This documentation supports the 19.02 version of Remedy Deployment.

To view the latest version, select the version from the Product version menu.

Updating Java paths after upgrading Java

If you upgrade to a newer version of Java where you installed Remedy platform and application components, you must update Java paths at the following locations:

  • armonitor.cfg
  • arserver.config
  • produse.config
  • arserverstop.config
  • arconnectconfig.config
  • Microsoft Windows Registry
  • Remedy Developer Studio
  • ARSystemInstalledConfiguration.xml 

After upgrading Java, if you do not update the Java path, you may face some challenges while upgrading from an older version. For example, if you do not update the Java path and upgrade from the version 7.x or 8.x, BMC Atrium Tomcat service is deleted from the services console.  


Java SE 8_u45 and later is supported. Older versions as well as Java 9 and 10 are not supported.

If you are using Java 11, the following JVM parameters are not supported:

  • -XX:+UseParNewGC
  • -XX:+PrintGCDetails

  • -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps
  • -XX:+PrintGCCause

For more information on the supported JVM parameters, see Configuration checklist for Remedy Platform Open link .

Remedy Smart Reporting may not work successfully if the following conditions are true:

  • Java is upgraded to newer version where Remedy Smart Reporting is installed and Tomcat server is not upgraded to the newer version of Java.
  • Remedy Smart Reporting is installed on a stand-alone machine and BMC Remedy ARSystemInstalledConfiguration.xml file is not updated with the newer version java.

For Remedy Smart Reporting to work, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Update Smart Reporting Tomcat server with the newer version of Java.
  2. Update Java home path in ARSystemInstalledConfiguration.xml file


If Remedy Smart Reporting and Remedy AR System are installed on the same machine, when you update the Java path for Remedy AR System in ARSystemInstalledConfiguration.xml file, the updates are applicable for Remedy Smart Reporting also. So, you need not update java path for Remedy Smart Reporting in ARSystemInstalledConfiguration.xml file.

To update Java paths

  1. In armonitor.cfg:
    (Windows): ARSystemServerInstallDir\Conf\armonitor.cfg
    (Linux): /etc/arsystem/serverName/armonitor.conf
    1. On the server where Remedy Action Request System is installed, open the armonitor.cfg file or the armonitor.conf file in a text editor.
    2. Find and replace references to the Java 7 path with the latest Java path.

    3. Update the BMC_JAVA_HOME parameter with the latest Java path.
    4. Save the edited file.

  2. In File Deployer folder:
    (Windows): ARSystemServerInstallDir\midtier\filedeployer\conf\armonitor.cfg
    (Linux): /etc/arsystem/serverName/midtier/filedeployer/armonitor.conf
    1. On the server where Remedy Action Request System is installed, in the filedeployer folder, open the armonitor.cfg file or the armonitor.conf file in a text editor.
    2. Find and replace references to the older Java path with the latest Java path.

    3. Save the edited file.

  3. In arserver.config:
    (Windows): ARSystemServerInstallDir\arserver.config
    (Linux): ARSystemServerInstallDir/bin/arserverd.conf
    1. On the server where Remedy Action Request System is installed, open the arserver.config file or the arserverd.config file in a text editor.
    2. Update the following parameter to the latest bin directory path:<<Latest bin directory path>>

    3. If you are using Java 11, remove the following unsupported JVM parameter:

      • -XX:+UseParNewGC
    4. If you are using Java 11 and do not have Remedy Encryption Performance Security or Remedy Encryption Premium Security installed, you must add the following parameter:
      Where n is the order of the parameter. If you do not add this parameter, SOAP-based HTTPS connections might fail. 
    5. Save  the edited file.

  4. In produse.config:
    (Windows): ARSystemServerInstallDir\produse.config
    (Linux): ARSystemServerInstallDir/bin/produse.config
    1. On the server where Remedy Action Request System is installed, open the produse.config file or the produse file in a text editor.
    2. Update the following parameter to the latest bin directory path:<<Latest bin directory path>>
    3. Save the edited file.

  5. In arserverstop.config:
    (Windows): ARSystemServerInstallDir\arserverstop.config
    (Linux): ARSystemServerInstallDir/bin/arserverstopd.conf
    1. On the server where Remedy Action Request System is installed, open the arserverstop.config file or the arserverstopd.conf file in a text editor.
    2. Update the following parameter to the latest bin directory path:<<Latest bin directory path>>
    3. Save the edited file.

