SMEVNTxx parameter explanations

The following table provides detailed explanations of the SMEVNTxx parameters:


The DEST parameter indicates where the event message is to be sent.

You can use multiple values to send the event message to multiple places.

All events are logged to the MainView Logger facility regardless of the DEST keyword setting. Events logged to the MainView Logger can be displayed in the EVENTMSG view, which is available from the Automation Main Menu.



The following table defines the values:


Sends the message to all defined destinations


Sends the event message as an external event to MainView AutoOPERATOR or other automation software

The automation software packages must supply a z/OS subsystem ID (SSID) that can accept external events by using the SUBSYS keyword in a DD statement. The subsystem IDs for the automation software packages are specified in the SMMSYSxx AOO_SUBSYS keyword. You can view these keyword values in the EVENTS view.


Writes the event message to the system log as a WTO


Ends the event message as a TSO message

When TSO is specified in the DEST keyword, the TSO_USERS keyword must also be specified to indicate the TSO users to whom the message is to be sent.


Writes the event message to the system console as a WTO. The message also appears in the system log



The default supports previous versions where the only destination was MainView AutoOPERATOR and the DEST keyword did not exist.


The EVENTID parameter specifies the identifier assigned to the user event in SMEVNTxx.



The variablexxxxx represents the five-character string that is specified in the EVENTID parameter in SMEVENT xx. The value I is reserved for system events and must not be used in the first position of a user-defined EVENTID. With the exception of the letter I, you can use any five characters or numbers, in any position of the EVENTID for a user-defined event. You may want to create a naming convention for events that you define.

Events that are distributed as part of solutions begin with APxxx, AAxxx, AVxxx, and ADxxx. Although you are not restricted from using these event IDs, it is not recommended.


The EVENTID parameter will generate events only if the Automation component is licensed and active.




The EVNT_HDR parameter specifies whether the message header information created in the event message text by the Automation component is to be turned on or off.

The header text is inserted into the message after the message number and before the text of the message as defined in the TEXT keyword in the event definition.

The message header makes the message rather long and causes it to wrap around on a TSO display, making the actual message text sometimes hard to spot. The EVNT_HDR keyword can be used to prevent the message header from being inserted into the text. The information in the message header is for documentation s only.






The GRP_EVENT parameter identifies the EVENTID of an event in the SMEVNTxx member that is to be used as the group event for the event in which this keyword is defined.

This keyword would only be used in an event that is defined to an AUTO function solution. If it is used in an event that is not defined in an AUTO function solution, the keyword is ignored.




The MODE parameter sets an event to active or inactive to turn event generation off or on.

If the event mode is inactive, event generation will be bypassed when the function that generates it is processed.






User events have no default, the MODE keyword must be specified. For internal system events, the default is INACTIVE. If you want to activate a system event, you must change the value on this parameter to MODE=ACTIVE.


The MSGCMP parameter specifies whether excess spaces should be removed from the event message. This parameter overrides the global EVNT_MSGCMP parameter that is coded in the SMMSYSxx member.




If not specified, the default is MSGCMP=YES and excess spaces will be removed from event messages (unless the EVNT_MSGCMP parameter is coded in SMMSYSxx).


The OVERRIDE parameter allows you to replace default values for system events.



When OVERRIDE=Y is specified in an entry, the values you specify on the other parameters in the entry replace the system event default values. When OVERRIDE=Y is specified, the value in EVENTID must be a MainView SRM-defined internal system event.The MODE and the TEXT keywords can be used to override the corresponding information in the system event. When using TEXT to override a system event, variable substitution is not available.


The SEV parameter indicates the urgency of an event.

The severity indicator is appended to the end of SVWxxxxx to form a nine-character header for an event message.



The variable x represents a single alphabetic or numeric character. BMC recommends that you use one of the following characters:


Information and error messages


Warning messages


Error messages only


Severe error messages


The TEXT parameter specifies the text of the event message



The variablexxxxx represents the text enclosed in single quotation marks (') and can contain variables from the function generating the event. The total length of the text can be a maximum of 218 bytes after the variables are expanded. If the text is greater than 218 bytes after variable expansion, it is truncated word by word until it is 218 bytes or fewer.

Variables that are used in the TEXT parameter must be based on INC/EXC statement parameters for functions that generate events. A text variable consists of an ampersand (&) followed by an INC/EXC statement parameter name that is valid for the function that generates the event. The ampersand does not have to proceeded by a space; however, a space must follow the variable name.

When the event is generated, the value of the parameter is passed to the event and replaces the parameter name in the text. If you specify an invalid parameter name, MainView SRM Automation cannot replace the variable in the text with a data value. When a text variable error is encountered, one of the following messages is displayed:

  • &variable(INVALID FOR FUNCTION) indicates the parameter name used in the variable is not a valid parameter for the function that generates the event.

  • &variable(VARIABLE NAME INVALID) indicates the parameter name used in the variable contains more than 11 characters (parameter names are 11 characters or fewer) or that the variable specified is not a valid MainView SRM parameter.

  • &variable(TEXT INVALID) indicates that either an ampersand(&) was specified without a parameter name in the variable or an error occurred when the parser was attempting to locate the data value for the parameter specified.

  • &variable(NOT INC/EXC PARAMETER) indicates the parameter name used in the variable is not a valid INC/EXC statement parameter for the function attempting to generate the event and is probably a SET statement parameter.


Parameters that are used as text variables are restricted to INC/EXC statement parameters. You may not use SET statement parameter names as variables.

To continue a line of text to the next line, place a nonblank character in column 72 of the line to be continued. The first character in the next line is appended to the last character in the previous line. If you need a blank space to appear in the text following the character in column 72, place a single quotation mark (') in the first position of the new line and a space after the quotation mark.




The TSO_USERS parameter indicates TSO user IDs to which the event message is to be sent.

This keyword is required when TSO is specified in the DEST keyword, and is ignored if TSO was not specified in the DEST keyword. The TSO messages are always sent without the LOGON parameter of the TSO SEND command. The result is that the messages will be received by the TSO user only if they are logged on to TSO at the time the message is sent. Up to 10 TSO user IDs can be specified.



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