SMF DAM statement

The SMF DAM statement controls certain aspects of the operation of the BMC AMI Defender for Db2 product in the SMF configuration. By using the STArt parameter, you can configure BMC AMI Defender to start the appropriate DB2 traces itself. BMC AMI Defender supports compressed DB2 SMF records, the support is automatic, and there is no specific option that you must enable.

If you code more than one SMF DAM statement, then a subsequent SMF DAM statement replaces any SMF DAM statement(s) that occurred before.

SMF DAMMust be specified as shown.

Specifies that ifcid 361 (administrative authorities) is to be processed and ifcids 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 65, 66, 69, 71, 75, 83, 89, 163, and 350 are to be suppressed (not processed). The effect is that only utility and administrative events are processed. ADMINOnly is optional.


See the FILTER or MATCH parameter in Filtering events with FILTER and MATCH of BMC AMI Defender documentation. It is recommended that you use EVENT DAM FILTER or MATCH only with the SMF Db2 fields common to all DB2 ifcids (other than QWHSIID and QWHSIID_D). For more information, see SMF Db2 fields.


Specifies one or more DB2 ifcids whose writing to the SMF data sets is to be inhibited by BMC AMI Defender for z/OS (for the specified subsystem only).


If you specified SSID (DB2A) INHibit (58), then BMC AMI Defender for z/OS would suppress the writing of ifcid 58 records from DB2A to the SMF data sets. If you code INHibit, then the first time that BMC AMI Defender for z/OS inhibits the writing of an SMF record Db2 logs the console message DSNW133I -subsys DSNWVSMF - TRACE DATA LOST, SMF NOT ACCESSIBLE RC=14. This message might be ignored, no trace data has been lost, its writing has simply been inhibited as you requested. Specify the ifcid or ifcids in one or more of the following formats.


Specifies a single ifcid.


  • ifcid (3) specifies that ifcid 3 records are to be formatted or inhibited.
  • ifcid (3 239) specifies that ifcid 3 and 239 records are to be formatted or inhibited.
ifcid:ifcidSpecifies a range of ifcids. For instance, ifcid (3:5) specifies that all ifcid 3, 4, and 5 records are to be formatted or inhibited.

You might prefix either of the preceding formats with - (a minus sign or hyphen) to indicate negation. The specifications are processed left to right.


140:145 -142 indicates ifcids 140, 141, 143, 144, and 145.

Negation can be especially useful with the INHibit parameter


INHibit (1:599 -3 -239) would inhibit the writing of all ifcids except 3 and 239.

For all of the preceding formats, ifcid must be in the range 1–599.


Specifies that the selected SMF records are to be logged on CZAPRINT and optionally dumped in hexadecimal and character format. Compressed records are dumped both before and after decompression.


When you specify LOG(HEX), it might generate a large volume of print records, especially if BMC AMI Defender for z/OS is running for several hours or more.


Specifies the maximum length SQL statement that is to be formatted and forwarded to the DAM, longer SQL statements are silently truncated.

Specify a value between 80 and 20,97,152. MAXLENgth(SQL(sqlmax)) is optional; if omitted it defaults to the value specified in SERVER MAXMSGlen minus 1000.


Specifies the DB2 sub-system that the instance of BMC AMI Defender for Db2 is to be monitored. Specify the name of an SMF sub-system ID. Sub-system names are always one to four uppercase, alphanumeric, or national characters, but you might specify the names in upper or lower case: PROD, Prod, prod and pRoD are all equivalent.
If the START command parameter SET='SSID (ssid)' is specified when starting BMC AMI Defender for Db2, then you can specify SSID (&SSID.) and the values of SSID is used as the sub-system name. For more information, see START command.


&SSID. requires a terminating period, and the SSID must be a single subsystem name, not a list.


Specifies that BMC AMI Defender for z/OS must interface with DB2 to start the DB2 ifcid traces indicated in ifcids(). The indicated traces starts only for the DB2 sub-systems in the SSIDs parameter. BMC AMI Defender for z/OS starts the indicated traces for each specified DB2 sub-system whenever it becomes active. You might specify STArt without any sub-parameters; doing so is equivalent to coding.
STArt requires one of the following privileges or authorities:

  • SECADM authority
  • SQLADM authority
  • SYSADM authority
  • SYSCTRL authority
  • SYSOPR authority
  • System DBADM authority
  • TRACE privilege
CLAssSpecifies the Db2 trace class to use. You should specify an audit trace class that is not otherwise in use. For more information, see the IBM documentation. Specify 30, 31, or 32. If you omit CLAss, it defaults to 32.

Specifies one or more optional constraints or filters for the trace such as PLAN() or PKGLOC(). See the IBM documentation for Db2 START TRACE command. Specifying one or more constraints or filters might reduce the amount of trace data collected and hence the overhead of the trace. You must enclose the operand in quotation marks if it includes spaces or special characters. You might code the CONstraint parameter multiple times, each operand is appended to those that occurred before with no embedded blank.


You could specify for the following:


and the effective START TRACE constraint block would be:


If you omit CONstraint, it defaults to the null constraint block; that is to say, the constraint block is omitted from the START TRACE commands.

NOTReadyThe NOTReady parameter is deprecated. It is checked for syntactic validity, but not processed.
RECognitionSpecifies the Db2 sub-system command recognition character. The command recognition character is a single character, typically a hyphen or minus sign, that you have specified when you configured Db2. The command recognition character and the Db2 sub-system name forms the command prefix, when you enter a Db2 command from the z/OS system console. Specify a single non-alphanumeric character. If RECognition is omitted, it defaults to - (a minus sign or hyphen).

Specifies one or more sets of SQL statement types to suppress from DAM processing. Specify one or more of the indicated statement types prefixed with a minus sign to indicate negation and separated by one or more blanks.

Type specificationDescription
AMSAccess Methods Services commands.
CLOSEClose cursor.
COMMANDSConsole commands.
DDLData definition and authorization statements.
FETCHRefers to SQL fetch.
MESSAGESThe text of event-based DB2 console messages. For instance, messages issued in response to a DISPLAY command are not audited.
OPENOpen Cursor.
SELECTSelect statements.
UTILITYUtility execution.

STATEMents operates by suppressing the ifcids associated with the specified statement types. Use caution with STATEMents (-PREPARE) as you might lose certain information such as SQL text that is only present with PREPARE. Compare STATEMents with SUPpress. STATEMents is optional; if you omit STATEMents, then all of the indicated statement ifcid types are traced for forwarding to the DAM console.


Specifies that stmt-exec messages reflecting PREPARE statements are to be suppressed from forwarding to the DAM console. Compare SUPpress with STATEMents. SUPpress is optional; if you omit SUPpress, then all stmt-exec messages generated from the traced ifcids are sent to the DAM console.

TIMEout(SESSion(minutes))Specifies the amount of time that is to pass without activity on a particular session before the session is to be timed out (terminated). A session-disconnect message is sent to the DAM console. Any open transaction is terminated. A trans-end message is sent to the DAM console with trans- commit false. Specify a number of minutes in the range 5–1440 (one day) or none if you want no sessions timeout. If you omit TIMEout(SESSion()), it defaults to 10 minutes.
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