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This documentation supports the 20.02 version of BMC Digital Workplace Advanced.

To view the latest version, select the version from the Product Version menu.

Troubleshooting BMC Digital Workplace Catalog

The topic provides information about how to troubleshoot the most common issues related to BMC Digital Workplace Catalog.

Issue scope

This topic covers the most common issues ranging from installation and upgrade to web server (Jetty) to process logging. The sections below discuss each issue in detail.

Diagnosing and reporting an issue

Instructions: After you identify the symptoms and scope of the issue, use this troubleshooting guide to diagnose and resolve the issue or to create a BMC Support case.  To see the contents of BMC Digital Workplace Catalog files, see Contents of the logs.

Installation and upgrade

The installation script informs you if there are any problems. Full details are available in the arsystem_install log, which is located in the /tmp directory.

To obtain a live feed on installation progress, run the tail command on the log:

[root@server tmp]# tail -1000 /tmp/arsystem_install_log.txt

The following extract is an example of a successful installation.

(Dec 15 2016 03:54:59.677 PM +0530),INFO,com.bmc.install.utility.logging.Log,


  BMC Remedy Action Request System 9.5.00 install succeeded.


(Dec 15 2016 03:54:59.697 PM +0530),INFO,com.bmc.install.product.base.installer.InstallCompletionInstallationTask,

  PROGRESS EVENT {Description=[installCompletion.installCompletion.description],Progress=[100],Detail=[installCompletion.installCompletion.complete]}

(Dec 15 2016 03:54:59.917 PM +0530),CONFIG,com.bmc.install.product.base.project.runner.ProjectRunner,

  LOG EVENT {Description=[COMPLETED InstallationTask],Detail=[com.bmc.install.product.base.installer.InstallCompletionInstallationTask]}

If the installer fails and the arsystem log doesn't identify the root cause, run the uninstall script (make sure you also remove any BMC Digital Workplace Catalog database references, if present) and run the script again in verbose mode as follows:

bash -x ./

This command generates a detailed log to the terminal. In the event of a failure, the output will stop allowing you to scroll up and identify what was happening at the time.

Back up the BMC Digital Workplace Catalogdatabases and file system before upgrading. If you encounter a problem, you can roll back and send the logs to BMC Technical Support.

If you receive error or warning messages during installation, see Troubleshooting installation and upgrade issues in BMC Digital Workplace.

  1. Navigate to the $AR_SYSTEM_HOME/sb/rxscripts/bin directory and uncomment the following line from the script:

    #export rx_trace="--trace-ascii ./trace.log"
    unset rx_trace
  2. Stop and start BMC Digital Workplace Catalog again and check the trace log for errors.
    For more information about starting and stopping the BMC Digital Workplace Catalog server, see Starting and stopping the BMC Digital Workplace Catalog server or  Resolving DWP Catalog Start-up issues Open link on BMC Community. 

Stopping and starting BMC Digital Workplace Catalog

Use the dwpcontroller script from the $AR_SYSTEM_HOME directory to restart BMC Digital Workplace Catalog. (This script also restarts the platform.)

[root@server digitalworkplace]#./dwpcontroller [-u $user_name] [-p $password] <stop|start|restart>


The start option calls /sb/, which does the following:

  • Runs $AR_SYSTEM_HOME/bin/arsystem start.
  • Checks whether the database and port are up.
  • If the database is up, it calls another script, which checks the bundles status. If bundles are up, another migration script runs and checks the database to see if anything has changed (such as JAR files) and may update a column or add a new table.
RSSO logs and diagnostics

To write an RSSO debug to the bundle log, add the following lines under the existing bundle section.   

