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Node associations are represented by relationships. There are different types of relationships which define hierarchy, hosting, containment, ownership, manufacturer, category, versions, location, dependency, in fact, any kind of relationship required to model an IT infrastructure.
A type of relationship is represented as colon-separated strings. A relationship comprises more than the two node endpoints, it contains the "route" between the two. This is made up in the following way:


For example, the relationship from a Host node to the Cluster node that contains the host is shown as:


The relationship from a Cluster node to a Host node that it contains is shown as:


A relationship is a bidirectional link between two nodes. In this section, the terms "start node" and "target node" are used to describe the way that the relationship is built. However, once the relationship has been built, the terms are redundant.

The general timeline for the creation of a relationship is:

  1. Create "start node".
  2. Create "target node".
  3. Create relationship between 1 and 2.

The individual components of the relationship are described in the following sections.


The node is any kind of node that can have a relationship, such as a Host node. All nodes can have relationships, including relationships.

Relationship kinds

The relationship kind describes the nature of the relationship. For example, the DeviceSubnet relationship kind describes the link between a device and the subnet that it is on, but without any directionality implied.

This section refers to Relationship Kinds as the colon-separated lists which describe how two nodes are related, the roles that each node plays in the relationship, and the Relationship Link which describes the nature of the Relationship.

A complete list of Relationship Kinds with their descriptions is provided in the table below.

Relationship Kind


Hierarchy Relationships


Relates nodes into a hierarchy.

Attachment Relationships


Relates a node to a file attachment.

Category Relationships


Relates an element to a category it is in.

People Relationships


Relates an element to its owner.


Relates an employee to their manager.



Relates an element to the location it is in.


Relates a location to the larger location it is in.



Relates software to the host it is running on.


Relates hosts and software instances to contained virtual hosts.


Relates Hosts that appear to have changed identity

HostedServiceRelates a service to the host it is running on


ActivityRelates a Model Definition to an activity that has been performed on it


Relates software instances to communicating software instances.

Used when a pattern can identify configuration within a piece of software that specifies communication with another piece of software. For example, a pattern might be able to read a configuration file for an application server and see the address of a database server.


Relates elements to elements they depend upon.


Relates an item of software to an item contained in it.


Relates an item of software to a service.

DefinitionCloneRelates a Model Definition to a cloned version of it
DefinitionContainmentRelates a Model Definition to items included or excluded by it
FunctionalContainmentRelates a Functional Component to an item contained within it
MultiFacetRelates multiple facets of a single process

Relates observed communicating elements.

Used when communication between two pieces of software has been generically discovered from information like open network connections and listening ports. When BMC Discovery is able to identify both ends of a communication, it tries to then correlate this information with software that it sees running.

For this to work well, often root/administrator access for BMC Discovery is needed, as operating systems only give all the pertinent information to sufficiently privileged users.

Physical Model

AdapterWithPortRelates an adapter to a port


Relates an IP device to the subnet it is on.


Relates an IP device with one of its network interfaces.

DeviceAddressRelates an IP device with one of its IP addresses


Relates a network interface on a host to a port interface on a switch.


Relates a file to its host.


Relates a file to something that uses it.


Relates a World Wide Node Number (WWNN) to an HBA.


Relates a World Wide Port Number (WWPN) to a WWNN.


Relates the mounter and the FileSystem.

ChosenEndpointRelates a device successfully scanned by this endpoint
EndpointRelates a Discovery Access that successfully scanned a device by this endpoint
CloudServiceRelates cloud services
CouplingFacilityRelates Coupling Facility to its dependents
ExportedFileSystemRelates exported FileSystem to local FileSystem
ExposedViewRelates a port to an exposed view (volume)
HardwareUseRelates hardware to the system using it
InterfaceAddressRelates a network interface with its IP addresses
NetworkServiceA network device service

Directly Discovered Data


Relates a DiscoveryAccess to one of its results.


Relates a List of Members.


Relates sequential nodes.


Relates an inferred node with its source node.


Relationship to a status node.


