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This documentation supports the 20.02 version of BMC Digital Workplace Advanced.

To view the latest version, select the version from the Product Version menu.

Troubleshooting Connectors in BMC Digital Workplace Catalog

Service connectors connect your catalog to external systems. BMC Digital Workplace Catalog integrates with external fulfilment systems through service connectors, which pass the information from a service request to an external system.

Consult the following topics for information about troubleshooting the BMC Digital Workplace products and components, such as problems you might encounter during installation, configuration, and use of the product, as well as error messages and how to enable logs and collect diagnostic information.

Logs required to troubleshoot issues with BMC Digital Workplace connectors

For versions 19.02 to 20.02, refer to the bundle.log (in TRACE/DEBUG mode) and server.log files.

For version 20.08 (Helix): myit-sb.log (in TRACE/DEBUG mode) and server.log files.

See the following topics to enable and troubleshoot the logs:

Resolutions for common issues


Unable to connect to the Flexera Appbroker by using Flexera Connector

Potential cause can be that Flexera Appbroker is not correctly configured in Flexera Connector and Flexera Authentication Method.

Make sure that Kerberos authentication is turned off in Flexera. The Flexera connector does not support Kerberos. Only NTLM authentication is supported.

Note: Before deploying the BMC Digital Workplace Catalog with the Flexera connector, turn off Negotiate authentication (only leave NTLM authentication) in Internet Information Services (IIS) on the Flexera server.

 Follow the steps below to configure:

  1. Go to http://dwpcatalogserver:port/myitsbe/connections.
  2. Create a new Flexera Connection by clicking New Connection.

  3. Configure the Flexera Connector by using the URL format, https://schema/hostname/port.
     → For example,


  4. Click Save and Test Connection.

If there is still an issue, enable wire logs on the BMC Digital Workplace Server/POD to see what traffic is being sent to Flexera and make sure that the URL is getting built correctly.

  1. Add the following to the logback_server.xml file (at the end):

    <logger name="org.apache.http.wire" level="DEBUG">

             <appender-ref ref="BUNDLE"/>


  2. Save the file.
  3. Restart the BMC Digital Workplace Catalog Service.
  4. Get the bundle.log/myit-sb.log file while configuring the Flexera Connector.
  5.  Contact BMC Support by raising a Support Case and send the log file for reference.

See Flexera Connector for the connector details.

KA: 000259304

AD Connector CONNECTION_FAILURE occurs when connecting to the Kaazing Gateway

When connecting to the AD Connector from BMC Digital Workplace Catalog using Kaazing Gateway, the following error is observed in the bundle logs:

checkHealth call on connection Active Directory / Active Directory

 response payload: {"status":"CONNECTION_FAILURE","message":null,"messages":[{"message":"Failed to connect to ml-kaaztool-01 server via LDAP","severity":"ERROR"}]}

Use the following steps to confirm the domain configuration in the connection settings::

  1. Open the AD Connector in BMC Digital WorkplaceCatalog.
  2. Check the Username and User Domain in the Active Directory Connector settings in BMC Digital Workplace Catalog.
    The User Domain should be empty and the Username should contain the User Domain.

The AD Server does not accept domain\user  format, format the user name as username@domain.

For example: test_bmc@dev.local

Unable to set up the BMC Atrium Orchestrator (BAO) Connector for BMC Digital Workplace Catalog -Error: Connection Failed

You receive the following error even though you are able to access the URL using the curl command from the same BMC Digital Workplace

Catalog server. 
DEBUG Redirect requested to location 
ERROR com.bmc.myservice.common.util.HttpUtils Read timed out Read timed out 
at org.glassfish.jersey.client.internal.HttpUrlConnector.apply( ~[na:na] 
at org.glassfish.jersey.client.ClientRuntime.invoke( ~[bundlefile:na] 
at org.glassfish.jersey.client.JerseyInvocation$ ~[bundlefile:na] 
at org.glassfish.jersey.client.JerseyInvocation$ ~[bundlefile:na] 
at org.glassfish.jersey.internal.Errors.process( [bundlefile:na] 

The cause can be an incorrect BMC Atrium Orchestrator (BAO) URL Configuration. 

Correct the BAO URL and make sure the URL stops at the port number. 

For example: If the URL is http://baoservername:38080/baocdp/orca, remove /baocdp/orca and ensure that the URL is only until the port number http;//baoservername:38080

For more information, see BAO connector.

You receive a Tomcat error 500 in BMC Digital Workplace
 while opening CLM Services even after successfully configuring the CLM Connector via BMC Digital Workplace Catalog.

Potential cause is related to Certificates.

To resolve an issue related to Certificates, perform the following steps :

  1. Get the certificate by accessing CLM UI from browser.
  2. Save the certificate.
  3. Import the certificate on the server.
KA: 000314139

BMC Digital Workplace Catalog Remedy Connector fails with error: Incorrect user name or password.


When you test the BMC Digital Workplace Catalog Remedy Connector, it fails with error “Incorrect user name or password”.

The cause is the Connector user. For example, the "hannah_admin" user password has been changed in Remedy ITSM CTM:People and in the User form that caused the error in BMC Digital Workplace Catalog Remedy Connector.

To resolve the issue, perform the following steps: 

  • Reset the password in BMC Digital Workplace Catalog Connector Configuration as well to fix the error.
  • Ensure the configuration in Remedy ITSM forms (CTM:People/User) is  consistent with Remedy Connector Configuration in BMC Digital Workplace Catalog.

Additionally, if the connector user password was changed,  it should also be updated in the forms that follow, to make sure the  BMC Digital Workplace Catalog and Remedy integration works properly:

  • On the BMC Remedy ITSM side:
    Update the password for the connector user in following forms (if the same user is used):
    • SB:LocalApprovalConfiguration
    • SB:RemoteApprovalConfiguratio
  • On the BMC Digital Workplace side (if same user is configured in enhanced catalog; if not,  you can ignore this):
    BMC Digital Workplace  Admin Console > BMC Digital Workplace Enhanced Catalog.
  • On the BMC Digital Workplace Catalog side:
    • For BMC Digital Workplace version 20.02:
      Log in to BMC Digital Workplace Catalog AR with BMC Digital Workplace Catalog Administrator credentials and update the Connector User Password in "User" form (AR System Administrator > Applications > Users) 
    • For BMC Digital Workplace version  20.08:
      Log in to BMC Digital Workplace Catalog with BMC Digital Workplace Catalog Administrator credentials.
      Open DWP Catalog Innovation Studio > Administration > Foundation Data > Manage People > Search Person login id > Update Password.

For more information, see Remedy connector.

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