Phased rollout


This version of the software is currently available only to early adopter SaaS customers as the first step in our phased rollout.

Configuration options for the end user console

BMC Helix Digital Workplace users can configure the following options:

  • Locale
    To see a localized view of the end user console, the user must set the locale in the browser. 
  • User preferences
    End users can access their preferences in the upper-right corner of the end user console.

The following table describes preferences that an end user can set up:

Preference typeDescription
Profile information

End users can add an image to their profile, job title, phone numbers, and email addresses. 

End users can add only one work email, and this email is used for sending email notifications from BMC Helix Digital Workplace.

Notification settings

End users can enable notifications they want to receive for the following types of events:

  • In-app notifications on desktops, mobile phones, and tablets
  • Notifications about approvals (this section is visible only to approvers)
  • Status updates and messages for service requests
  • Feedback notifications for the recently completed requests
  • Notifications about social activity
Approval settings

End users can create approval delegation rules to temporarily delegate their requests to other users.

For more information about this feature, see Delegating to alternate approvers.

Social preferences

End users can set up their social preferences as follows:

  • Find and follow people
  • Create and add people you follow to social groups, as well as search for existing groups and start following them

The updates from the followed people are displayed in the Posts timeline.

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