EMC VNXe 3200 Storage Discovered Information

This page details the storage information collected for each of the supported EMC VNXe 3200 Storage Systems discovered in your IT infrastructure.

Storage Systems Information

To access the collected information for EMC VNXe 3200 Storage systems:

  1. From the Home page, locate the Quick View section and click the Storage System icon to display the list of the discovered storage systems.

  2. In the Storage System list, double-click the EMC VNXe 3200 storage system you wish to access.

The table below lists the System Storage Information as discovered and displayed in the BMC Discovery console.

Storage System InformationDescription
NameThe name of the storage system.
TypeThe type name of the storage system.
Client Access TypesThe ways in which a client host can access the storage that this system is providing. This may be SAN, NAS, or SAN and NAS.
VendorThe storage system vendor.
ModelThe model name.
Serial NumberThe storage system serial number.
The operational status of the storage system. To simplify the reading, the status values are categorized as OK, Degraded, Failed, or Offline.
Status Detail
The operational storage system status as exposed by the device's vendor.
Software VersionThe software version of the storage system.

Indicates whether the system is encrypted or not (typically: True, False or Not Set).

Contained HardwareThe name of the hardware container (node) for the storage system.
Total Disk SpaceThe total available space in the storage system in bytes.
Total Oversubscribed CapacityTotal space oversubscribed in the storage system.
Storage DeviceLink to the storage device page. Refer to the Storage Device Information section for details.
Storage Processors

A summary table showing the storage processors in the storage system. For each processor the following information is displayed:

  • Processor Identifier
  • Vendor
  • Model
  • Firmware
  • Number of FC Ports

To see the storage processor page, click the corresponding table row. Refer to the Storage Processors Information section for details.

Storage PoolsDisplays the number of related storage pools. This is also a link to the Storage Pool List page. To see the storage pool page, click the corresponding table row. Refer to the Storage Pools Information section for details.
Storage VolumesDisplays the number of related storage volumes. This is also a link to the Storage Volume List page. To see the storage volume page, click the corresponding table row . Refer to the Storage Volumes Information section for details.
Disk DrivesDisplays the number of related disk drives. This is also a link to the Disk Drive List page. To see the disk drive page, click the corresponding table row. Refer to the Disk Drives Information section for details.
IPv4 AddressesList of IPv4 addresses used by the storage system.
Network InterfacesList of the network interfaces related to the storage system.
File Systems(NAS Servers only) Displays the number of related file systems. This is also a link to the File Systems List page. To see the file systems page, click the corresponding table row. Refer to the File Systems Information section for details.

Storage Devices Information

A Storage device in BMC Discovery represents an EMC VNXe 3200 device that has been discovered via the embedded SMI-S Provider. This section provides information about the Storage Device.

To access the collected information for storage processors:

  1. Open the Infrastructure page, and then click Storage Systems in the Infrastructure Summary section.
  2. Select a storage system from the list.
  3. Click the Storage Device link in the Storage Device section.

The table below lists the Storage Device Information as discovered and displayed in the BMC Discovery console.

Storage Device Information
NameThe name of the storage device.
VendorThe storage device vendor..
ModelThe model name of the storage device.
Serial NumberThe storage device serial number.
OS Class
 The operating system class.
OS Type
The operating system type.
Os Vendor

The operating system vendor..

InferenceThe discovery access history for the storage device. 

Hardware Container Information

A Hardware Container in BMC Discovery is a node that regroups all the available information about the discovered hardware components for a storage system. 

To access the collected information for hardware containers click the Hardware Container link available from the Storage System page.

The table below lists the Hardware Container Information as discovered and displayed in the BMC Discovery console.

Hardware ContainerDescription
NameThe name of the hardware container.

The type of the hardware container:

  • Main System Chassis are containers directly attached to the storage system that regroup Expansion Chassis containers and/or provide access to the discovered hardware components metrics.
  • Expansion Chassis containers are part of a Main System Chassis container and provide access to the discovered hardware components metrics.
ModelThe model name of the hardware container.
Serial NumberThe hardware container serial number.
Hardware VendorThe name of the hardware container manufacturer.
Hardware ContainersThe list of hardware containers that are grouped in a Main Chassis container and/or the list of the discovered hardware components.
Disk DrivesThe list of the disk drives that are grouped in the hardware container.
Storage System For Main System Chassis type only — Link to the storage system(s) related to the hardware container.
PatternLink to the related pattern information.

