed to be run from the following directory: <RLMInstallDir>\releases\<versionNo>\RPMNeed to be run from the following directory: <RLMInstallationDirectory>\releases\<versionNo>\RPM\portal.war\WEB-INF-

Configuration settings for JBoss and HornetQ

RLMInstallDir/server/jobss/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml RLMInstallDir/server/jobss/standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml (for clusters)Not needed anymore. Settings added to the standalone-full.xml and standalone-full-ha.xml files.Performance tuning

Changes in <RLM_HOME>/bin/, <RLM_HOME>/bin/

A standalone instance does not need binding to the node name and IP address.

  • Contains information about the binding of a standalone instance to the node name and IP address
  • Contains RPM deployment information.

Caution: Do not copy these files from the existing installation. If you have customized these files in the existing installation, make those changes in the upgraded environment again.


Patch 5 is now available for Release Process Management (RPM) version 5.0.03. This patch includes enhancements. 


This patch includes the following enhancements.

Support for global request templates

With this release, you can mark request templates as global. All the users in the system can create requests using these global templates. You can mark a template global either while creating the template or after creating it. 

In addition, when creating a request from a new or an existing template (whether global or not), you can select the application to which you want to assign the request. Applications are available for selection based on the access permissions. For more information, see Managing request templates.

To mark a template as global using REST API, see the PUT and POST methods on REST request templates

Defining dependency for a step

With this release, you can define dependency for a step. A step can be dependent on a request or a specific step of a request. If a step is dependent on a request, the step will not execute unless all the steps of the request are executed. You can define this dependency only if you have the View Deployment Dependency Tab permission. For more information about the permission, see Requests permissions.

You can define the dependency for a step on the Dependency tab or while importing a step. To define a dependency using REST API, see the PUT and POST methods on REST steps

Support for logo and banner

Now you can set up any .jpeg, .jpg, png, or .gif image as the logo of your organization in the RPM UI. The logo appears in the upper right corner of the UI. Also, you can add a banner to the Login page to notify users of any important information. For more information, see Setting up logo and banner.

Restrictions on viewing full automation run results

With this release, you can restrict non-root users from viewing the full automation run results for a step. Non-root users can view full results (the script, input parameters for the script, and the script execution results) for a step only if they have the View Full Automation Results permission. Otherwise, they can view only script execution results. For more information, see Viewing automation results.

Enhanced readability of audited changes

The following updates are made to the audited changes:

  • The attributes affected by an operation are formatted to improve readability. Each attribute is displayed on a separate line.

  • For the Update, Enable, and Disable operations, the search_term attribute no longer appears.
  • The Audit notes in the right pane show how to interpret the audited changes.

 For more information about audited changes, see Auditing resources.

Support for Oracle Database 12c R2

This patch supports Oracle Database version 12c R2. For the list of supported databases, see System requirements.

REST API updates

In this patch release, the following updates are made to the REST APIs:

  • Steps: REST API POST (v1, v2) and PUT (v1, v2) methods have been updated to include the following attributes:
    • deployment_dependency
    • dependent_request_id
    • dependent_step_id
  • Request templates: POST (v1) and PUT (v1) methods have been updated to include the following attribute:
    • global

Third-party software support

This version uses the following third-party software: 

WildFly Application Server19.1
AdoptOpenJDK 1.8 update 252
Apache Tomcat web server version
(Used only in case of Requester UI)

Downloading the patch

This patch includes the full installer of RPM. For download instructions, see Downloading the installation files

Applying the patch

You can install this patch as a new product installation. For instructions, see Installing.

If you have any of the following versions of RPM, you can upgrade to this patch. For instructions, see Upgrading.

  • 5.0.02 
  • 5.0.00 
  • 4.8.x


If you upgrade to this patch, the production.rb file (located at RLMhome\releases\productVersion\RPM\portal.war\WEB-INF\config\environments) gets replaced by a new instance of the file. If you have made changes to the production.rb file, ensure that you back up the file, and update the changes to the file after the upgrade. 

Changes due to support for WildFly Application Server 

Support for WildFly Application Server was introduced in RPM version and continues in version If you are upgrading from version or earlier, note these changes.

Feature/ChangeVersion or earlierVersion, more information
Change in the RPM Home Directory<RLMInstallDir>\releases\<versionNo>\RPM<RLMInstallDir>\releases\<versionNo>\RPM\portal.war\WEB-INF-
Automation job concurrency and other product settings moved

Present in the torquebox.yml file

Present in the wildfly.xml filePerformance tuning
Change in the standalone file names


standalone-ha.xml (for clusters)


standalone-full-ha.xml (for clusters)

Change in the location of deployment informationRLMInstallDir/server/jobss/standalone/deployments/RPM-knob.yml contains the deployment information.

This information is now contained in the CURRENT_RPM_PATH environment variable in the <RLMHome>/bin/ file.

Applying hotfix
STOMP Host URLNeeded by Requester UINot needed any more-
Running the rake tasksNeed to be run from the following directory: <RLMInstallDir>\releases\<versionNo>\RPMNeed to be run from the following directory: <RLMInstallationDirectory>\releases\<versionNo>\RPM\portal.war\WEB-INF-

Configuration settings for JBoss and HornetQ

RLMInstallDir/server/jobss/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml RLMInstallDir/server/jobss/standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml (for clusters)Not needed anymore. Settings added to the standalone-full.xml and standalone-full-ha.xml files.Performance tuning

Changes in <RLM_HOME>/bin/, <RLM_HOME>/bin/

A standalone instance does not need binding to the node name and IP address.

  • Contains information about the binding of a standalone instance to the node name and IP address
  • Contains RPM deployment information.

Caution: Do not copy these files from the existing installation. If you have customized these files in the existing installation, make those changes in the upgraded environment again.