   <logger name="com.bmc.rsso" level="DEBUG" additivity="false">

                <appender-ref ref="BUNDLE" />


To enable RSSO logging:

  1. Make the following changes:
    • Update $AR_SYSTEM_HOME/pluginsvr/log4j_pluginsvr.xml as follows:

    <logger name="com.bmc.arsys.pluginsvr">

    <level value="debug" />




    <priority value ="error" />

    <appender-ref ref="PluginLog" />


    • Open the $AR_SYSTEM_HOME/bin/arserverd.conf, and go to the last of the jvm.option.xx entries. On the next line, add the following code (make sure the number is +1 of the previous line. In this example, the previous line was 22):


    • Update $AR_SYSTEM_HOME/conf/rsso-log.cfg as follows:





  2. Restart (dwpcontroller stop/start).

In version 19.02 and later, a diagnostic tool checks whether the RSSO configuration is correct. (This tool is located in the $AR_SYSTEM_HOME/sb/configure_rsso directory.) To run open the script and make sure the paths and diagnostic file name are correct, run the following command:


# Path to Catalog directory.




if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then





if [ "X${JAVA_HOME}" = "X" ]; then





${JAVA_EXEC} -jar ${DIAGNOSTIC_JAR} ${params[*]}


After the script is run, the output should look something like this:

[root@clm-aus-123 configure_rsso]# ./

05:13:11.164 -

Common validations:

05:13:11.167 - All RSSO agent jar files are in place in '/opt/bmc/digitalworkplace/deploy' and '/opt/bmc/digitalworkplace/pluginsvr'

05:13:11.167 - All RSSO agent config files are in place in '/opt/bmc/digitalworkplace/conf'

05:13:11.167 - Your RSSO agent version is ''.

05:13:11.167 - It is recommended to have RSSO agent of version '19.5'.

05:13:11.167 - Your RSSO server version is '18.05.00'.

05:13:11.167 - It is recommended to have RSSO server and agent of same version.

05:13:11.167 -

Validating '' file in '/opt/bmc/digitalworkplace/conf':

05:13:11.168 - agent-id is dwpid

05:13:11.168 - Agent id should be the same on all DWP-Catalog nodes

05:13:11.168 - sso-external-url is http://<servername>:8080/rsso

05:13:11.168 - HTTPS is recommended for external URL

05:13:11.168 - sso-service-url is http://<servername>:8080/rsso

05:13:11.168 - http://<servername>:8080/rsso is accessible

05:13:11.169 -

Validating 'rsso.cfg' file in '/opt/bmc/digitalworkplace/conf':

05:13:11.169 - rsso.cfg file is configured correctly

Web server (Jetty)

Jetty logging can be very useful to capture HTTP traffic.

To enable Jetty logging, uncomment the following section and change the log level:

<!-- Jetty Logging - uncomment block if jetty logging is required -->

    <appender name="JettyLog"





                <rollingPolicy class="com.bmc.arsys.logging.StoredRollingPolicy">












                        <pattern>%d{EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss.SSS yyyy} %m%nopex%n</pattern>



        <logger name="org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server" level="all" additivity="false">

If connection issues are observed in a server group, run the following command to analyze the traffic (where ens192 is your network adapter):

tcpdump -A -i ens192 port 8008

Connector logging

Connector logging is available in version 19.02 and later.

To enable connector logging, change the log level to all:


        <logger name="com.bmc.myservice.connect.remedy" level="all" additivity="false">

                <appender-ref ref="connect-remedy" />


        <logger name="com.bmc.myservice.connect.commons-ar" level="all" additivity="false">

                <appender-ref ref="connect-remedy" />


You can also test the connector from the Connector Management page in BMC Digital Workplace Catalog.

The following screenshot indicates that the BMC Digital Workplace Advanced ITSM Integration patch needs to be updated.