IP Addresses Information

This section provides information about the IP addresses used by the storage system.

To access the collected information for the IP addresses, click the IP Address Link from the Storage System page.

The table below lists the IP Address Information as discovered and displayed in the BMC Discovery console.

IP Address InformationDescription
IP Address
The IP address of the storage system node.


The type of IP address.


Indicates which part of the IP address is reserved for the network and which part is available for host use.

Broadcast AddressThe broadcast address within the subnet.
Network InterfaceThe network interface related to the IP address.
Storage SystemThe storage system related to the IP address.
SubnetThe sub-networks for the IP address.

Network Interfaces Information

This section provides information about network interfaces.

To access the collected information for the IP addresses, click the Network Interface link from the Storage System page

The table below lists the Network Interface Information as discovered and displayed in the BMC Discovery console.

Network Interface InformationDescription
Interface Name
The name of the network interface.

MAC Address

The unique identifier assigned to the network interface.

IPv4 AddressesThe IPv4 Addresses related to the network interface.

Storage System

The storage system related to the network interface.

Interface Type

The type of network interface (virtual, ethernet).

Storage Processors Information

This section provides information about the storage processors managing data transfer for the selected storage system.

To access the collected information for storage processors:

  1. Select the Infrastructure option in the Explore menu, and then the Storage Systems in the Infrastructure Summary section.
  2. Select a storage system from the list.
  3. Click a Processor Identifier name in the Storage Processors section.

The table below lists the Storage Processors Information as discovered and displayed in the BMC Discovery console.

Storage Processor InformationDescription
Processor IdentifierThe processor identifier. For example, SPA.


The hardware vendor. For example, EMC Corporation.


The model name. For example, BP SP REV D 4C.


The model description.

SerialThe serial number of the processor.


The firmware details.
PROM revisionRevision number of the PROM.
Storage SystemThe name of the storage device. This is also a link to the Storage System page. Refer to the Storage System Information section for details.
Front End FC PortsList of the front-end FC Ports for this processor.  Refer to the Front End FC Port Information section for details.

Front End FC Ports Information

This section provides information about the front-end fiber channel ports transmitting data for the selected storage system.

To access the collected information for Frond End Fibre Channel Ports:

  1. Select the Infrastructure option in the Explore menu, and then the Storage Systems in the Infrastructure Summary section.
  2. Select a storage system from the list.
  3. Click a Processor Identifier name in the Storage Processors section.
  4. Click a Port Name in the Front End FC Ports section.

The table below lists the Front End FC Ports Information as discovered and displayed in the BMC Discovery console.

Front End FC Port Information


Port Name

The name of the front end FC port.


The World Wide Port Name — Unique serial number of the front end FC port.


The role of the FC port, for example, Front End


The front end FC port type. For example, Fabric (N)


The front end FC port state. For example, Operational.

Speed (Gb/s)

The front end FC port speed (in Gbit/s).

Storage Processor

The storage processor for this port. This is also a link to the Storage Processor page. Refer to the Storage Processors Information section for details.

Storage Pools Information

This section provides information about the storage pools for the selected storage system.

To access the collected information for storage pools:

  1. Select the Infrastructure option in the Explore menu, and then the Storage Systems in the Infrastructure Summary section.
  2. Select a storage system from the list.
  3. Click the Storage Pools related link in the Storage Pools section to display a list of the storage pools associated to the storage system.
  4. Click a Storage Pool in the list.


The table below lists the Storage Pools Information as discovered and displayed in the BMC Discovery console.

Storage Pool InformationDescription
Pool IDThe ID of the storage pool.

The type of the storage pool. For example, Concrete.

