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The Using section of the MainView for DB2 documentation is now available in Japanese. The displayed language is dependent on your browser language. You can switch languages from the Language menu.

RECTRACE report, statement and parameter

The RECTRACE statement specifies a detailed report that includes every field in every record that is selected for each report.

It applies to all reports that are produced by subsequent REPORT statements in the same job stream. The record trace for each report is printed immediately following the report itself. It is comparable to the record trace that is produced online by using the Report Status panels. The NORECTRACE statement specifies that no record trace reports are produced. NORECTRACE is the default.

When used as a parameter of the REPORT statement, RECTRACE applies only to the reports specified in that REPORT statement. A RECTRACE or NORECTRACE parameter of a REPORT statement overrides any previously specified RECTRACE or NORECTRACE statement.

The only valid abbreviation for RECTRACE is RT, and the only valid abbreviation for NORECTRACE is NORT. The following figure shows the syntax of the RECTRACE statement and parameter.

In addition, you can specify RECTRACE as the report name when processing TRACEIN input that was collected via GTF or SMF tracing. When using this capability, you can also specify IFCIDS as a parameter on the REPORT statement to limit the records being formatted.


The following example uses the RECTRACE parameter. This REPORT statement produces an Accounting Short Trace (BACCTST) report followed by a detailed record trace of every record that is included in the report.


The following example uses the RECTRACE report and parameter. This REPORT statement produces a detailed report of every field for every IFCID 3 and 239 record in TRACEIN.


The following example prints formatted SQL IFCIDs from TRACEIN:

 REPORT(NAME(RECTRACE) RECTRACE IFCID(53, 55, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62))

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