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Roles and access to functions and features

Defining roles in the role-based access control (RBAC) system controls access to BMC Decision Support for Server Automation capabilities. These capabilities are associated with secured functions and features in BMC Decision Support for Server Automation.

The following report authorizations provide access to secured functions and features in BMC Decision Support for Server Automation:

Report authorizations


Reports capabilities


Roles are given authorization for the secured Query Studio function and all of its secured features. Roles with this authorization have access to Query Studio, where they can view data and create simple ad hoc reports (based on their permissions).


Roles are given authorization for the secured Cognos Viewer function (the reports portal, also called Cognos Connection in the Cognos documentation) and all of its features. Users with roles that have only the Reports.Viewer authorization can perform the following tasks:

  • View and execute reports.
  • Can perform any operation, such as creating folders or report views, only in the My Folders tab. They cannot perform any operation in the Public Folders tab. However, if a user with this role has been given an explicit permission on a custom folder in the Public Folders tab, the user can perform any operation on that custom folder.

    User with roles that have the Reports.Viewer authorization along with any other authorization (Reports.Admin, Reports.Studio, or Reports.QueryStudio) can perform any operation in the Public Folders tab.

    Users with roles that do not have the Report.Viewer authorization can view out-of-the-box (built-in) reports, but not execute them.


Roles are given authorization for the secured Report Studio function. Note that this function is not available in a default BMC Decision Support for Server Automation installation; Report Studio is an add-on package that you need to purchase and be licensed to use. Roles with this authorization have access to Report Studio, where they can view data and create complex reports (based on their permissions).


Only users with RBACAdmins roles have access to the RBAC reports.

For more information about the security in Cognos, see the IBM Cognos Administration and Security Guide (Cognos documentation is available from the Help menu; for instructions on accessing it, see Cognos documentation).

For information about setting up roles in RBAC, see Managing access in the BMC Server Automation documentation.

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