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The tw_scan_control command line utility enables you to do the following:

  • Perform immediate and scheduled scans of endpoints (IP addresses, ranges, or cloud providers)
  • Start and stop Reasoning
  • Disable and enable scheduled scans
  • Remove and update scheduled scans


Use the BMC Discovery user interface to perform the functionality provided by the tw_scan_control command line utility (see Performing a discovery run). If you choose to run the utility, read the information in this section to learn its usage and to understand the risks and potential impact on your environment.

This page contains the following sections which describe these topics in detail:

  • Using the tw_scan_control utility—This section contains the general guidelines to use the tw_scan_control utility. 
  • Common options to manage snapshot and scheduled scans—This section contains information about the common options to manage snapshot and scheduled scans, such as starting and stopping discovery and adding discovery runs.
  • Options to manage scheduled scans—This section contains information about the options to manage scheduled scans, such as adding scheduled discovery runs, enabling and disabling scheduled discovery runs, listing scheduled discovery runs, and updating and deleting scheduled discovery runs.
  • Overlapping of scheduled scans and excludes—This section contains information about the expected behavior in the event of overlapping of scheduled scans and excludes.

Using the tw_scan_control utility

To use the utility, type the following command:

tw_scan_control [options] endpoint


  • endpoint is a single entry or a space separated list of IP address information, or cloud provider, in the following formats:
    • IPv4 address (for example
    • IPv6 address (for example 2001:500:100:1187:203:baff:fe44:91a0).
    • IPv4 range (for example, or 192.168.1.*).
    • Cloud provider (for example aws which represents Amazon Web Services. To determine supported providers, see to determine the cloud providers supported).
  • options are any of the options described in the following table and the common command line options described in Using command line utilities.

Scanning the following address types is not supported:
• IPv6 link local addresses (prefix fe80::/64)
• IPv6 multicast addresses (prefix ff00::/8)
• IPv6 network prefix (for example fda8:7554:2721:a8b3::/64)
• IPv4 multicast addresses ( to

In each of the sections below, user examples have been included for your reference. In these examples, the user name is system and the password is not specified on the command line. The utility prompts for the password after you enter the command. Type the commands on a single line; line breaks are provided in the examples to make them easier to read. Note the following:

  • If you want to scan a range of IP addresses listed in a file, make sure that the IP addresses are arranged in a newline separated list.
  • With --enable--disable--remove, and --update=ID you are required to enter the list of corresponding range IDs. You can view the list of range IDs by using the --list and --list-full command line options.

Common options to manage snapshot and scheduled scans

The common command line options are described in Using command line utilities.

By using the common options for snapshot and scheduled scans with the tw_scan_control command line utility, you can perform the following:

Starting and stopping discovery

Use the following common options with the tw_scan_control command line utility to start and stop discovery:

Command Line Option


-s, --start

Starts Reasoning. This is equivalent to clicking START ALL SCANS.

-x, --stop

Stops Reasoning. This is equivalent to clicking STOP ALL SCANS.

User examples

To start discovery:

tw_scan_control --start

To stop discovery:

tw_scan_control --stop

Adding discovery runs

Use the following common options with the tw_scan_control command line utility to add snapshot and scheduled scans and specify run details:

Command Line Option


-a, --add

Adds a new scan range.

-r, --random

Scans the IP addresses (located in a file or listed at the command prompt) in random order.

-l, --scan-level=string

Specifies the scan level to use. This can be one of the following:

  • Sweep Scan—This will do a sweep scan, trying to determine what is at each endpoint in the scan range. It will attempt to login to a device to determine the device type.
  • Full Discovery—Retrieve all the default info for hosts, and complete full inference. This is the default if the option is not specified.

Replaces the obsolete option --scanLevel.


Specifies the company name to use for a scan in a multitenant deployment. This value is checked against the list of known companies. --force-company can be used to bypass the check.

--force-companyBypass company name validation performed by --company.

-f, --file

Specifies a file or a list of files as arguments. They must be plain text files with a new line delimited list of IP addresses, or IP ranges. See IP addresses listed in a file for an example of usage, and an example file.


Specifies the label for the scan.


Specifies the vault passphrase to use.

--allow-tpl-scanAllow patterns to start new scans against these endpoints.
--cloud-provider=NAMESpecifies a cloud provider to scan. This option can only be followed by other options specific to cloud discovery.
--help-cloud-providerLists the available cloud providers, and provides information on the options available for each cloud provider. See to determine the cloud providers supported for more information.
--scan-option-pingPing before scanning. This is the equivalent of setting the UI option Ping hosts before scanning. See Configuring discovery settings for more information on this option.
--scan-option-no-pingDo not ping before scanning. This is the equivalent of not setting the UI option Ping hosts before scanning. See Configuring discovery settings for more information on this option.


Turns off informational messages.

User examples

The following examples show various types of snapshot scans. For user examples related to scheduled scans, see the Options to manage scheduled scans section.

