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Configuration workspace overview


Support for integrating BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management with BMC Remedy OnDemand has been discontinued and will be removed fully in the next service pack release planned in 2018. BMC is no longer providing support for this integration.

The Configuration workspace contains configuration options for the following:

See the following BMC Communities video (5:08) for an overview of the options on the General tab. (The video does not cover the Password Regex field from version 4.6.) 


General option descriptions

You can configure the following options under the General tab:

Plugin configuration

  • Cloud Service URL: Provide the URL of the BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management Cloud Platform Manager server.

  • Quick Start URL: Provide a URL for Quick Start that includes a resolvable host name in case the browser where Quick Start is running cannot resolve a host name. The URL should include the host name or IP address of the BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management Cloud Platform Manager server. The default port for Quick Start is 9000. Format the URL for Quick Start as follows:
    http://<PLATFORM MANAGER>:<Quick Start port>
  • Activity Callback URL: Provide the complete Uniform Resource Identifier HTTP address of the mid tier, which is usually same as the mid tier URL, for communicating the status of background jobs performed by other hosts and components. If the mid tier is behind a load balancer, you must provide the URL of the load balancer:
    http://<MID-TIER HOST>:<MID-TIER PORT>/arsys/plugins/CloudCallBackPlugin/params?server=<EAR HOST>&username=csmcallback&pwd=csmcallback

    For example:


    When you change the Activity Callback URL, you must restart BMC Remedy AR System for the changes to take effect.

  • Platform Manager Password: Enter the log on password for the Platform Manager.
  • Activity Callback Threads: Enter the minimum and maximum numbers of threads to allow for background synchronization jobs.

Auto Decommission

  • Decommission Lead Time (Days): Enter the number of days before a service offering instance is decommissioned that you want a decommission notification to be sent to the owner of the instance. The default lead time is 15 days. The owner of the instance is specified in the Requestor or Requested For field in the BMC Remedy AR System User form. It can be an end user, a tenant administrator, or a cloud administrator. The notification method is also specified in this form. For example, if you want to use email for notifications, you must configure the BMC Remedy AR System email account accordingly.
  • Decommission Grace Period (Days): Enter the number days after the tenant's contract expiration date that you want BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management to automatically decommission all existing service offering instances owned by users of the expired tenant company. The default is 1 day. This grace period applies to the contract end date of either the service offering instance or the tenant. You can [view or change the contract end date|Editing tenant packages and contract end date] in the Edit Tenant dialog box in the Tenants workspace. You can also extend a service offering instance's commission period.


In Provider Company, select the provider company from the list.

The provider company owns and manages the cloud and its resources. Only companies of the Operating Company type are displayed in the selection list. (The types are described in The role of Company in the BMC IT Service Management documentation). When you change the provider company, any existing tenants that were created under the previous provider company continue to have their contract and service offerings tied to the previous provider company. Tenants created after changing the provider company are tied to the new company.


If you log onto the BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management Administration console and can access the Configuration workspace but no others, it indicates that the Provider Company field on the General tab of the Configuration workspace is blank.

You cannot access other workspaces until you supply a value for the Provider Company field.

HostName Preferences

  • HostName Length: Enter the length of the host name string. Do not set a length greater than 15.
  • User Input Maximum Length: Enter the maximum number of characters that a cloud end user can enter in the host name string when requesting a server. The name cannot exceed the value in HostName Length.
  • HostName Pattern: Enter the predefined format for the host name string, as shown in the following figure and described in the table:



    This format is the default out-of-the-box pattern.bmccloud-1, bmccloud-1173


    Zeroes are added to the counter.bmccloud-00037


    No special formatting is applied.

    Do not use any other punctuation marks or special characters.



    The counter is added before the prefix.311-bmccloud


    The static string company is added before the user-provided prefix.bmc-bmccloud-18


    The counter starts at 1000.bmccloud-1001


    No delimiter is assigned.bmccloud23
    {0}Only the user-provided prefix is entered. The counter is omitted.bmccloud


    The patterns for host name are based on JAVA format, not REGEXP.

  • Password Regex: Enter the regular expression (regex) for password complexity. The passwords that the regex affects are passwords for operating system credentials on servers provided in initial SOI requests or in subsequent Add Server operations, as well as other fields designated as password fields (such as fields for database administrator passwords). The default entry in the Password Regex field is ^.{6,}$, which means a minimum of any 6 characters.

    The Password Regex field is applicable only to the current My Cloud Services console. It does not affect the legacy My Cloud Services console.

