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BMC Analytics for BSM is based on SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise. For SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise deployment information, see the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence documentation.

Sizing factors

The BMC Analytics for BSM product is based completely on BusinessObjects Enterprise, and so the task of sizing the installation is sizing the BusinessObjects Enterprise server and software. The guidelines in this document assume that the installed system is being used for BMC Analytics for BSM only.

To size the BMC Analytics for BSM installation, estimate the following numbers:

Potential users

Potential users (Named Users) is the number of users who are able to log on to the system. This is the easiest number to calculate because it represents the total population of users who have the ability to access the BusinessObjects Enterprise environment.

Concurrent active users

This is an estimate of the number of users who are expected to be concurrently logged on and actively interacting with the system (clicking on folders, viewing reports, scheduling, and so on.) Do not include users who are logged on but inactive in this estimate.

According to BusinessObjects Enterprise, many customers find that their concurrency ratios average from 10 percent to 20 percent of their total potential user base. For example, with 1000 potential users, use an estimate of 100 to 200 concurrent active users. This number can vary significantly depending on the nature and breadth of the deployment, but is a reasonable general guideline for planning purposes.

Database sizing

BMC Analytics for BSM can use the BMC Remedy AR System database, but this might affect the performance of the database server. BMC recommends that you use a separate reporting instance of the BMC Remedy AR System database to support the BMC Analytics for BSM environment.