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The PATROL Configuration Manager CLI processes a script file that contains commands regarding RuleSets.

To configure an Azure account using the PATROL Configuration Manager RuleSets, you must set the values for the pconfig variables in the pafrulesets.cfg file. After modifying the file, you can apply those changes to configured PATROL Agent using the PATROL Configuration Manager CLI. For a list of configuration variables, see PATROL Agent configuration variables for Windows Azure.

BMC PATROL for Windows Azure creates the pafrulesets.cfg file at the following location:

  • (UNIX) $PATROL_HOME/../paf/rulesets
  • (Windows) %PATROL_HOME%\paf\rulesets

When you apply RuleSets to the configured PATROL Agent, the PATROL Agent automatically configures all the accounts for which the RuleSets have been created.

Copy the pafrulesets.cfg file to any directory under the %BMC_ROOT%/pconfmgr/rulesets directory and use the following command to apply the RuleSets:

  • (Windows) pcm.cmd -f scriptFileName
  • (UNIX) -f scriptFileName

The scriptFileName variable represents the script file that contains commands to be executed for applying RuleSets. For example, to apply RuleSets, enter the following command in the script file:

apply -a agentName RuleSetsFileName

The RuleSetFileName variable represents the name of the RuleSets file.


In the preceding command:

  • Specify the path as relative to the RuleSets directory.
  • Do not add the extension while specifying the file name.

For more information about the commands and options that can be used in a script file, see the PATROL Configuration Manager User Guide at PDF product guides.