Implementing multiple NGL registries

Use the following procedure to implement the use of multiple NGL registries:
  1. Determine the NGL registry environment you want.

    That is, decide how the NGL registries are to be used. Consider the following questions:

    • Do you want data for multiple products to share the same NGL registry?

    • Do one or more products require or want their data separated from other product data?

    • Does the NGL registry need to be shared with other NGL agents?

  2. Configure the NGL agent parameter (<PARMS> in the <STARTAGENT> definition) to match the desired NGL registry environment.

    The following table describes how the <PARMS> settings determine registry usage:




    Defines the RTCS registry instance type. This parameter is optional.

    To define a product-specific registry, use PR=Y. The setting is ignored if the RG parameter is included.

    If PR=Y is omitted, a product-specific registry is assumed and RD or RG must be included.


    PR=N is not valid. It was previously used for RTCS system registry support.


    Defines the RTCS product-specific registry name. This parameter is optional.

    To define a product-specific registry data set name, use PR=Y and RD=privateRegistryDatasetName.

    • If PR=Y is omitted, RD or RG must be included.

    • If PR=Y and RD=ProductSpecificRegistryDatasetName are omitted, NGL scans the TIOT for a REGISTRY DD statement and verifies the DD is present. If the REGISTRY DD statement is missing, the registry open fails.

    • If PR=Y and RD=ProductSpecificRegistryDatasetName are omitted, the RTCS IRDF is used to define the NGL registry data set name.

    • If PR=Y is included and RD is not included, NGL requires the REGISTRY DD statement in the DBC started task procedure.

    • The RD and RG parameters are mutually exclusive.


    Defines the NGL registry group. This parameter is optional.

    To define a registry group, use RG=groupName. The name must be 1 to 8 characters.

    • To allow sysplex sharing of the NGL registry, include the RG parameter.

    • The RTCS IRDF will be used to define the NGL registry data set name.

    • The RG and RD parameters are mutually exclusive.

    • This XCF group cannot be shared with other XCF groups such as the LGC, DBC, or DOMPLEX names. The XCF group must be the same for all NGL agents that share a common NGL registry.

  3. Configure the RTCS IRDF job to match the desired NGL registry environment.

    Sample JCL to run the RTCS IRDF is included in the HQL.XXSAMP data set, member NGLRIRDF. This JCL must be configured to specify the required parameters for the target DBC, NGL, and registry names. A sample of the JCL is shown below. See the 'JCL example scenarios' section for additional scenarios.

    //NGLRMUIM JOB                                                            
    //NGLRXML   DD DISP=SHR,DSN=HLQ.BMC.XXXML                                 
    //SYSPRINT  DD SYSOUT=*                                                   
    //SYSIN     DD *                                                          
    * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *  
    *                                                                      *  
    *     Indirect Registry Definition for a Private Product Registry      *  
    *     ===========================================================      *  
    *                                                                      *  
    *     This RIU input stream illustrates how to customize Indirect      *  
    *     Registry Definition facility (IRD) VALUEs.                       *  
    * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *  
    * The RIU SYSIN input stream consists of all 80 bytes of the record    *  
    * and columns 73 through 80 are NOT interpreted as sequence numbers.   *  
    * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *  
    * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *  
    *                                                                      *  
    * Set the following RIU OSZRGIRD XML IMPORT file (member) variables    *  
    * according to product customization instructions. They specify the    *  
    * logical private product Registry that is to be indirectly defined.   * 
    *                                                                      * 
    * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * 
    *   NGL.DBCID             the target DBC SSID                          * 
    *   NGL.NGLID             the target NGL PIID                          * 
    *   NGL.DSNAME            the name of the NGL RTCS registry for this   * 
    *                         NGL instance                                 * 
    *   NGL.SHARED            if registry is to be sysplex shared, 'Y'     * 
    *                         else code 'N'                                * 
    *   NGL.NGLPLEX           if registry is to be sysplex shared, then    * 
    *                         NGLPLEX must be a unique 8 character name    * 
    *                         to be used for the NGL registry XCF group    * 
    *   NGL.REGID             if registry is to be sysplex shared, then    * 
    *                         REGID should be the DBCID concatenated with  * 
    *                         the NGLPLEX name. For example,               * 
    *                         DBCANGLPX01  for DBCID=DBCA and              * 
    *                                          NGLPEX=NGLPX01              * 
    *                         if registry is not to be shared, then        * 
    *                         REGID should be the DBCID concatenated with  * 
    *                         the NGLID.  For example,                     * 
    *                         DBCANGL1     for DBCID=DBCA and              * 
    *                                          NGLID=NGL1                  *
    *  SET NGL.SHARED=/N/                                                    
    *  SET NGL.NGLPLEX=/ /                                                   
    *  SET NGL.REGID=/DC02DMA2/                                              
    *  SET NGL.COMMENT=/NGL_Private_Registry/                                
    *       Registry Definition                                            * 
    SET NGL.DBCID=/NGA3/                                                     
    SET NGL.NGLID=/NGA3/                                                     
    SET NGL.DSNAME=/ROHETH.NGA3.NGA3.REGISTRY/                               
    SET NGL.SHARED=/Y/                                                       
    SET NGL.NGLPLEX=/NGR00001/                                               
    SET NGL.REGID=/NGA3NGR00001/                                             
    SET NGL.COMMENT=/NGL_Private_Registry_NGR00001/                          
    *       Import to RTCS system registry                                 * 
    IMPORT NGLRXML(NGLRGIRD)                                                 





    4 characters

    Target DBC SSID of the hosting DBC.


    4 characters

    Target NGL PIID of the hosting NGL agent.


    1 to 44 characters

    Name of the NGL registry.


    Y or N

    If the registry is to be sysplex shared, specify Y otherwise specify N.


    8 characters

    If the registry is to be shared across a sysplex, NGLPLEX must be a unique 8-character name to be used for the NGL registry XCF group.


    8 to 12 characters

    If registry is to be sysplex shared, then REGID should be the DBCID concatenated with the NGLPLEX name. For example, REGID=DBCANGLPX01 for DBCID=DBCA and NGLPEX=NGLPX01.

    If registry is to be not to be shared, then REGID should be the DBCID concatenated with the NGLID. For example, REGID=DBCANGL1 for DBCID=DBCA and NGLID=NGL1.

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