This documentation supports the 20.08 version of BMC Digital Workplace Advanced, which is available only to BMC Helix subscribers (SaaS).
To view an earlier version, select the version from the Product Version menu.

Identifying connectivity and configuration issues by running health checks

A BMC Digital Workplace environment contains components such as Apache Tomcat. BMC Digital Workplace can be integrated with BMC Digital Workplace Catalog and other BMC products such as BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management and BMC HR Case Management. Occasionally, connectivity or configuration issues can affect accessibility of BMC Digital Workplace or other integrated products.

You can identify connectivity or configuration issues in your BMC Digital Workplace environment by running health checks through the BMC Digital Workplace Health Check utility.

Solution offered by the BMC Digital Workplace Health Check utility

By using the BMC Digital Workplace Health Check utility, you can narrow down the possible causes for connectivity or configuration issues and check the overall health of your BMC Digital Workplace environment. You can run the utility in clustered and non-clustered BMC Digital Workplace environments.

The following table provides details about the utility regarding when it is run by using the web interface, script, or CLI.

 Web interfaceScript or CLI
Interface or file used to run the utility

The BMC Digital Workplace Health Check utility web application is a part of the BMC Digital Workplace server. Access the web application by using a web browser with a URL like this:

You run a script file:

  • (Windows) healthcheck.bat
  • (Linux)

Alternatively, you can run the health-runner-version.jar file from CLI.

Use in non-clustered environments

You can use the web interface in the following ways:

  • Run the checks directly on a BMC Digital Workplace host
  • From a non-host computer, run the checks for a BMC Digital Workplace host

You can open multiple web browser tabs and run the utility for different BMC Digital Workplace hosts.

You can run a script or run the utility from CLI in the following ways:

  • Run the checks directly on a BMC Digital Workplace host
  • From a non-host computer, run the checks for a BMC Digital Workplace host
Use in clustered environments

You can run the web interface only for the load balancer host, which in turn runs the checks for one BMC Digital Workplace server in the cluster.

The load balancer must be accessible via Hyper Text Transfer Protocol, http or https.

Note: You cannot run the utility for individual BMC Digital Workplace hosts in the cluster.

You can run the script or run the utility from CLI, for the load balancer host, and also for individual BMC Digital Workplace hosts in the cluster.

The load balancer or the BMC Digital Workplace host must be accessible via Hyper Text Transfer Protocol, http or https.

Use in environments with Single Sign-On

If you have integrated BMC Digital Workplace with BMC Atrium Single Sign-On or Remedy Single Sign-On, you see the Single Sign-On login screen when you access the web interface of the BMC Digital Workplace Health Check utility. You can log in with your MyIT Super Admin credentials. The utility runs and the web interface displays the health check results.

Running the BMC Digital Workplace Health Check utility from CLI or by running scripts in environments with Single Sign-On is not supported. You must use the web interface to run health checks.

Result The web interface displays results on the screen.Results are presented in the following ways:
  • The script saves the result to a log file.
  • The utility, when run from CLI, displays the result on the console and also saves the result to a log file.

Best practice

To proactively identify issues in your working BMC Digital Workplace environment, we recommend that you run the BMC Digital Workplace Health Check utility periodically.

Permissions required to run the utility

To run the utility, you must belong to the MyIT Super Admin permission group.

Video assistance


The following videos show an older version of BMC Digital Workplace. The previous product name was MyIT. Although there might be minor changes in the UI, the overall functionality remains the same.

Running the BMC Digital Workplace Health Check utility

This section provides procedures to run the utility using different interfaces. The following information is provided:

Before you begin

  • Ensure that you have MyIT Super Admin permission.
  • Ensure that the BMC Digital Workplace server is running, and is accessible via http or https.
  • (For running the script or running the utility using CLI) Ensure the following points:
    • You can access the computer where BMC Digital Workplace is installed.
    • The DigitalWorkplaceHome\DWP\health-check directory is available and accessible.
      Here DigitalWorkplaceHome is the directory where BMC Digital Workplace is installed.The default BMC Digital Workplace installation location is as follows:
      • (Windows) C:\Program Files\BMC Software\DWP\
      • (Linux) /opt/bmc/DWP/
    • The health-check directory contains the following utility files:
      • health-runner-version.jar, where version is BMC Digital Workplace version
      • healthcheck.bat
    • The computer on which you run the utility has Oracle JDK or OpenJDK version 11.
    • JAVA_HOME or Java bin directory is present in the executable file path. Run the java -version command to verify if Java is configured correctly.

