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The Workspaces panel provides the capability to sort and filter listed search queries in various ways. This capability enables you to access the most important search queries depending on past behavior. It also helps you narrow down your analysis to focus on certain kinds of search queries.

You can sort search queries in the following ways:

  • Ascending and descending order
  • Depending on the date and time when the search query was actually executed (created)
  • Depending on the number of times when the search query was modified
  • Depending on the number of times when the search query was accessed

You can also filter search queries in the following ways:

  • Show queries marked with a star
  • Show queries not marked with a star
  • Filter notes added to the workspace

This topic contains the following information:

Sorting search queries

  1. Click the Search tab.
  2. To sort search queries, perform one of the following actions:
    • At the top of the Workspaces panel, click Sort  and select one of the following options to sort queries, depending on the way they were created, accessed, or modified:

      • (Default) Date Created: Lists search queries in the order in which they were run from the search bar. By default, all queries are listed in descending order.

      • Date Modified: Lists search queries depending on the number of times the attributes of the search query were modified. Changing the attributes of a search queries means that a search query that was marked with a star has had the star removed, or that a note was added to the search query. In this kind of sorting, time is an important condition to display search queries.
      • Most Accessed: Lists search queries depending on the number of times the search queries were run or the number of times some attributes of the search query were modified. In this kind of sorting, count is an important condition to display search queries.
    • At the top of the Workspaces panel, use the up arrow next to the Sort icon (the down arrow) to sort queries in ascending or descending order.
      The direction of the arrow indicates the order in which the search queries are listed. By default, all search queries are listed in descending order. Every newly run query is added to the list incrementally, with the most recently run search query displayed at the top of the list. 
      The following sort options are available:
      • Click Ascending Order  to list queries in descending order, meaning that the most recently run query appears at the bottom of the list. 
      • Click Descending Order  to list queries in ascending order, meaning that the most recently run query appears at the top of the list.

Filtering search queries

  1. Click the Search tab.
  2. On the Workspaces panel, click Filter  and select one of the following:
    • (Default) All: Lists all search queries available in the workspace.
    • Starred: Lists search queries that are marked with a star.
    • Unstarred: Lists search queries that you previously marked with a star, but later removed the star.
    • Notes: Lists notes added to the workspace.