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Generating patterns for the application model

After you have created named values, you are ready to generate The Pattern Language (TPL) to encode all the details of your map into BMC Discovery. The pattern is automatically uploaded to BMC Discovery through the knowledge management UI, after which it will run during discovery and build the appropriate model whenever your application is discovered. BMC Discovery can discover and automatically build Business Application Instances (BAIs) based on the generated patterns that contain Functional Component Definitions, and it maintains the definitions in patterns so that it is ready to use in your environment.

Before you begin

In Legacy CAM, patterns are not generated for Software Instances (SIs), nor can you create custom SIs. To create custom SIs, you can use one of the template patterns available for download.

In Start anywhere application modeling however, you can create SIs from discovered processes or services.

To generate patterns for the application model

  1. From the Application Mapping tab on the Group page, click Generate TPL.

    BMC Discovery automatically activates the pattern that has been generated and submits it into the knowledge management UI, as illustrated in the following screen:

  2. From the Discovery tab, click Recent Runs.

  3. Click Rescan Now to scan the architecture again.
  4. Click the Applications tab.
  5. In the Application Summary section, click Application Instances.
    The applications are displayed in the list.

  6. Click one of the application instances in the list.

    The Application Instance page displays the complete BAI, detailing the functional components and software instances in the application.


In the second step of the mapping stage, Mike was able to identify the name of the Friends application (representing the transformed values) to divide the results into different instances (PROD and DEV). Now, at discovery time, BMC Discovery can use the transformed identity to split discovered results into different instances of the Friends application being mapped. Where Mike left off, the results of the identity change are displayed from the results of the Web and DB functional components that Mike has mapped. 

The final step is for Mike to encode the definitions into TPL.

  1. Click Generate TPL.
    The Knowledge Management page displays showing the changes being applied to BMC Discovery. When the pattern is finished generating, a banner displays at the top of the Knowledge Management page indicating that the requested changes were successful.
    The Friends Application Model is listed on the Knowledge Management page.

  2. Scan the estate to take a look at the Friends application instances.
  3. Scan any Mainframe instances and ensure that you see the number of instances you expected, and remember that you can filter the list to get a more granular view.

When Mike performs a scan, he notices that both the Friends instances DEV and PROD have been built. Drilling down into the DEV instance, he can see the functional components, software instances, software components, and hosts that make up the application. He can also see that the new pattern (applicationmodel.Friends.build_Friends) has been generated.

Mike has successfully mapped the Friends application and created the model in BMC Discovery.

Where to go from here

After you have generated TPL, you have mapped your application and created the model that will be used and maintained in BMC Discovery. At this point, you might also want to create a working back-up of your application map. If so, export a single group or set of groups containing Functional Component Definitions you have created. The exporting function can also be a useful tool for troubleshooting any problems you had in the mapping process, because it gives you a full history of the definitions that you applied in the map.

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