This documentation supports the 20.08 version of BMC Digital Workplace Advanced, which is available only to BMC Helix subscribers (SaaS).
To view an earlier version, select the version from the Product Version menu.

Starting and stopping the BMC Digital Workplace Catalog server

A system administrator can run these commands to start and stop the BMC Digital Workplace Catalog server to refresh an installation, to correct configuration issues, or for other administrative reasons.

Related topics

Performing the BMC Digital Workplace Catalog installation

Creating the tenant data

DOC-104499: Instructions to create a start-up script in BMC Digital Workplace Catalog Open link

To start and stop the server


If you installed BMC Digital Workplace Catalog as a non-root user, then a non-root user must start the application server. If you start or restart the application server as the root user, then the root user writes the lock files to create a mixed installation directory, and prevents a non-root user from being able to upgrade the application later.

  1. Change to the installLocation folder specified in options.txt.

    Replace installLocation with the value specified in options.txt, for example, /opt/bmc/digitalworkplace.

    [root@server-example install]# cd /opt/bmc/digitalworkplace
  2. Run one of the following commands:

    ./dwpcontroller start

    To start the server and be prompted for credentials, see To start the server with manual prompting (below).

    To start the server without prompts, see To start the server without being prompted for credentials (below).

    Note: If BMC Support is helping you to migrate your data, start the system by using the ./bin/arsystem start command.

    ./dwpcontroller stopStops a running server instance.
    ./bin/arsystem startStart the platform server without starting the application, for the purpose of migrating data from an earlier release.

To start the server with manual prompting

To show you what to expect when you start or restart the server, see the following for typical messages from a healthy startup.

  1. Run the command to start the server.

    [root@server-example digitalworkplace]# ./dwpcontroller start
  2. Enter the BMC_DWP_USER and BMC_DWP_PASSWORD, for example, dwpadmin / dwppassword.
    The system shows diagnostic messages as it waits for resources to become available. After about 15 minutes, the system should return to the terminal prompt.


    The following messages are normal and are not cause for alarm.

    9988 not yet upThe installer polls the application server port repeatedly during startup.
    ReturnCode: ERROR
    Status List : 1 items
    Status Struct :
      Message type : ERROR
      Message number : 366
      Message: Escalation does not exist on server
      Appended: RSR:TriggerUserSync
    The missing escalation is not related to the application.
  3. After the startup process completes, open the application URL in a web browser to test the application.

    Browser location: http://BMC_DWP_SERVER_NAME:8008/myitsbe


To start the server without being prompted for credentials

For security reasons, the dwpcontroller start command prompts you to enter the credentials for the administrative user and password specified in the options.txt file as BMC_DWP_USER and BMC_DWP_PASSWORD.

To avoid these prompts, you can include the credentials when you run the command to start the server.


The value for BMC_DWP_PASSWORD must not be blank.

  1. Stop the running application.

    [root@server-example digitalworkplace]# ./dwpcontroller stop
  2. Run the command appended with user credentials.

    [root@server-example digitalworkplace]# ./dwpcontroller start -u <BMC_AR_USER>  -p <BMC_AR_PASSWORD>

    In the following example, the <BMC_DWP_USER> is "dwpadmin" and <BMC_AR_PASSWORD> is "dwppassword". Encrypted passwords are not supported.

    [root@server-example digitalworkplace]# ./dwpcontroller start -u dwpadmin -p dwppassword

    The server should start up without prompting you for credentials.

  3. After the startup process completes, open the application URL in a web browser to test the application.

    Browser location: http://BMC_DWP_SERVER_NAME:8008/myitsbe


Troubleshooting startup issues

If you experience any issues with system startup, review the file /opt/bmc/digitalworkplace/db/sb-start.log for errors. For examples of log messages that can assist your troubleshooting, see Troubleshooting common BMC Digital Workplace Catalog issues by using log files.

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