Setting up Oracle for installation

The following Oracle versions are supported for Windows and Linux platforms:

  • with, or client
  • 12c Release 1 (
  • 18c, 19c


Make sure your Oracle client has the same architecture as the BMC Client Management agent (x86 or x64); otherwise, the BMC Client Management agent cannot communicate with the database.

If Oracle 11g or 12c is already installed as a database engine, you need to execute the following before installing the master.

To set the character set to unicode

  1. In the Database Configuration Assistant select the Character Set tab when the Initialization Parameters window appears.
  2. Select the Use Unicode (AL32UTF8) radio button.
  3. In the National Character Set box select the UTF8 value.

To create a database on Oracle v11g or 12c

Create a database for the BMC Client Management before running the installation process. This database can be default named as bcmdb or freely named. The name is requested during the BMC Client Management master installation in the Database Settings dialog box (this applies to Windows platforms only).

To create tablespaces for Oracle v11g or 12c

Before installing the master you must also create a user and the tablespaces for the BCM database . This is done through the execution of scripts delivered with the BMC Client Management installation archive in the Support/Database directory. Proceed as follows:

  1. Create a new directory under the Oracle installation directory for the tablespaces, for example, Oracle/OraData/BmcClientManagement .
  2. Copy the files and to the temp directory of the machine on which the BMC Client Management master is to be installed.

    To create tablespaces on a Linux server, use the file. On a Windows server, use the file.

  3. Open a command line window on this machine.
  4. Enter the following command line followed by the ENTER button: <System_Password> <Net_Service_Name> <Tablespaces_Path> <DB_User_Name> <DB_User_Password> whereby:


    is the password to the Oracle system


    is the name of the Oracle service


    is the path to the directory in which the tablespaces are located, for example, Oracle/OraData/BmcClientManagement


    is the name of the Oracle account, with which you connect to the BMC Client Management database


    is the corresponding password

The tablespaces are now created and you can continue with the master installation.

To remove Oracle identification on the client

The following line must be commented with a hash (#) in the following file to remove the Oracle identification on the Oracle client:


To define language settings on Oracle v11g or 12c

The following settings are required for the NLS_LANG parameter:

  • The Oracle parameter NLS_LANG (stored as either an environment variable, or in the registry at HKLM/SOFTWARE/ORACLE/HOME0/NLS_LANG) needs to be set properly. It is of the form "Language"_"Location"."Charset" and Charset needs to be set to AL32UTF8, for example, NLS_LANG=Japanese_Japan.AL32UTF8.
  • If your language is not one of the Western European group, the Oracle parameter NLS_LANG (stored as either an environment variable, or in the registry at HKLM/SOFTWARE/ORACLE/HOME0/NLS_LANG) needs to be set properly. It is of the form "Language"_"Location"."Charset" and Charset needs to be set to AL32UTF8, for example, NLS_LANG=Japanese_Japan.AL32UTF8.

To configure database for Linux

  • On Linux systems, ensure that the Oracle library exists on the master in the oracle_home/lib directory of the Oracle client. It is sometimes possible that this library exists under another name, such as If this is the case, create a symbolic link for pointing to Also, ensure that the directory that contains this file is referenced in the /etc/ Any changes to this file require ldconfig to be run for the changes to take effect.
  • In the  the BMCClientManagementAgent file (this file corresponds to the service of BMC Client Management agent) located in the /etc/init.d/ directory, ensure the following entries are listed under the # Some definitions section in this file:

    ############### ORACLE START########################################
    export ORACLE_HOME
    export NLS_LANG
    export SQLPATH
    export PATH
    export TNS_ADMIN
    if [ $?LD_LIBRARY_PATH ]
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    ############### ORACLE END###########################################


    • The PATH, ORACLE_HOME and NLS_LANG entries might need to be changed to match the path where BMC Client Management is installed, the path where Oracle is installed, and the NLS_LANG defined for the Oracle database respectively.
    • If BMC Client Management agent is already running, you can use the serviceBMCClientManagementAgentstop and serviceBMCClientManagementAgentstart commands to respectively stop and start the agent before making the above changes.
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  1. Sai Kumar Manepu

    On Linux Server we should use file for creating tablespaces. (.sh file)

    Could you add note under section : To create tablespaces for Oracle v11g or 12c, On Linux Server we should use

    On windows server we can go with mentioned (batch) file.

    Dec 29, 2020 08:23
    1. Darshana Bhangare

      Thanks, Sai! I have added the note.

      Dec 30, 2020 02:16