Process logging

Back up logback_server.xml and add the following to the end of the file:

<!-- Process -->

        <appender name="ProcessLogToForm" class="com.bmc.arsys.logging.SubscribableAppender">


        <appender name="ProcessLog" class="com.bmc.arsys.logging.SiftingTenantAppender">

                <appender class="com.bmc.arsys.logging.SuspendableRollingFileAppender">



                        <!-- <param name="Encoding" value="UTF-8" /> -->



                        <rollingPolicy class="com.bmc.arsys.logging.StoredRollingPolicy">















  <logger name="" level="debug"


                <appender-ref ref="ProcessLog" />

                <appender-ref ref="AlwaysOnLog" />

                <appender-ref ref="ProcessLogToForm" />


        <logger name="" level="debug"


                <appender-ref ref="ProcessLog" />

                <appender-ref ref="AlwaysOnLog" />

                <appender-ref ref="ProcessLogToForm" />




                level="debug" additivity="false">

                <appender-ref ref="ProcessLog" />

                <appender-ref ref="AlwaysOnLog" />

                <appender-ref ref="ProcessLogToForm" />


        <logger name="" level="debug"


                <appender-ref ref="ProcessLog" />

                <appender-ref ref="AlwaysOnLog" />

                <appender-ref ref="ProcessLogToForm" />


        <logger name="" level="debug"


                <appender-ref ref="ProcessLog" />

                <appender-ref ref="AlwaysOnLog" />

                <appender-ref ref="ProcessLogToForm" />


        <logger name="" level="debug"


                <appender-ref ref="ProcessLog" />

                <appender-ref ref="AlwaysOnLog" />

                <appender-ref ref="ProcessLogToForm" />


Then log into the mid-tier (Catalog) as dwpadmin and navigate to Sever Information > Log Files and tick "Process Log".

You need to perform a "dwpcontroller stop/start" for the changes to take effect. Please remember to turn off this logging if it's no longer required.



BMC Digital Workplace bundle log

Almost every troubleshooting scenario will require analysis of the bundle log. Here's an example of what a "healthy" bundle log looks like:

05-05 15:56:26.419 DEBUG com.bmc.myservice.connectors.service.ConnectorSrvImpl testing URI
[http://localhost:8008/api/sbe/connect/remedy ]
05-05 15:56:26.520 DEBUG com.bmc.myservice.connectors.service.ConnectorSrvImpl connector URIs
[http://localhost:8008/api/sbe/connect/baopoc ]
com.bmc.myservice.connectors.service.ConnectorSrvImpl connector URIs [http://localhost:8008/api/sbe/connect/ad ]

In this example, DEBUG is enabled and it's constantly looping to check each connector's status.

In the following screenshot, Allen submitted a Service Request in BMC Digital Workplace, the Status is Fault.

To get a live feed of what's happening in the log, open a session in the $AR_SYSTEM_HOME/db directory, and run a tail on the log:

[root@clm-aus-0123 db]# tail -f bundle.log

In the following example, the service request is faulting because a required field is empty:

at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor636.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[na:na]
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[na:1.7.0_95]
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[na:1.7.0_95]
        at com.bmc.myservice.common.util.SrvInterceptor.invoke( ~[com.bmc.myservice.common-1.0.00-SNAPSHOT.jar:1.0.00-SNAPSHOT]
        ... 94 common frames omitted
Caused by: com.bmc.arsys.domain.etc.ARException: ERROR (100): Required Entry ID is empty.; form: rxn:/myit-sb/ServiceRequest
        at com.bmc.arsys.server.domain.validation.EntryValidatorImpl.validateEntryId(

        at com.bmc.arsys.server.domain.validation.EntryValidatorImpl.validateGetEntry( ~[na:na]

        at com.bmc.arsys.server.domain.validation.handler.EntryValidationHandler.validateGetEntry( ~[na:na]
        at com.bmc.arsys.server.domain.service.impl.EntryServiceImpl.getEntry( ~[na:na]
        at com.bmc.arsys.server.facade.impl.EntryFacadeImpl.getEntry_aroundBody10( ~[na:na]
        at com.bmc.arsys.server.facade.impl.EntryFacadeImpl$ ~[na:na]