NameThe name of the storage pool.
CapacityThe usable capacity of the storage pool in bytes.
Consumed CapacityThe space actually consumed in the storage pool in bytes.
Percentage ConsumedThe percentage of space consumed in the storage pool
Available CapacityThe total capacity not consumed in the storage system in bytes.
Subscribed CapacityThe total subscribed capacity in the storage pool.
Configured Volume CapacityThe sum of all mapped volumes.
Percentage SubscribedThe percentage of space subscribed in the storage pool.
Oversubscribed CapacityThe total space oversubscribed in the storage pool.
Oversubscription WarningIndicates whether or not an oversubscription warning is active.
Storage SystemThe name of the storage system for this storage pool. This is also a link to the Storage Systems page. Refer to the Storage Systems Information section for details.
Storage VolumesThe volumes for the storage pool. This is also a link to the Storage Volumes page. Refer to the Storage Volumes Information section for details.
Storage Volume MirrorsThe volume mirrors for the storage pool.

Storage Volumes Information

This section provides information about the storage volumes for the selected storage system.

To access the collected information for storage volumes:

  1. Select the Infrastructure option in the Explore menu, and then the Storage Systems in the Infrastructure Summary section.
  2. Select a storage system from the list.
  3. Click the Storage Volumes related link in the Storage Volumes section to display a list of the storage volumes associated to the storage system.
  4. Click a Storage Volume in the list.


The table below lists the Storage Volumes Information as discovered and displayed in the BMC Discovery console.

Storage Volume InformationDescription

Volume ID

The ID of the storage volume.


The name of the storage volume.


Indicates whether or not the storage volume is mapped.

Thinly Provisioned

Indicates whether the volume are thinly provisioned or not. For example, if the volumes are not thinly provisioned, it displays No.

Visible CapacityThe visible capacity of the storage volume in bytes.

Consumed From Pool

The capacity consumed from the storage pool related to the storage volume in bytes.

Consumable Capacity

The consumable capacity in the storage volume in bytes.

Percentage of Pool Consumed

The percentage of capacity consumed in the storage volume.

Block Size

The block size of the storage volume.

Number of Blocks

The number of blocks of the storage volume.

Consumable Blocks

The number of consumable blocks of the storage volume.

EncryptionIndicates whether the volume is encrypted or not (typically: True, False or Not Set).
File SystemThe name of the file system associated to the storage volume.

Storage System

The name of the storage system for this storage volume. This is also a link to the Storage Systems page. Refer to the Storage Systems Information section for details.

Storage Pool

Name of the storage pool for this storage volume. This is also a link to the Storage Pools page. Refer to the Storage Pools Information section for details.

Disk Drives Information

The total number of disk drives associated with a storage entity is displayed on the Storage System page.This section provides information about the disk drives for the selected storage system.

The table below lists the Disk Drives Information as discovered and displayed in the BMC Discovery console.

Disk Drive Information



The name of the disk drive.

SpeedSpeed of the disk drive (in RPM).


The size of the disk drive in bytes.


The name of the disk drive vendor.


The model of the disk drive.

Serial NumberThe serial number of the disk drive.
Current StateState of the disk drive. For example, OK.
Chassis SerialThe serial number of the chassis.
Enclosure SerialThe serial number of the enclosure.
NumberThe number identifying the disk drive in the enclosure.
EncryptionIndicates whether the disk drive is encrypted or not (typically: True, False or Not Set).
Storage SystemName of the storage system for this disk drive. This is also a link to the Storage System page.
Hardware ContainerName of the hardware container related to the disk drive.

File Systems Information

This section provides information about the storage volumes for the selected storage system.

To access the collected information for storage volumes:

  1. Select the Infrastructure option in the Explore menu, and then the Storage Systems in the Infrastructure Summary section.
  2. Select a storage system from the list.
  3. Click the File Systems related link in the File Systems section to display a list of the file systems associated to the storage system.
  4. Click a File System in the list.

The table below lists the File Systems Information as discovered and displayed in the BMC Discovery console.

File System Information


Filesystem Name

The name of the file system.

KindThe file system kind.
TypeThe file system type.


The file system size in bytes.


The space used on the file system in bytes.

Used PercentageThe percentage of space used on the file system.


The space available on the file system in bytes.

Free PercentageThe percentage of free space available on the file system.
Storage VolumeNames of the storage volumes for this file system. This is also a link to the Storage Volumes page.

Storage System

Name of the storage system for this file system. This is also a link to the Storage System page.
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