Access failure.


Access optimization.


Information about a discovery request.

DiscoveryConditionRelates an element with a condition to that condition
EndpointRangeA range used to control endpoint access
ImplicitScanImplicitly scanned IP address

Pattern Relationships


Associates a pattern module to its contents.


Associates a pattern module to its dependents.


Pattern that is maintaining an inferred node.


Associates a pattern that will need the products of another.


Associate patterns that are being overridden or are overriding others.


Associated pattern has been deprecated or is deprecating others.


Errors generated by this pattern at runtime.


Associates a PatternExecution to its Pattern.


Associate a PatternTrigger with things it changed.


Associates a PatternExecution to its trigger nodes.


Associates a Pattern to the DDD nodes requested by it.


Relates the implementation of a resource


Relates the usage of a resource

CodeGenerationRelates a generated pattern module to a pattern definition
UploadContentsContents of unloaded knowledge

Generic Modeling Relationships


Relates an element to its container.


Relates an element to details about it.


Relates Host and Software Instance nodes to SupportDetail nodes.

CollectionRelates an element to the collection in which it is contained
MirrorRepresents a mirroring relationship
ReplacementA node replaced during update
ReplicationRepresents a replication relationship

Rule Relationships


Associates a rule module to its dependents.

Foundation User Relationships


A Favorite item for a User


Relates to the invoking user

Hardware Reference Data Relationships


Relates physical hosts to hardware reference data

HardwareReferenceDataRelates Host and HostContainer nodes to HardwareReferenceData nodes

Stack Devices

DeviceStackRelates a stack member to the stack itself


SANStorageRelates a host consumer of SAN storage to the reference to that host on the storage
StorageRelates Storage to hosts using it
StorageContainmentRelates Storage to the Storage Collection containing it
StorageUseRelates storage nodes


The role describes the part that its node plays in the relationship.
For example, where a Host node represents a host which is running a software process:

  • A Software Instance has been created which represents the process running on the host.
  • The Host node is acting in the role of Host; the host for some running software.
  • The Software Instance is acting in the role of RunningSoftware; software which is running on a host.

Roles are required because a node can play one of many parts in a relationship, and clarification is needed; the role clarifies the part that the nodes are playing in the relationship.

A complete alphabetical list of Role Kinds in the default taxonomy with their descriptions is provided in the table below.

Role Kind


ActedUponAn item that is being acted on
ActivityRecordAn ActivityRecord
AggregateSoftwareAggregate software running on a host
AssociateAssociate inference
AttachmentContainerNode containing an attachment