In the following example, another catalog request is submitted from the BMC Digital Workplace end user console, and the bundle log shows that a Work Order Manager should be defined in Remedy ITSM:

Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: null
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[na:1.7.0_95]
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[na:1.7.0_95]
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[na:1.7.0_95]
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[na:1.7.0_95]
        at ~[na:na]
        ... 80 common frames omitted

Caused by: com.bmc.myservice.connect.exception.ConnectorException: ERROR (1440853): ; No work order manager group could be found. Manually select a group from the menus. If no group with an individual in the functional role of work order manager is defined, notify your System Administrator.

        at ~[na:na]
        at ~[na:na]

        at ~[na:na]

Most errors are now visible by simply opening the Request from the Console.

To learn more about how to configure the logs and troubleshoot, see the following topics:

logback_server.xml debug

Logging level is controlled within logback_server.xml, which is located in the $AR_SYSTEM_HOME/conf directory.

Note: Before making any changes, back up logback_server.xml. XML mistakes may impact BMC Digital Workplace Catalog on startup.

The best level for debugging is level=all, but it can impact performance.

  <appender name="BUNDLE" class="com.bmc.arsys.logging.ReconfigurableRollingFileAppender">



                <rollingPolicy> <fileNamePattern>${com.bmc.arsys.homedir}/${com.bmc.arsys.server.dbdir}/bundle.log.%i</fileNamePattern>




                <triggeringPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">



                <!-- Extra param to say log file creation at startup -->



                        <pattern>%d{MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} %-4le %c %m%n</pattern>



In 19.02 and later versions, you can control BMC Digital Workplace Catalog logging from the Application Settings panel.

Approvals and Remedy ITSM integration

The MyITSB-Approval process sends approval requests from BMC Digital Workplace Catalog to the Remedy ITSM server. When a service request is raised from the BMC Digital Workplace end user console:

  1. The corresponding workflow on BMC Digital Workplace Catalog is triggered.
  2. The workflow calls a Request Approval process.
  3. The process communicates with the AR System server to create the manager approval.
  4. Remedy AR System attempts to send the data back to BMC Digital Workplace Catalog via the remoteaction.bat file. This file along with the contents of the remoteaction directory are implemented by the Integration Server patch.

    Make sure the remoteaction batch (or script) file has the correct Java path.

If the correct approval status is not reflected in BMC Digital Workplace, enable filter/API logging on the Remedy ITSM server before reproducing the problem. Then, you can see the relevant filters triggering the approval change and sending it back to BMC Digital Workplace Catalog.

Then, open the SB:ServiceRequestStub form on the Remedy ITSM erver and select the Error Message check box. The following example shows a timeout error reaching BMC Digital Workplace Catalog:

Make sure the SB:LocalApprovalConfiguration and SB:RemoteApprovalConfiguration Approval forms on the Remedy ITSM servers have the correct information.

To track the status transmission back to BMC Digital Workplace Catalog, use the remoteaction log file (enabled in the logback_remoteaction file).

BMC Digital Workplace Catalog debug

Open the logback-dwp.xml file from the /opt/apache/tomcat8.x/external-conf directory and change these two extracts:

  <!--Logging of DWP Catalog →
  <property name="LOG_DWP_CATALOG" value="true"/>
  <!--Optional DWP Catalog logger→
  <if condition='${LOG_DWP_CATALOG}'>
      <logger name="" level="debug" >
        <appender-ref ref="DWP_CATALOG_FILE"/>
      <logger name="" level="debug" >

        <appender-ref ref="DWP_CATALOG_FILE"/>
      <logger name="" level="debug" >
        <appender-ref ref="DWP_CATALOG_FILE"/>

After the scan period of 60 seconds, a new log file (dwp-catalog.log) is created in the BMC Digital Workplace logs directory.

