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Cloud providers

This section describes how to discover your cloud services on the individual cloud providers supported by BMC Discovery. It contains the following:

Unable to render {children}. Page not found: Configipedia:2021-02-27_11-32-16_Supported Cloud Providers.

This section also provides information on how new cloud providers can be added in monthly TKU releases.

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  1. Timothy Onyskin

    Question: When discovering cloud providers (and even vCenter devices), will it automatically read back the "tags" that have been created for the VMs?  We have a series of "tags" that we have created in vCenter, AWS, and Azure that help add to the data we would then push to the CMDB.  Things like the environment (Prod vs. QA), install date, requester, etc... Is there a way to read these tags?

    Mar 26, 2018 11:21
    1. Raphael Chauvel

      Hi, I was going through that page and accidentally saw your question. I hope it has been addressed, if not let me know.

      Jun 14, 2018 03:37
  2. Timothy Onyskin

    It has not been answered yet.  We have our teams putting 'tags' when they spin up a new AWS server, but we need to figure out if there is a way to read those.  We want to do the same thing from vCenter for on premise VMs.

    Jun 14, 2018 07:01
    1. Raphael Chauvel

      We do pull AWS and Azure tags. I don't think we do for vCenter. Something to file an Idea for?

      Jun 14, 2018 07:27
  3. Timothy Onyskin

    Sounds good.  Thank you.

    Jun 14, 2018 07:32