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This topic contains information about the updates in this service pack and provides instructions for downloading and installing the service pack.


This service pack contains various fixes to BMC Release Process Management (RPM) and the following enhancements:

  • Now, you can relate a request only to one application using REST API. Therefore, the app_ids attribute is changed to app_id (DRZXB-14021). For more information, see REST requests.
  • Request properties are added as a new type of properties that you can use for the application deployment (DRZXB-13942). For more information, see Managing request properties and REST v.2 request properties.
  • To use the Dispatch file put script for SSH, you must define separate properties for the source and target servers (DRZXB-13942). For more information, see SSH properties for RPM in Setting up SSH properties.
  • Now, you can export a request to in the PDF format using REST (DRZXB-15635).
  • You can delete old requests in a batch using the rake tasks (DRZXB-15178).
  • To avoid any errors or the loss of data, you cannot remove a component from an application i f you use this component in a request or request template (DRZXB-12413).
  • Tables in RPM are now grey.
For information about issues corrected in this service pack, see Known and corrected issues. To find the fixed issues for the version, you can sort the issues in the table by the Corrected in column or filter them using the Corrected in box.

Downloading the service pack

For the procedure of downloading RPM, see To download the installation files.

Installing version

For the procedure of installing RPM, see Performing the installation.

Upgrading to version

For the procedure of upgrading to RPM, see Performing the upgrade.

After the upgrade

Refer to Additional actions after the upgrade  for steps that you must complete, depending on the release from which you are upgrading.

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