To run the BMC Digital Workplace Health Check utility from the web interface

  1. Enter the URL in a web browser. Use the appropriate URL format:
    • (Non-clustered environment) http://DigitalWorkplaceHostName:port/dwp/healthcheck/
    • (Clustered environment) http://loadBalancerHostName:port/dwp/healthcheck/
  2. Enter your BMC Digital Workplace credentials, and click Log in.
    The utility runs the checks and presents the results.

Example and output of running the utility from the web interface

Example URL

Results are displayed on the web page, along with details of all checks.

For details about the checks and their corrective actions, see Interpretation of health check results (below).

To run the BMC Digital Workplace Health Check utility from CLI

  1. (When running the utility from a non-host computer) Copy the health-check directory to the non-host computer.
  2. At the command prompt on the computer where you are running the utility, navigate to the health-check directory.
  3. Run the utility by using the appropriate command.
    The command is the same for Windows and Linux computers. For details about the parameters, see Parameters for running the utility from CLI (below).
    • Use the following command when running the utility directly on a BMC Digital Workplace host:

      java -jar health-runner-<version>.jar -s http://localhost:9000/dwp -u <userName> -p <password>
    • Use the following command when running the utility from a non-host computer, for a BMC Digital Workplace host:

      java -jar health-runner-<version>.jar -s http://<bmcMyITHostName>:9000/dwp -u <userName> -p <password>
    • Use the following command when running the utility for a load balancer host:

       java -jar health-runner-<version>.jar -s http://<loadBalancerHostName>:9000/dwp -u <userName> -p <password>

Parameters for running the utility from CLI

All parameters in the command are mandatory. The following table describes the parameters:

ParameterSample valueDescription

Specifies the BMC Digital Workplace host name for which you are running the health check.


Specifies the BMC Digital Workplace user name of a MyIT Super Admin user.


Specifies the user's password.

Example and output of running the utility from CLI

Example URL or commandjava -jar health-runner- -s -u Allen -p password

Results are displayed in the following locations:

  • On the CLI console
  • In the healthCheck.log file located in the \health-check directory

For details about the checks and the corrective actions, see Interpretation of health check results.

To run the BMC Digital Workplace Health Check utility script


Do not update any code in the script, other than the specified parameters. Doing so might result in script failure. 

  1. (When running the utility from a non-host computer) Copy the health-check directory to the non-host computer.
  2. On the computer where you are running the utility, navigate to the health-check directory and edit the healthcheck.bat file (Windows) or file (Linux) by using a text editor such as Notepad.
  3. Define values for the server_url, username, and password parameters, which are mandatory. Optionally, define the value for use_untrusted_cert parameter.
    For details about these parameters, see Parameters for running the utility script.
  4. Save and close the file.
  5. Double-click the script file to run the utility.

Parameters for running the utility script

The following table describes the parameters you must define:

ParameterMandatory?Sample valueDescription
  • When running from a different computer:
  • When running on the same computer: 

Specifies the BMC Digital Workplace host name for which you are running the health checks.


Specifies the user name of a MyIT Super Admin user.


Specifies the user's password.

  • true
  • false

Specifies whether the utility can use an untrusted certificate. This parameter is used when the BMC Digital Workplace server is running on https and uses a self-signed certificate. The parameter is optional, and the default value is false.

If you set the parameter to true, and you run the executable script using a command, you must add the -c parameter to the command, for example:

./ -u UserName -p Password -c

Examples and output of running utility by using a script

Example parameters
  • When running the utility script on a computer where BMC Digital Workplace is installed:

    set server_url=http://localhost:9000/dwp
    set username=Allen
    set password=password
    set use_untrusted_cert=false
  • When running the utility script from a different computer:

    set server_url=
    set username=Allen
    set password=password
    set use_untrusted_cert=true

Results are saved in the healthCheck.log file located in the \health-check directory.

For the details about the checks and the corrective actions, see Interpretation of health check results.

Interpretation of health check results

This section provides information about the checks run by the utility, result statuses, and a description of each check. The section also provides information about corrective actions in case of failures. The section includes:

Health check statuses

The result of each health check shows one of the following statuses:

  • PASSED—When no connectivity or configuration issues with the integrated application are found.
  • FAILED—When there is a connectivity or configuration issue with an integrated application, or if BMC Digital Workplace is not integrated with an application.
  • UNKNOWN—When BMC Digital Workplace is integrated with a particular application, but the service is disabled.

Health check descriptions and corrective actions

The following table lists the checks that the BMC Digital Workplace Health Check utility runs. The table lists possible reasons of failure and the corrective actions.


Use the corrective actions with caution. This is not an exhaustive list of causes of failure, and there might be other reasons of failure that require in-depth analysis. For further help, contact BMC Support Open link .

