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A Program is a large IT project that is sufficiently complex to require that it be broken up into smaller sub-projects. Each sub-project typically has its own schedule, budget, and project manager or project lead. The program manager coordinates activities across these sub-projects to meet the overall program objectives. In

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, a Project can be included in only one Program. However, it can also be included in one or more Project Portfolios.

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You can create Programs by selecting Projects that are already in the system. In addition, you have the option to configure your Home page to display a list of the Programs that are important to you.


For information about configuring your Home page to display Key Programs, refer to the _

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To view a list of Programs, click Programs on the left navigation bar.

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The Programs screen displays a list of all the Programs.

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From this screen, you can create a new Program, and you can edit or delete a Program. Also, you can view the details for any Program on the list.

Use the Personalize Page option to select the fields to display and the fields available for searching for a Program.