Product compatibility between DATA ACCELERATOR Compression and other products

You must ensure the compatibility between DATA ACCELERATOR Compression and other products before installation.

If you use any of the products listed in the following table, note the recommendations in the table to ensure compatibility with DATA ACCELERATOR Compression.

Product compatibility

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Compatibility with

BMC recommendation


Non-VSAM component

ACCUCHECK uses EXCP processing to compare data sets. Because of the EXCP processing, DATA ACCELERATOR Compression treats ACCUCHECK as an exempted program. Compressed data sets are not expanded when accessed by ACCUCHECK.

BMC IMS Database Utilities Products

Non-VSAM component

The following products in the BMC Database Utilities series for the IMS family use the String Search utility:

  • BMC AMI Database Integrity for IMS


  • BMC AMI Pointer Checker for IMS




If you use the String Search utility at your site, perform these steps:

  1. Modify the JCL in member DACDBULD of data set BMC.DAC.JCL.

  2. Replace the volume serial number of the distribution tape and the site-dependent information (tape unit name and your DBULIB data set name).

  3. Submit the edited job.

  4. Check the output to ensure successful completion.

    The following modules should have been loaded: DBU$1100, DBU$1200, and DBU$1300.

  5. Refresh LLA if your current DBULIB resides in the LNKLST.

CA-Dynam/TLMS by Computer Associates

Non-VSAM component

  • If you are using CA-Dynam/TLMS as your tape management system, it must be at version 5.2 or later.

  • When creating the BCSS data set during installation, uncomment the DAC NONVSAM TLMSVMF command and replace ?VOLUME.MASTER.FILE? with the name of your TLMS volume master file.


VSAM component

If you are using CICS 1.6.1, add the following data definition (DD) statement to your CICS region JCL before simulating or compressing CICS files with the VSAM component://DAC$NABO DD dummy.

Control-T by BMC

Non-VSAM component

Include Control-T load module CTTPARM in the linklist or the STEPLIB of the BMCBCSS procedure.


VSAM component

If you are using DFP, the BCSS might terminate with an S0C4 abend. Apply PTF UY11863 or a superseding PTF before using the VSAM component to compress data.

ENDEVOR/MVS by Computer Associates

Non-VSAM component

Do not compress ENDEVOR data sets.


VSAM component

Use bcssid DAC VSAM ABO OFF in the BMCBCSS commands data set.

HYPERBUF by Computer Associates

VSAM component

non-VSAM component

If you are using HYPERBUF, start the BCSS before HYPERBUF after each system IPL. You can shut them down in any order. Use bcssid DAC VSAM ABO OFF in the BMCBCSS commands data set.

HyperLoad by SOFTWORKS

VSAM component

If you are using HyperLoad to load VSAM data sets that are compressed because of generic registration entries, ensure that these entries indicate that compression should occur at the next OPEN. The Installation System will not create discrete entries when HyperLoad is used to load VSAM data sets because HyperLoad uses EXCP-based processing. Using Compress at OPEN generic registration entries ensures that the BMC Software Enterprise Server Installation System intercepts subsequent accesses to newly loaded compressed files and creates discrete entries.


Non-VSAM component

Do not use IEHMOVE to move compressed data sets. Consider using IEBGENER by IBM.

INFOPAC (all versions) by Mobius Management Systems, Inc.

VSAM component

Do not register program INFOPACR. This program records the largest LRECL encountered when reading the VSAM file. When INFOPAC needs to redefine this VSAM file, it uses the largest LRECL encountered to determine the length of the file. If INFOPACR is given compressed records, the VSAM definition will be wrong and application errors will occur.

INFOPAC 5.2 and later by Mobius Management Systems, Inc.

VSAM component

Add DAC$ERA DUMMY DD in the step that requires compression support. Ensure that the data set is registered for compression. As specified in the Mobius Infopac installation guide, ensure that the maximum record size for the ESDS Report Archive cluster is eight less than the control interval size. Do not use INFOPAC 5.2 or later with INFOPAC 5.1 compressed archives.