Check nameDescriptionCorrective actions in case of failures
AR Connection

Verifies the connection with BMC Remedy Action Request System Server (AR System server) and succeeds if the BMC Helix Digital Workplace server can get the BMC Remedy Action Request System (BMC Remedy AR System) version string.

Possible reason of failure:

  • The AR System server port, password, or host name changes, and the BMC Digital Workplace server cannot connect to the AR System server.
  • Check if the AR System server is running and reachable over the network.
  • Configure your BMC Digital Workplace datastore to point to the AR System server group load balancer. For the procedure, see KA 000101755 Open link from the BMC Knowledge Base.
Chat Server Connection

Verifies whether the BMC Digital Workplace server can create an Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) connection with the chat server, if configured.

Possible reason of failure:

  • Virtual Chat is not configured or is incorrectly configured.
  • Check if BMC Virtual Chat is disabled or configured incorrectly.
  • Enable BMC Virtual Chat and update the configuration settings from the BMC Digital Workplace Admin console.

See Integrating a BMC chat application with BMC Digital Workplace.

Database Read

Verifies whether the BMC Digital Workplace server can read data from the database and write to the database.

Possible reason of failure:

  • Read or write permissions are incorrectly set.
  • Check if the BMC Digital Workplace database is reachable over the network. 
  • Check database read and write permissions. 
Database Write
Connectivity between Digital Workplace and CLM

Verifies whether BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management is configured correctly and is enabled, and whether theBMC Digital Workplace server can load the main page of BMC Could Lifecycle Management

  • Check if the BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management provider is disabled or configured incorrectly.
  • Enable the provider and update the configuration settings from the BMC Digital Workplace Admin console.

See Setting up VM requests through BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management.

Connectivity between Digital Workplace and HRCM

Verifies whether BMC HR Case Management is configured correctly and is enabled, and whether the BMC Digital Workplace server can load the main page of BMC HR Case Management.

  • Check if the BMC HR Case Management provider is disabled or configured incorrectly.
  • Enable the provider and update the configuration settings from the BMC Digital Workplace Admin console.

See Integrating BMC Digital Workplace with BMC HR Case Management.

Connectivity between Digital Workplace and Digital Workplace Catalog

Verifies whether BMC Digital Workplace Catalog is configured correctly and is enabled, and whether the BMC Digital Workplace server can load the BMC Digital Workplace Catalog console.

  • Check if the BMC Digital Workplace Catalog provider is disabled or configured incorrectly.
  • Enable the provider and update the configuration settings from the BMC Digital Workplace Catalog Admin console.

See Enabling and configuring the enhanced catalog for BMC Digital Workplace.

Digital Workplace iOS push notification configuration
Verifies the iOS PKCS12 certificate for the following points:
  • A certificate with the name mentioned in the PUSH_NOTIFICATION_CERT table in the database is present in the Tomcat Java class path in the \certification directory.
  • The password for the certificate mentioned in PUSH_NOTIFICATION_CERT works for the certificate.
  • Current date is between the Valid From and Valid To dates in the certificate timestamp.
  • Certificate is issued by Apple

If the iOS certificate is valid and the check is successful, the check returns the UNKNOWN status, as backend connectivity with Apple cannot be verified.

  • If you want users to use only the end user console, and do not require push notifications to be sent to mobile clients, disable the notifications in the $TOMCAT_FOLDER$/external-conf/ file by setting the pushNotificationFeature.enabled = false property.
  • If you have enabled push notifications, but the check fails for a specific reason, verify if the certificate name, password in the database, and timestamp are correct. You will require access to the database.
  • If the check result is UNKNOWN, but push notifications still do not work, contact  BMC Support Open link for further help with the issue.

See Trending in Support: Troubleshooting Digital Workplace Push Notifications.

SMPT configuration and connection

Verifies if the SMTP connection is configured. The SMPT connection is configured in the Social connection settings section in the file on the server where BMC Digital Workplace is installed.  

The result of SMTP health check is presented by using the following statuses:

  • PASSED—If the SMPT connection is established.
  • FAILED—If the SMPT connection is not established.
  • UNKNOWN—If SMPT is commented in the file. 
Not applicable
Notifications on service request approvals enabled

Shows the following statuses:

Not applicable
Notification on service request comments enabled

Shows the following statuses:

Not applicable
Log level

Shows the current log level. The levels are:

  • INFO
Not applicable


When you run the BMC Digital Workplace Health check utility scripts or run the utility from CLI, the utility records information in the debug.log file located in the DigitalWorkplaceHome\DWP\health-check directory. See that file for detailed information about errors that might occur while running the utility and the associated checks and results.

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