  6. In arconnectconfig.config:
    (Windows): ARSystemServerInstallDir\arconnectconfig.config
    (Linux): ARSystemServerInstallDir/bin/arconnectconfig.config
    1. On the server where Remedy Action Request System is installed, open the arconnectconfig.config file or the arconnectconfig file in a text editor.
    2. Update the following parameter to the latest bin directory path:<<Latest bin directory path>>
    3. Save the edited file.

  7. In pluginsvr_config.xml:
    (Windows): ARSystemServerInstallDir\pluginsvr\pluginsvr_config.xml
    (Linux): ARSystemServerInstallDir/pluginsvr/pluginsvr_config.xml
    1. On the server where Remedy Action Request System is installed, open the pluginsvr_config.xml file in a text editor.
    2. Update the <ftsJavaPath> tag to the latest bin directory path:
        <ftsJavaPath>C:/Program Files/Java/jre1.8.0_101/bin/java</ftsJavaPath>
    3. Save the edited file.

  8. In Microsoft Windows Registry:
    1. Open the Microsoft Windows Registry Editor.
    2. Update Registry reference of JVM Library to the newly installed Java path at the following locations:
      • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services > BMC Remedy Action Request System<server_name> > Parameter 
      • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services > BMC Remedy Email Engine > Parameter 
      • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services > BMC Remedy Flashboards Server > Parameter
      • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services > BMC Remedy MidTier File Deployer > Parameter 
      • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE >WOW6432Node>Apache Software Foundation >Procrun 2.0>BMCSmartReporting>Parameters>Java
      For example, C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_45\bin\server\jvm.dll

  9. In Remedy Developer Studio:
    • Go to Developer Studio Directory and edit devstudio.ini to update the latest Java path. 
      Example: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161\bin\javaw.exe

  10. In Remedy Data Import Tool:
    • Go to Data Import Tool Directory and edit dataimporttool.ini to update the latest Java path. 
      Example: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_161\bin\javaw.exe

  11. Update the ARSystemInstalledConfiguration.xml file to the latest version of Java. During your next upgrade, the installer fetches the value of Java version from the ARSystemInstalledConfiguration.xml file if the Java path is not updated in the installer panel.

    Windows:<install-directory>\BMC Software\ARSystem\ARSystemInstalledConfiguration.xml 


  12. Update Java reference in any batch file that you are using. For example, update EmailStart.bat or to correct Java path.

  13. (Optional) Perform the following steps:

    1. Right-click Computer > Properties > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables.
    2. Under the User variables section, update the Path variable with the latest Java path
    3. Under the System variables section, update the JAVA_HOME variable with the latest Java path.
  14. If you are using Java 11, perform the following steps for successful installation of Remedy Mid Tier:
    1. Navigate to <Apache Tomcat folder>\bin\ and open the tomcat#w.exe file. (# represents the major version number).
    2. On the Tomcat Config panel, click the Java tab and remove the following options from the Java Options field:
      1. -XX:+UseParNewGC
  15. Restart the Remedy AR System server.

To update Remedy Mid Tier Tomcat server with the newer version of Java

  1. Stop the Remedy Mid Tier Tomcat Service.
  2. Navigate to <Apache Tomcat folder>\bin\ and open the tomcat#w.exe file. (# represents the major version number).
  3. On the Tomcat Config panel, under the Java tab, select new path for Java Virtual Machine.

  4. Start the Remedy Mid Tier Tomcat Service.

To update Smart Reporting Tomcat server with the newer version of Java

  1. Stop BMC Smart Reporting Tomcat Service. 
  2. On the Command line interface (CLI), navigate to <SmartReportingInstallDir>/appserver/bin and type the command tomcat#w.exe //ES/BMCSmartReporting.
    (# represents the Tomcat version installed on your computer)

  3. Press Enter.
  4. In the BMC Smart Reporting Properties window, under the Java tab, select new path for Java Virtual Machine. 

  5. Start the BMC Smart Reporting Tomcat Service.

To update the binaries for Remedy Encryption Security

If you are using Remedy Encryption Security, you must update the binary files located under the new Java path.

  1. Stop the Tomcat service on the machine on which your non-Remedy application is installed. The term non-Remedy application refers to the third party or user applications that use the Remedy AR System API to communicate with the AR System servers.
  2. Navigate to the <JRE_HOME>/lib/security/ folder and perform the following steps to back up the existing Java files that are being used by the non-Remedy application:
    1. Rename to
    2. Rename local_policy.jar to local_policy.jar.backup
    3. Rename US_export_policy.jar to US_export_policy.jar.backup.
  3. From your Remedy Mid Tier server that is already encryption enabled, copy the following files to your JRE folder on the non-Remedy machine:
    2. local_policy.jar
    3. US_export_policy.jar
  4. Start the Tomcat service on the computer where non-BMC application is installed.