    The Password Regex field does not test whether a regex is valid. As an admin, you must ensure that the regex you enter in the Password Regex field is valid. For example, if you enter 1234 (instead of valid regex such as ^.{6,}$), you will not receive an error when you save the Configuration workspace. Consequently, when a user tries to provision a server in the My Cloud Services console, the password will not be validated. 

    Be aware of basics of regex patterns so that you can provide a valid Java regex pattern, for example:

    • ^.{8,}$
      Checks the length of text string to be minimum 8 characters.

    • ^.{4,8,}$
      Checks the length of text string to be between 4 to 8 characters.

    • ^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-zA-Z]).{4,8}$
      Checks that the text string has at least one numeric and one character, and the length of string is 4 to 8 characters.

  • Password Help Text: Enter the rules that the user should follow when creating the password. Include tips to help the user easily understand how to create the password.


When a user adds a server to a service offering (a TRO or Day 2 transaction), the User Name and Password fields are not required (even if they are pre-populated). The user can clear the fields and still proceed to checkout.

Load Balancer Pool Name Preferences

The following fields, which are available in version 4.6.03 and later, allow you to configure load balancer pool names that are generated for service offering instances.

  • Load Balancer Pool Name Length: Enter the length (number of characters) you want to set for the name string of the load balancer pool. The name of load balancer is set in the service blueprint.
  • User Input Maximum Length: Enter the maximum number of characters for the load balancer pool name (including pre- or appended strings). The resulting name cannot exceed the value in the Load Balancer Pool Name Length field.


Consider the number of characters that will be added to the name due to the options chosen in the Load Balancer Pool Name Pattern and Provide Load Balancer Pool Name Prefix fields.

  • Load Balancer Pool Name Pattern: Enter the predefined format for each load balancer pool’s name string. The options are described in the following table. (In the Examples column, LBP1 is the load balancer’s name from the blueprint.)


This format is the default out-of-the-box pattern.

LBP1-1, LBP1-1173


Zeroes are added to the counter.



No special formatting is applied.

Do not use any other punctuation marks or special characters.



The counter is added before the LB prefix name.

311- LBP1


The static string company is added before the user-provided prefix.



The counter starts at 1000.



No delimiter is assigned.



Only the user-provided prefix is entered. The counter is omitted.



The patterns for the load balancer pool’s name are based on JAVA format, not REGEXP.

  • Load Balancer Pool Name Prefix: Enter the prefix you want to use for each load balancer’s name. The options are:
    • Default: The prefix name will be LBPoolName_SOIname:
      • LBPoolName: Load balancer name from the service blueprint
      • SOIname: Service name given while provisioning a VM.

For example, if the LBPoolName is LPB1, the SOIname is Service1, and the pattern is {0}-{1,number,#}, the first load balancer would be named LPB1_Service1-1.

If the Load Balancer Pool Name Prefix field is set to Default, any customized load balancer pool parameters you created through BMC Atrium Orchestrator workflow are skipped.

    • Blueprint: The name of the load balancer will be derived from the name from the service blueprint. For example, if the load balancer’s name in the blueprint is LBP2 and the pattern is {1,number,#}-{0}, the first load balancer would be named 1-LPB2.
    • Custom: You can manually enter a custom name in the Load Balancer Pool Name Prefix field. For example, if you enter BMC and the pattern is {0}-{1}, the first load balancer would be named BMC-1.

Statement of Capacity

Click View Report to generate the Statement of Capacity report for a specific time period for licensing calculations. See Viewing the Statement of Capacity report for more information.

Synchronize index 

  1. Set the Maintenance mode to On.
  2. Click Sync Index to synchronize any database changes with the BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management Platform Manager cache.
    You can then click
    Get Status to view if synchronization completed successfully.


    If the Platform Manager cache is corrupted, the resynchronization activity remains in a suspended mode. By default, after 10 hours the system times out.


  3. Set the Maintenance mode to Off.

To debug the synchronization, see the UIOHANDLER category of the csm.log file. For more information, see Working with category debug logging.



Ensure that no service requests are being provisioned when you enable maintenance mode. Otherwise, the provisioning jobs might fail.

  • Maintenance Mode: The cloud administrator can set or clear the maintenance mode flag by using the drop-down list.

    The following tables lists the various user roles that can perform different operations on the legacy My Cloud Services console and the End User Portal when the system is in maintenance mode:

    Legacy My Cloud
    Services console
    End User Portal
    Cloud administratorProvisioningYesYesYes
    Decommission/Extend Decommission Date/Start/Stop/Shutdown/Synchronize/RestartNoNoYes
    Administrator operationsYesYesNA
    End userProvisioningNANoNo
    Decommission/Extend Decommission Date/Start/Stop/Shutdown/Synchronize/RestartNANoNo
    Tenant administratorProvisioningNoNoNo
    Decommission/Extend Decommission Date/Start/Stop/Shutdown/Synchronize/RestartNoNoNo
    Administrator operationsNoNoNA


    • The cloud administrator must navigate to Application > Cloud Lifecycle Management > Host > Administration Console > Workspace > Service Instances to provision a service offering instance.