A group automatically generated by BMC Discovery

BusinessOwnerBusiness owner of an element
CategoryCategory of elements
ChildChild in hierarchy
CloneForEditA Definition which is a clone of another for editing
CloneSourceA Definition which has been cloned
ClusteredSoftwareClustered software running on a host
CollectionElement containing a collection of elements
ConsumerA consumer
ContainedAn element contained within another
ContainedConnectionContained connection
ContainedDriveContained disk drive
ContainedFunctionalityComponent within a FunctionalComponent
ContainedHostHost contained within another host
ContainedInstanceContained load balancer instance
ContainedItemAn item within a container
ContainedLocationA location inside another location
ContainedMemberContained load balancer member
ContainedPoolContained storage or load balancer pool
ContainedProcessorContained storage processor
ContainedServiceContained load balancer service
ContainedSoftwarePiece of software contained inside other software
ContainedStorageStorage contained in an element
ContainedVolumeContained storage volume
ContainerAn element containing others
ContributorContributor inference
CopyCopy of item
CouplingFacilityCoupling Facility
DependantEntity that depends upon another
DependedUponEntity depended upon by another
DetailA detail belonging to an element
DeviceOnSubnetIP device belonging to a subnet
DeviceWithAddressA device with an IP address
DeviceWithInterfaceA device with an interface, for example, a network interface
DiscoveryAccessDiscovery access
DiscoveryConditionIdentifies a discovery condition
DiscoveryResultDiscovery result
DiscoveryRunDiscovery run
EdgeClientEdge client
EdgeDeviceEdge device
ElementInCategoryElement belonging to a category
ElementInLocationElement in a location
ElementUsingFileElement using a file
ElementWithConditionIdentifies a node to which a discovery condition pertains
ElementWithDetailElement with associated details
ElementWithStatusElement with an associated status
EndpointRangeA range used to control endpoint access
ErrorAn ECAError related to a pattern
ExcludedItemAn item excluded from a Definition
ExplicitEndpointUser provided endpoint
ExportedExported filesystem
ExposedElementExposed element
FavoriteA favorite item for a user
FibreChannelDeviceWithNodeA Fibre Channel HBA with a WWNN
FibreChannelNodeA Fibre Channel WWNN for a HBA
FibreChannelNodeWithPortA Fibre Channel WWNN with a WWPN
FibreChannelPortA Fibre Channel WWPN
FileA File
FoundationUserA BMC Discovery User
FrontEndPortA Front End Port
FunctionalContainerFunctionalComponent containing components
HardwarePhysical host to which hardware reference data will be related
HardwareDetailSupport Detail Data is for Hardware
HomeLocationHome location of an element
HostHost for Software Instances
HostContainerHost containing other hosts
HostedFileA File on a Host
IPv4AddressAn IPv4 address
IPv6AddressAn IPv6 address
ITOwnerIT owner of an element
ImplicitEndpointSystem provided endpoint
IncludedItemAn item included in a Definition
InferredElementInferred element
InferredRelationshipInferred relationship
InputInput data
InstalledSoftwareInstalled software
IntegrationPointIntegration point for a connection or query
InterfaceOfDeviceInterface of an IP device
InterfaceOfStackInterface of the Stack
InterfaceWithAddressInterface with an IP address
LocalLocal filesystem
LocationCurrent location of an element
LocationContainerA location containing other locations
MainFacetMain Facet
ManagedElementElement being managed
ManufacturedItemManufactured item
ManufacturerManufacturer of an item
MemberMember of a list or collection
MountedFileSystemMounted file system
MounterMounter of a file system
NetworkDeviceNetwork device
NetworkEndpointOne end of a network connection
NetworkServiceNetwork device providing a service
NewA new node
NextNext node in sequence
OSDetailSupport Detail Data is for Operating System
OldA replaced node
OperatingSystemOperating system of a host
OriginalOriginal item
OutputOutput data
OverriddenA pattern that is overridden by another
OverriderA pattern that is overriding another
OwnedItemItem owned by someone or something
OwnerOwner of an item
ParentParent in hierarchy
PatternConfigurationPattern configuration
PatternConfirmedConfirmed node
PatternCreatedCreated node
PatternDefinePattern definitions function
PatternDefinitionsPattern definitions
PatternDestroyedDestroyed node
PatternExecutionPattern execution
PatternModifiedModified node
PatternModulePattern module
PatternTriggerPattern trigger
PatternWithErrorA pattern with ECAErrors
PreviousPrevious node in sequence
PrimaryPrimary inference
ProducerA producer
ProviderA provider
ReferenceDataHolds hardware reference data
RegionCloud Region in which the related resource resides
RequestSourceSource of discovery request
ResourceResource being used
ResourceUserUser of resource
RunningServiceService running on a host
RunningSoftwareSoftware running on a host
ServiceService being provided
ServiceHostHost providing a service
ServiceProviderProvider of a service
SoftwareContainerPiece of software containing other software
SoftwareDetailSupport Detail Data is for Software
StackStack of Network Devices
StackMemberNetwork Device in Stack
StorageStorage for an element
StorageContainerElement containing storage
SubnetSubnet of an IP device
SupportOwnerPerson or group responsible for supporting an element
UploadUploaded knowledge
UploadItemComponent of uploaded knowledge


By linking data items and their attributes to the evidence for them, BMC Discovery enables its data to be easily verified; a prerequisite for trusting it. This feature is called Provenance.
Provenance Data is created by the Reasoning Engine and consists of relationships between Directly Discovered Data (DDD) items and entities inferred from them - a relationship back to the source from the inferred entity. For example, there is a provenance relationship between each Software Instance (SI) and the data that caused the SI to be inferred - typically one or more processes, files, or the like.