To update the Java home path in the Linux environment

You must update the Java home path in the following files for Linux environment:

  • armonitor.conf
  • arserverd.conf
  • pluginsvr_config.xml

To update Java home path in ARSystemInstalledConfiguration.xml file for Remedy Smart Reporting on a stand-alone machine

  1. Navigate to <install-directory>\BMC Software\ARSystem\ARSystemInstalledConfiguration.xml. 
  2. Update Java Home Path property value in XML with newer version Java and Save.


      <name>BMC_JAVA_JRE_<<64 or 32>>_BIT_HOME_PATH</name> 

      <value>C:\Program Files\Java\jre<<new java version>></value>


To update Remedy Single Sign-On server with the newer version of Java

To update the Java version of your Remedy Single Sign-On (RSSO) server, you must perform the steps mentioned in the knowledge article on BMC Communities Remedy Single Sign On - Procedure for upgrading Java for RSSO Open link .

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  1. Michael Ziniti

    Please update the section for Registry Updates to include the below, which I had to do in order to get the MT File Deployer working:

    Update Registry reference of JVM Library to the newly installed Java path at the following locations: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services > BMC Remedy MidTier File Deployer > Parameter

    Jul 09, 2019 11:15
    1. Himanshu Raul

      Hi Michael,

      Thank you for your feedback on the documentation. We have updated the topic.



      Jul 18, 2019 04:38
  2. Joachim Latzko

    Hi! Can you please add a section for the Atrium Core Webservices tomcat. Just changing the JRE_HOME or JAVA_HOME Environment variable results in a not working tomcat. The tomcat does not start due to the incompatible java.endorsed.dirs parameter.

    Aug 13, 2019 04:13
    1. Himanshu Raul

      Hi Joachim,

      Thank you for your feedback on the documentation. We are working on your query about adding a section for Atrium Core Webservices Tomcat and we will get back to you.



      Aug 27, 2019 05:14
      1. Joachim Latzko

        Thanks. I hope the documentation will be updated soon ;-)

        Oct 17, 2019 03:11
        1. Himanshu Raul

          Hi Joachim,

          Thank you for your feedback on the documentation. For this particular issue, please see the knowledge article -  Unable to start Atrium Web Services Tomcat after upgrading Java Open link  by BMC Support.



          Jun 29, 2020 12:06
  3. Andreas Berner

    Hello! I have checked different Linux environments (SuSe and RedHat) with AR versions 19.02 and 20.02. There I found the following differences in the "To update Java paths" section:

    Step 4 (Linux / produse.conf) - produse.conf does not exist on Linux systems, only the produse.config file is there. Step 5 (Linux / arserverstoped) - there is a typing error. The name should be arserverstopd. - documentation sais to update "" in the file but this parameter is only available in the "arserverstop.conf" file (which is available, but missing in this documentation) Step 6 (Linux / arconnectconfig) - documentation sais to update "" in the arconnectconfig file, but this parameter is only available in the arconnectconfig.config file

    Can you please check my comments and update the guide if necessary? Thanks!

    By the way I could not find anything regarding the function of the arconnectconfig tool. Is there some description?

    May 19, 2020 07:38
    1. Himanshu Raul

      Hi Andreas,

      Thank you for your feedback on the documentation. We are working on your query and will get back to you.



      May 22, 2020 12:10
    1. Himanshu Raul

      Hi Andreas,

      Thank you for your feedback on the documentation. We have updated the topic with the correct filenames.

      We are working on adding information regarding the arconnectconfig tool.



      Jun 19, 2020 12:20
  4. Priya Balakrishnan


    The path is incorrect for In pluginsvr_config.xml: (Linux): ARSystemServerInstallDir/bin/pluginsvr/pluginsvr_config.xml Correct path-->ARSystemServerInstallDir/pluginsvr/pluginsvr_config.xml

    Jul 19, 2020 11:47
    1. Priya Balakrishnan

      Additionionally file name is incorrect for In arserverstop.config: (Linux): ARSystemServerInstallDir/bin/arserverstop.config

      It should be arserverstopd.conf

      Jul 19, 2020 11:49
      1. Himanshu Raul

        Hi Priya,

        Thank you for your feedback on the documentation. We have updated the topic.



        Jul 20, 2020 01:41