To specify an immediate scan of a single IP address:

tw_scan_control --add

To specify an immediate scan of a range of IP addresses:

 tw_scan_control --add

To specify an immediate scan of IP addresses listed in a file: 

tw_scan_control --add --file ~/scanlist

The example below shows a file containing IP address and range information:

# Lines begining with a hash (#) are treated as comments
# IPv4 addresses (newline separated)

# IPv6 addresses

# IPv4 ranges

To specify an immediate scan of a cloud provider. In this example you must supply the provider, the region, and the cloud credential:

tw_scan_control --username=system --add --cloud-provider=aws region=eu-west-2 credential="BMC AWS"

To determine the cloud providers supported: 

[tideway@appliance01 ~]$ tw_scan_control --help-cloud-provider
usage: tw_scan_control <action> --cloud-provider <provider> [options]
Get additional help for a cloud provider by using:
  tw_scan_control --cloud-provider <provider> --help-cloud-provider
Available cloud providers:
[tideway@appliance01 ~]$

To see the options available for a supported cloud provider:

[tideway@appliance01 ~]$ tw_scan_control --help-cloud-provider --cloud-provider aws 
usage: tw_scan_control <action> --cloud-provider <provider> [options]
Cloud provider aws options are:
    credential=<credential>   Credential for the scan
    regions=<region>,... OR
    region=<region> [region=<region>]...
                              List of regions to scan
[tideway@appliance01 ~]$

To see the regions available for a supported cloud provider:

[tideway@appliance01 ~]$ tw_scan_control --help-cloud-provider --cloud-provider aws regions
usage: tw_scan_control <action> --cloud-provider <provider> [options]
Cloud provider aws options are:
    regions=<region>,... OR
    region=<region> [region=<region>]...
                              List of regions to scan
      Values: ap-northeast-1, ap-northeast-2, ap-south-1, ap-southeast-1,
      ap-southeast-2, ca-central-1, eu-central-1, eu-west-1, eu-west-2,
      sa-east-1, us-east-1, us-east-2, us-west-1 and us-west-2
[tideway@appliance01 ~]$

To specify an immediate scan of a cloud provider:

[tideway@bleedingedge ~]$ tw_scan_control --label=Whippet --add --cloud-provider=aws region=eu-west-2 credential="BMC AWS"
Password for BMC Discovery UI user system:
Added snapshot scan cloud range
[tideway@bleedingedge ~]$

Options to manage scheduled scans

By using the scheduled scan options with the tw_scan_control command line utility, you can perform the following:

Listing scheduled discovery runs

Use the following common options with the tw_scan_control command line utility to list scheduled discovery runs:

Command Line Option



Lists all scan ranges.


Lists all scan ranges with all IP addresses.

Listing the scheduled discovery runs gives you information about them, such as the range ID corresponding to a run, whether the run has been enabled or disabled, the label and IP addresses or ranges associated with a run, and so on.

User example

To list all scan ranges:

[tideway@appliance01 ~]$ tw_scan_control --list --username=system 
Password for BMC Discovery UI user system:
ID                               Enabled Label User    Scan type  TPL scan  Scanning
bd254b356649463f009089485e42588e True    TEST  system  Scheduled  False
[tideway@appliance01 ~]$

Enabling and disabling scheduled discovery runs

Use the following common options with the tw_scan_control command line utility to enable or disable scheduled scans:

Command Line Option


--enable ID

Enables the specified scheduled scan. The scan ID is determined using tw_scan_control --list.

--disable ID

Disables the specified scheduled scan. The scan ID is determined using tw_scan_control --list.

User examples

To disable a scheduled scan: 

tw_scan_control --disable 6ee6e73209c64a4e9c0a0a8148a76f8b

To enable a scheduled scan which has been disabled: 

tw_scan_control --enable 6ee6e73209c64a4e9c0a0a8148a76f8b

Adding scheduled discovery runs

You can schedule discovery runs which are daily, weekly, and monthly for which the following options with the tw_scan_control command line utility are available:

Common options for scheduled discovery runs

Command Line Option



Sets the start time of a scheduled scan.


Sets the end time of a scheduled scan.


Sets the duration of scheduled scans.


Sets the scheduled scan to run to its completion.

Options for scheduling daily discovery runs

Command Line Option



Adds a daily scheduled scan.


Adds a repeating daily scan which is started every FREQUENCY hours and runs to completion. FREQUENCY can be 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 or 12 hours.

When specifying a repeating daily scan, you must also specify a start time (--start-time=HH:MM), and set it to run to completion (--no-end-time).

The start time is a start time in the series, that is, when you schedule a repeating scan using --start-time=HH:MM and --daily-frequency, the tool sets up a series of scans, with the specified frequency, including one at the start time. The first scan to take place is the first one in the list that the actual clock time reaches.