Provenance information is meta-information describing how the other information came to exist. It is generated as Reasoning builds and maintains the model. Provenance information is stored on relationships in the model.

  • Inference Types
    • Primary — indicate that the existence of the evidence node is the reason that the inferred node was created.
    • Contributor — indicate that the evidence node provided information used in building the inferred node.
    • Associate — indicate that BMC Discovery knows there is a relationship between the evidence node and the inferred node.
    • Relationship — indicate that BMC Discovery knows that a relationship exists because of the evidence node.
    • Deletion — indicate that the removal of the inferred node was due to withdrawal of the evidence node.
  • Maintaining Pattern — the pattern maintaining a node.

If you need to access the data in your model you should access the UI functions provided in BMC Discovery that enable this. Apart from specialist purposes, you should not need to understand the provenance implementation details in BMC Discovery. However, an overview is provided below.


For patterns as well as the overall functioning in BMC Discovery, if the system scans the infrastructure and captures some data but in a subsequent scan fails to obtain the same data, it does not immediately remove the old data. For example, a scan in the past may have captured a host and its installed packages. But the latest scan may fail to retrieve the packages. This does not mean that the host now has no installed packages. The system records the failure in DDD and leaves the existing data as the best-known information. In a subsequent scan if the system successfully gets a list of packages, and some packages that were previously present are now absent, then the system updates the data by removing the relationships to non-existing packages.

Provenance implementation details

To represent provenance information, attributes can be stored on the Inference relationships. The keys attribute contains a list of the attribute keys that were set or confirmed on the inferred node as a result of the inference. The rule attribute contains the name of the reasoning rule that decided upon the inference. Provenance information is only created and is not updated.

Inferred nodes are related to DDD nodes using 'Creation Inference' relationships. The Inferred node has the role InferredElement; the DDD node has the role Primary, Contributor or Associate as appropriate. To support the full lifecycle of inferred nodes there are complimentary Removal Inference relationships. Destruction is the complementary role to Primary, and Withdrawal is the complementary role to Contributor.

The method of linking of discovered information to inferred information means that in general, each inferred node will have relationships to many discovery data nodes, representing multiple discoveries of the entity over time.

The Reasoning Engine maintains this provenance information and this can be accessed using functions in the BMC Discovery Search Service named Provenance and Provenance Details.

Relationships between relationships

Relationships are technically a sub-class of nodes and they have the same basic characteristics. Relationships can have attributes stored in them and can have relationships to other nodes in the same way that nodes can.

A relationship connects two nodes between their role, however a relationship can also act in a role in a relationship. Therefore, you can have relationships between nodes and relationships or relationships between relationships.

Relationships between inferred nodes

Using patterns, the reasoning engine can construct a number of relationships between inferred nodes, as follows:

Links an SI to the Host it is running on.


A client-server relationship between SIs. This can be inferred based on the presence of network connections between processes. It can also be based on other evidence such as configuration files or directly querying the endpoints.


Equivalent to the client-server case, but where the endpoints in a communication are peers, rather than client and server.


A dependency between SIs, other than a communication link. Attributes on the relationship can indicate the kind of dependency.


Represents SIs that logically contain other SIs.


Links a virtual host to the Software Instance that implements it.


Links a configuration file to a Software Instance.


Represents the SIs that make up a BAI.


Represents BAIs that logically contain other BAIs.


A dependency between BAIs.


Indicates the Hosts which form a cluster.


Indicates the SIs that provide clustering services for a cluster.


Represents the relationship between logical hosts and their container for Sun E15Ks and similar.


Represents the relationship between network interfaces and the subnets they are connected to.


In addition to these relationships, the reasoning engine also constructs relationships to the Pattern Management nodes, for example, patterns.

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