This command schedules an EXEC or a program. This section also describes how to invoke programs written in other programming languages.

BBSAMP members QAOBCMD1and QAOBCMD2 contain an example of how you can use AOEXEC SELECT to schedule an EXEC from outside of MainView AutoOPERATOR.




EXEC(`execname parm1...parm2...parm_n')



SS | SSID(subsystem identifier)





The following table describes the parameters.




EXEC(‘execName and any parms’)

name of EXEC to schedule

If there are parameters, the EXEC name and the parameters must be enclosed in quotation marks.

If only the EXEC name is specified, do not use quotation marks.

required keyword

Maximum length is 127 characters.

Use the IMFEXEC SHARE command to return variables to the AOEXEC SELECT EXEC(execName) when you need the EXEC to check the values of REXX stem variables.

The AOEXEC SELECT SHARE command does not support stem values. For more information, see the SHARE.


execution priority of the EXEC to be scheduled

(optional) specified only with the EXEC keyword

Specifying a priority value on the EXEC overrides the EXEC parameter in BBPARM member AAOEXP00.

Valid values are as follows:

NORM | N schedules the EXEC with a normal priority setting by using first in, first out (FIFO) queuing strategy. The EXEC is placed in the Normal priority queue and uses an EXEC thread from the MAXNORM thread pool.

Note: BMC recommends that you use the normal priority setting for most of your EXEC processing. NORM is the default setting when you do not explicitly specify a priority. This setting can be overidden by the value that you specify in BBPARM member AAOEXPxx with the MAXHOTQ parameter.

HIGH | H schedules the EXEC with a high priority setting by using a FIFO queuing strategy. The EXEC is placed in the High priority queue and uses an EXEC thread from the MAXHIGH thread pool.

HOT | T schedules the EXEC as a hot EXEC by using a FIFO queuing strategy on the Hot priority queue. The next available EXEC thread from either the Normal or High priority EXEC thread pool is used to run the EXEC waiting on the Hot priority queue.

FIRST | F schedules the EXEC as a hot EXEC by using a last in, first out (LIFO) queuing strategy on the Hot priority queue. The next available EXEC thread from either the NORM or HIGH EXEC thread pool is used to run the EXEC waiting on the Hot priority queue.

Note: BMC recommends that you reserve using the HOT or FIRST settings for only the most critical situations so that it can be as effective as possible.

SINGLE | S schedules the EXEC with the normal priority setting but allows only one instance of the EXEC to execute at a time, regardless of the number of available EXEC threads. For EXECs to be single-threaded using this option, the EXECs must have the same name and must specify SINGLE when scheduled. EXECs that have the same name and are scheduled without SINGLE specified are not single-threaded with EXECs that have SINGLE specified.

XSINGLE | X attempts to schedule the EXEC with the normal priority setting. However, if another instance of the EXEC that also specified XSINGLE is already running (or waiting to run), the scheduling request is rejected and message EM6111W is written to the BBI-SS journal.


suspension criterion for invoking EXEC

either YES or NO

WAIT(YES) causes the AOEXEC command to be suspended until the scheduled EXEC in the BBI-SS PAS has completed. WAIT(NO) is returned as soon as a determination has been made whether the EXEC to be scheduled actually exists.

When SHARE() is specified, WAIT(YES) will be forced.

Note: When WAIT (YES) is used, the return code that was passed in IMFEXEC EXIT is returned in IMFEXRC.


specifies the subsystem identifier of a local subsystem

required keyword

Generic wildcard characters are supported for this keyword. You can specify 1 to 4 asterisks (*) or plus signs (+).

If you specify a single asterisk (*), any BBI-SS PAS found on the same LPAR might be used to process the EXEC. You can also specify SS(P*) and the EXEC can be processed by any BBI-SS PAS that begins with P.

You can use also the plus sign (+) to indicate a positional wildcard such as SS(+++P). In this example, the EXEC can be processed on any BBI-SS PAS that ends in P.

Use the AOOPTION parameter to further filter on the wildcard value. By specifying a value with AOOPTION, you can route the EXEC to the MainView AutoOPERATOR BBI-SS PAS that is running a product option or group of product options.

AOOPTION is mutually exclusive with TGTSS and TGTJNT, and it is ignored on a fully qualified SSID specified with SS or SSID parameter.


specifies the product options that must be active in the MainView AutoOPERATOR PAS. The following values are valid: ANV, CAO, IAO, IIZ, MAO, QAO, or TSH.

IIZ represents the MainView AutoOPERATOR BMC Impact Integration for z/OS product. The stand-alone BMC Impact Integration for z/OS product does not support AOAnywhere.

The specified product option must be active in the MainView AutoOPERATOR PAS.

The value specified with the AOOPTION parameter is valid only when the SSID parameter specifies a wildcard value.

Note: EXEC processing ignores the AOOPTION parameter when a non-wildcard SSID is specified in the SSID parameter.

AOOPTION cannot be specified if TGTSS or TGTJNT are also specified.


specifies the names of any number of variables that will be exchanged with the LOCAL variable pool of the selected EXEC

Before the target EXEC begins, the contents of these variables are placed as variables of the same name into the LOCAL pool.

When the EXEC ends, the contents of these variables in the target EXEC’s LOCAL pool are extracted again and placed as TSO variables of the EXEC of the invoking EXEC.



a JNT entry that identifies the SSID which processes this request

Use this parameter to specify a target that is running outside of the local MVS system where the AOEXEC EXEC is running. The specified target should match a TARGET=(tgtname) parameter in BBPARM member BBIJNT00.

The EXEC is scheduled on the subsystem that corresponds to the subsystem that is specified by the SS | SSID parameter of the JNT entry. You can also specify a TGTJNT subsystem that is an SSID with which the original subsystem communicates.

This keyword is mutually exclusive with the TGTSS() keyword.


The target subsystem named in the TGTJNT entry must exist within the sysplex.


If the TGTSS() keyword is specified, the subsystem that was specified by the SS | SSID() keyword is considered a router and the actual function is executed on the subsystem that was specified by TGTSS(). If TGTSS() is not specified, the requested function is executed on the subsystem that was specified by the SS | SSID keyword.

optional keyword

It must be in the same sysplex as the BBI-SS specified with the SSID() keyword, and both systems must have the same XCFGROUP specified in the BBPARM BBISSPxx.

When the AOEXEC command originates in a NetView EXEC, the router and local MainView AutoOPERATOR PAS must have an active, valid MainView AutoOPERATOR Access NV key.

Return codes from the AOEXEC SELECT command are listed in the following table.

Return code value


Refer to AOEXEC common return codes for a description of return code values that are common to all AOEXEC commands. This table lists additional return codes for this AOEXEC command.


The local EXEC Manager could not be located.

Either the local EXEC Manager could not be located, or the EXEC is disabled.


issued when WAIT(YES) is specified but the EXEC was not queued because the queues are full


The EXEC parameter was not specified on the AOEXEC SELECT statement.


The EXEC was canceled in MainView AutoOPERATOR.


This example command schedules the EXEC CHKENQ on the remote SS SYSB, passing the parameter SYS2.PROD.XLIB

REXX EXEC example:


CLIST example:


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