Mainframe Software Manager (MSM) by Computer Associates

VSAM component

If you are using MSM with PTF SM8005, an S0C4 abend might occur in MSMENTRY during DATA ACCELERATOR Compression initialization. Computer Associates has informed BMC that the removal of zap SM8005D corrects this problem. This zap was included in a Computer Associates maintenance letter dated December 8, 1987. Remove zap SM8005D before using the VSAM component to compress data.

PDSFAST by Software Engineering of America

Non-VSAM component

PDSFAST provides an early warning flash EWF1442 that allows DATA ACCELERATOR Compression to initialize properly. A 013-20 abend occurs when PDSFAST attempts to open the SYSPRINT data set. Apply EWF1494 at PDSFAST maintenance level 4.3.H.

PDSMAN by Computer Associates

Non-VSAM component

Apply fix 631-54.

RMS Online by Mantissa

VSAM component

RMS online must have PTM 45.

SAR EXPRESS by Computer Associates

All components

If you are using the Computer Associates product SAR EXPRESS, you must apply maintenance RP051209 and RP161139 to SAR EXPRESS. This maintenance applies to SAR EXPRESS 5.1. Contact Computer Associates if you need maintenance for other levels of SAR EXPRESS.

SAS by SAS Institute

Non-VSAM component

When using the SAS INCLUDE option on a compressed non-VSAM data set, you must include the following DCB information on the INFILE and INCLUDE DD statement:


Failure to do so can result in U0999 and S0C4 abends.

ShareOption/5 by Computer Associates

VSAM component

You must start DATA ACCELERATOR Compression before starting ShareOption/5. ShareOption/5 must be the ACBINRTN after the OPEN of a ShareOption/5 intercepted data set. The following actions occur for the intercepted data set:

  • ShareOption/5 will dummy the actual VSAM OPEN.

  • Control will not shift to real OPEN.

DATA ACCELERATOR Compression does not see the OPEN of the SHROPTS5 USER ACB. The last ACBINRTN must be SHROPT5. The product started last is the product that sees the OPEN first.

BMC AMI Strobe

Non-VSAM component

You can start STROBECV only after you receive the following BMC message: BMC100000I BMC Software Enterprise Server Installation System initialization completed. bcssid

SYNCSORT by Syncsort, Inc.

Non-VSAM component

SYNCSORT might receive the message WER99A UNSUCCESSFUL SORT 363 W. Use fix 3303-1, which is included in version 3.4, TPF4+ level. SYNCSORT 3.5 provides an early warning notice (EW4208-0) so that the BSAM parameter can be honored for OUTFIL data sets.


VSAM component

You should compress the logical cluster name. You must not use the LMO feature of the Installation System on job steps that use TeraSAM files. Use bcssid DAC VSAM ABO OFF in the BMCBCSS commands data set.


VSAM component

You must not use the LMO feature of the Installation System on job steps that are intercepted by ULTIMIZER. Use bcssid DAC VSAM ABO OFF in the BMCBCSS commands data set.


VSAM component

Use bcssid DAC VSAM ABO OFF in the BMCBCSS commands data set.


VSAM component

The HOTLOAD (reload) and FPDISK (unload) options use EXCP processing to back up and restore VSAM data sets. Because of the EXCP processing, DATA ACCELERATOR Compression treats VSAM ASSIST as an exempted program when the HOTLOAD and FPDISK options are used. Compressed data sets are unloaded or reloaded in compressed format only. Expanded data sets are unloaded or reloaded in expanded format only. The NOHOTLOAD (reload) and NOFPDISK (unload) options should be used for logical mode reloads and unloads. Compressed data sets can be unloaded or reloaded in compressed format or expanded format. Use the following DD statement on job steps that use VSAM ASSIST://DAC$NABO DD dummy.

VSAMTUNE by Macro 4

VSAM component

Complete the following steps:

  1. Use bcssidDAC VSAM ABO OFF in the BMCBCSS commands data set.


  3. Register VSAMTUNE’s program, M4VSMRPT, as exempt from Installation System as follows:


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