AUXILIARY statement

The AUXiliary statement is used to execute an auxiliary (additional, other than BMC AMI Defender) program during BMC AMI Defender parameter file processing. The specified program is initiated at the time the AUXiliary statement is processed. You might specify any number of AUXiliary statements.


To execute a Rexx exec as an auxiliary program, specify PROG(IRXJCL) (recommended) or PROG(IKJEFT01) (if the exec requires TSO/E services) and a PARM consisting of the name of the exec and any parameters to be passed to it (and FREQuency, WAIT or NOWAIT as appropriate). For instance, to run the exec MYREXX with parameters HELLO WORLD and without waiting for completion specify.



Must be specified as shown.


Is required. It specifies the entrypoint name of the auxiliary program to be executed. The program must be accessible to BMC AMI Defender, that is, in STEPLIB, the link pack area. BMC AMI Defender does not require that the AUXiliary program be APF authorized, but z/OS requires than any library concatenated to BMC AMI Defender library must be APF authorized. Specify the name as one to eight alphanumeric characters, the first of that must be alphabetic. BMC AMI Defender converts the name you specify to uppercase.


Specifies whether the auxiliary program is to be run during all Parameter file refreshes, or only on the initial read of the Parameter file. Specify ALL or INITial. FREQuency is optional. If FREQuency is omitted it defaults to ALL.


Specifies a parameter or option string to be passed to the auxiliary program (using normal z/OS linkage as described in the "Program in primary ASC mode" section under "Conventions for passing information through a parameter list" in the IBM z/OS MVS Programming: Assembler Services Guide).

Specify zero to 100 characters between quotation marks. PARM is optional; if omitted then the length of the parameter string is set to zero. BMC AMI Defender does not convert any parameter string you specify to upper case.


Specifies whether BMC AMI Defender parameter processing is to wait for the auxiliary program to complete. Specify WAIT if subsequent parameter processing is dependent on the results of the program, such as if the program updates a file that is included into the parameter stream. Specify NOWAIT if the auxiliary program is a report or similar long-running program, or if the program is intended to provide ongoing services.

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