    • Tenant administrators can browse requestable offerings in the Service Instances workspace, but when they submit a request, they will encounter an error.

    • All users (cloud administrator, tenant administrators, and end users) cannot log into the legacy My Cloud Services console.

  • Message: Enter a message that will appear to users when Maintenance Mode is on.

Network Container

This section contains the Lock Time Out (Seconds) and Default View parameters, as shown in the following figure:

  • Lock Time Out (Seconds) indicates the time in seconds for which the state of the network container is locked while a firewall rule associated with a network path is created. The lock interval restricts access to the network container until the firewall rule and network path are updated. It ensures that the correct set of firewall rules are synchronized with the BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management database. If Lock Time Out (Seconds) is blank, the default is 5 minutes (300 seconds).
  • Default View indicates whether the table view or the graphical view of the dynamic components is displayed when you access the second dialog of the Network Container wizard. The following matrix contrasts the views:

    Table view
    Graph view

    You can switch views in the wizard from the specified default view to the other view.


Starting from 4.6.04 and later, the cloud administrator can enable or disable the Run Compliance Job flag by using the drop-down list for each requestable offering as part of SOI provisioning.

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Storage preference descriptions

Grid NameBMC Atrium Orchestrator grid name specified during installation
HostName or IP address of the computer that hosts the BMC Atrium Orchestrator primary configuration distribution peer (CDP)
PortHTTP or HTTPS port used to send requests to the BMC Atrium Orchestrator server
UserUser name to authenticate requests sent to the BMC Atrium Orchestrator server
PasswordPassword for the specified user account
ProtocolHTTP or HTTPS protocol for server communications

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Console Preferences descriptions

My Services Console Configuration

Select the components that can be viewed in the BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management - My Cloud Services End User Console. In the My Cloud Services End User Console, the Network Paths and Load Balancer components are displayed under the Servers subtab. The Storage component is displayed under its own Storage subtab.

Service Catalog Console Configuration

Select from the Browse Categories, Search Services, or Popular Services initial console views to determine which one is displayed in the Service Catalog Console. Also, select the panes to be displayed (Marketing Pod, Quick Links, Knowledge Management, or Non Cloud Services, or a combination) in the specified console view.

Cloud Administrator Console Configuration

Select the default workspace that is displayed when you access the BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management - Administration Console. You can also choose whether to enable the TrueSight Operations Management, BMC ProactiveNet Performance Management, or BMC Capacity Optimization, or any, launch options. If you enable launch of TrueSight Operations Management or BMC ProactiveNet, specify a URL to the console. Lastly, specify the type of BMC Remedy Action Request System license granted to user accounts added through the Tenants workspace.

End User Console Configuration

Select whether the My Services or Service Catalog console view is displayed by default.If you have installed version 4.6.03, you can also enable users to transfer ownership or a service and request a service on behalf of another users. See Giving end users more control over services.

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SRM Configuration preference descriptions

Use the SRM Configuration tab to register BMC Service Request Advanced Interface Form templates, and their associated form and classes, with BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management. See Configuring BMC Service Request Management Advanced Interface Form templates for more information.

ITSM Configuration preference descriptions

Use the ITSM Configuration tab to register BMC IT Service Management provider with BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management. See the following topics for more information:

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Callouts preference description

Use the Callouts tab to manage BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management callouts. A callout enables you to alter the flow of an operation by executing a remote procedure before or after the operation, such as taking a snapshot of a virtual machine. See Working with callouts for more information.


Use the Notifications tab to configure SMTP connections and provide email addresses of cloud administrator to notify them about service offering instance provisioning failures. See Configuring and viewing email notifications for more information.

Data sources

Use the Data Sources tab to define the data source for a dynamic field. For more information, see Adding dynamic lists to fields.

In version 4.6.04 or later, you can also use the Data Sources tab to configure security groups as discussed in Assigning pre-existing AWS security groups to AWS instances. Complete the fields as follows:


Enter the name of the parameter (for example, SecurityGroupsOS).

This name will appear in the Data Source drop-down list when you create a parameter in a blueprint. Then, when end users request a service that uses that blueprint, they will be able to select only one security group.

TypeSelect Static.
ValueThe name of the Amazon Web Services security group that you want to associate to a BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management instance. Separate multiple values with commas.
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This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.