ITSM Integration 

The following illustration depicts the process flow when submitting a request from BMC Digital Workplace. Approvals and Remedy ITSM use a combination of the remoteaction.xml and associated JAR files in combination with Remedy workflow, so you can use the same troubleshooting methodology as described above for approvals.


The Status Change filters have changed names over the releases.

Catalog File System

Most of the BMC Digital Workplace Catalog files are contained within the digitalworkplace directory. Some of the more important directories and files are highlighted in the following illustration:


OSGI Console

BMC Digital Workplace Catalog is run through a variety of bundles, which are loaded after the dwpcontroller script is run as part of a platform restart. Unlike the BMC Digital Workplace client, you cannot restart the individual components of BMC Digital Workplace Catalog (without negative consequence); however, you can check the bundle status of BMC Digital Workplace Catalog by using the Eclipse Open Services Gateway Initiative ( OSGI) Console.

The logging level for OSGI is controlled in the  $AR_SYSTEM_HOME/conf/ file:

# Enable osgi console for debugging
osgi.console = 12666

To connect to the console, use the telnet command to connect to the BMC Digital Workplace Catalog host and execute the ss command:

[root@server]# telnet localhost 12666

You can identify important bundles related to BMC Digital Workplace Catalog by looking for the ones with myservice:

If you notice any bundles in a RESOLVED state, you can attempt to restart with the following commands:

Stop "ID#"
Start "ID#"

If the BMC Digital Workplace Catalog login page becomes unavailable for all users, restart com.bmc.myservice.uiservice-war_0.0.1 and try again. If you are still unable to log in, contact BMC Support. (Enter disconnect to end the session.)

The connectors and bundles are located in the $AR_SYSTEM_HOME/deployedsmart bundles directory.


DWP Controller Scripts

The rxscripts directory and subdirectories contain scripts that BMC Digital Workplace Catalog calls. In some cases, you may also run them manually.

/bin/check_migrations.shChecks migrations
/bin/create_schema.shGets called by the post install script
/bin/current-user.shChecks the current user who’s in the current session
/bin/tenant/find.shLists all the tenants
/bin/tenant/delete.shDeletes a tenant
/bin/connector/refresh.shRefreshes the available connectors

Checks if BMC Digital Workplace Catalog is up or down

/bin/login.shUsed to log in to Remedy from the command line
/bin/run_migrations.shGets called when database migrations are required
/bin/setenv.shSets up the environmental variables to allow the API endpoints
/bin/tenant_seed.shGets called by the post install script
/bin/version.shGets the current version by running

Lists all catalog services visible by the current BMC Digital Workplace user


Removes and finds workflow

To run these scripts, set up your environmental variables by sourcing the script:

[root@server bin]# source

After you source the setenv script, log in to BMC Digital Workplace Catalog from the command line and generate an authentication cookie. After the mycookies key is generated, subsequent scripts run (provided they are in the same directory as mycookie.txt).

[root@server bin]# ./ password


[root@server bin]# ls -lrt

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   610 Jun 15 14:59 mycookies.txt

In the following example, the script is run to obtain information about a problematic tenant. You can also delete and re-create a tenant by using the post-install scripts (be careful deleting files).

[root@server bin]# tenant/

{"totalSize":1,"data":[{"name":"coffee","domainIdentifier":"","tenantId":"f53893b1d382","databaseName":"ARTenantCoffee","status":"Enabled","overlayGroupId":"f53893b1d382","activationStatus":"Completed"}]}[root@server bin]#

[root@server bin]# tenant/ coffee

Browser Tools

You can enable Developer Mode (F12) in a browser. Then, open the Network tab response and look for any exceptions. The following screenshot illustrates how the root cause of a problem was captured by simply clicking the REST call and selecting the response.

Ensure BMC Digital Workplace Catalog is reachable and the fully qualified domain name is being used.

Users must exist on both of the following forms:

  • User form on the BMC Digital Workplace Catalog server (which is populated via the sync script)
  • CTM:People form in Remedy ITSM

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