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The SMTP adapter sends email messages through a configured SMTP server. This adapter does not support multiple configuration nodes, but you can configure multiple SMTP adapters within Grid Manager, each with a unique configuration node and adapter name.

The SMTP adapter supports the Password encryption feature of base adapters. For details about base adapter features, see Base adapter features.


Starting with the 20.12.02 release, the SMTP adapter supports Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) for directing internet traffic and for routing. For details, see Support for IPv6.

Prerequisite to using an IPv6 address

Ensure that the following conditions are met before specifying an IPv6 address:

  • The email server must support the IPv6 feature—for example the email server 'Ability Mail Server version 3.1.0' supports IPv6.
  • The peer where the adapter is enabled must be IPv6-compliant.