User examples

To specify a daily scheduled scan of a range of IP addresses with specified start and end time and label it TEST:

tw_scan_control --daily --start-time=21:30 --end-time=23:30 --label=TEST --add

To specify a daily scheduled scan of IP addresses listed in a file: 

tw_scan_control --daily --start-time=21:30 --end-time=23:30 --add --file ~/scanlist

To specify a daily scheduled scan of a range of IP addresses with specified start time and duration:

tw_scan_control --daily --start-time=21:30 --duration=00:06:30 --add

To specify a daily repeating scan of a range of IP addresses with specified start time every six hours.
When you specify this scan, the series is set up as 01:35, 07:35, 13:35, and 19:35. The first scan to take place is the one that the clock time next reaches. For example, if you specify the repeating scan at midnight, the first one to take place is the 01:35 scan. If you specify the repeating scan at 3:00pm, the first one to take place is the 19:35 scan:

tw_scan_control --daily-frequency=6 --start-time=07:35 --no-end-time --add

To specify a daily scheduled scan of regions of a cloud provider with specified start time and duration:

tw_scan_control --daily --start-time=23:30 --duration=00:00:30 --add --cloud-provider=aws region=eu-west-2 credential="BMC AWS"

To specify a daily repeating scan of regions of a cloud provider with specified start time every 12 hours:

tw_scan_control --daily-frequency=12 --start-time=07:30 --no-end-time --add --cloud-provider=aws region=eu-west-2 credential="BMC AWS"

Options for scheduling weekly discovery runs

Command Line Option



Adds a weekly scheduled scan.


Sets the weekly scheduled scan start week day. The range of the start weekday is monday, tuesday, and so on.


Sets the weekly scheduled scan end week day. The range of the end weekday is monday, tuesday, and so on.

User example

To specify a weekly scheduled scan of a range of IP addresses with specified start time and day and specified end time and day:

tw_scan_control --weekly --weekly-start-week-days=monday --weekly-end-week-day=tuesday 
--start-time=21:30 --end-time=20:30 --add

Options for scheduling monthly discovery runs

Command Line Option



Adds a monthly scheduled scan.


Sets the monthly scheduled scan start day. The range of the day is from 1 to 31.


Sets the monthly scheduled scan end day. The range of the day is from 1 to 31.


Sets the monthly scheduled scan start week. The range of the week is first, second, third, fourth, and last.


Sets the monthly scheduled scan start week day of the week. The range of the weekday is monday, tuesday, and so on.

User example

To specify a monthly scheduled scan of a range of IP addresses with specified start time and day of the week and ends on completion of the scan:

tw_scan_control --monthly --monthly-start-week-day=monday --monthly-start-week=first 
--start-time=21:30 --no-end-time --add

Backward compatible options

Use the following backward compatible options with the tw_scan_control command line utility to add recurrent scans:

Command Line Option



Adds a daily recurrent range. This option specifies a recurrent range scan that must be modified with recurrence-duration=int and/or recurrence-start=int.


Specifies the duration for the recurring scan to last (in hours).


Sets the start time for recurrent ranges (in hours) after midnight

Updating and deleting scheduled discovery runs

Use the following common options with the tw_scan_control command line utility to update or delete scheduled discovery runs:

Command Line Option



Cancels any running scans and deletes all scheduled scans. Replaces the obsolete option --clean.


Removes chosen scan ranges.


Updates (edits) the specified scheduled discovery run. The discovery run is specified using its range ID which can be determined by running the list or list-full options. Replaces the obsolete option --replace.

User examples

To remove a chosen scan range:

tw_scan_control --remove 6ee6e7320aa7c5716c140a8148a76f8b

To update a chosen scheduled scan:

Assume that you have set the following daily scheduled scan for an IP range where the start time is 14:30 and the end time is 17:30:

tw_scan_control --daily --start-time=14:30 --end-time=17:30 --add

The following are examples of updating the scheduled scan added above.

  • To update the start time to 20:30 and the end time to 23:50, run the following command:

    tw_scan_control --daily --start-time=20:30 --end-time=23:50 
  • To update it from a daily to a weekly scheduled scan, which starts on Monday at 07:30 and ends on Tuesday at 11:50, run the following command:

    tw_scan_control --weekly --weekly-start-week-days=monday --weekly-end-week-day=tuesday 
    --start-time=07:30 --end-time=11:50 --update=6ee6e732105205be37020a8148a76f8b

Overlapping of scheduled scans and excludes

In the case of permanent excludes, discovery of the excluded endpoints never starts. However, in the case of an overlap of scheduled scans and scheduled excludes, the following behavior is expected:

  • If a scheduled exclude overlaps with a scheduled scan, discovery of the excluded endpoints will not start until the scheduled exclude is no longer in effect.
  • If the scheduled exclude ends before the scheduled scan end time, discovery of the excluded endpoints can start.
  • If the scheduled exclude ends after the scheduled scan end time, the excluded endpoints will wait until the next time the scheduled scan runs.
  • If one or more scheduled excludes overlap completely with a scheduled scan, the excluded endpoints will behave like permanent excludes. This is to prevent it from waiting forever to discover those excluded endpoints that it will never be able to scan.
  • If a scheduled exclude is active and a snapshot scan is running, any excluded endpoint will be skipped by the scan and will have an excluded end state.

Deprecated utilities and options

The tw_injectip utility is now deprecated and might be removed in future releases. Its functionality is available in the tw_scan_control utility which has all of the same options.

The --clean, --replace, and --scanLevel options are obsolete and have been replaced by the --clear, --update, and --scan-level options.

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