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Changing the default currency from USD to another currency

The Service Request Definition (SRD) shows One Time Price and Recurring Price in US dollars (USD). This topic describes how to change the default currency in the underlying forms used in BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management.

The following procedure sets the default currency to the Swedish krona (SEK). It assumes:

  • You are using the single AR System server architecture.
  • You understand how to use the Best Practice Customization mode in BMC Developer Studio to create form and field overlays (described in the BMC Remedy AR System documentation). You use overlays to preserve customizations during an upgrade.

To change the default currency


Before you start this procedure, carefully read Knowledge Article 000110488 on the BMC Customer Support site.
  1. Download the currency.zip hotfix file and extract it. 
  2. Open a command prompt and navigate to the folder on the BMC AR System server (Cloud Portal and Database) where you extracted it.
    The JARCurrencyDefault.jar file and .txt files represent the different applications and foundation.
  3. Run the .jar file against the currency_asset.txt, currency_raf.txt, and currency_rcf.txt files using the following command.


    You can safely ignore any errors or warnings when you run the .jar command.  
    java -jar JARCurrencyDefault.jar -x "<server name>" -u "<Admin User>" -p "<Password>" -t "<TCP Port>" -F "<.txt file>" -c <required default currency>/2 -d 


    • -x is the AR System server name
    • -u is the Admin user
    • -p is the password
    • -t is the TCP port
    • -c is the currency
    • -d specifies it as the new the default currency
    • .txt file refers to the currency_asset.txt, currency_raf.txt, and currency_rcf.txt files.
      In the example commands below, the default Currency is changed to SEK by running the following commands against each .txt file.

      #cd C:\Program Files\BMC Software\BMCRemedyITSMSuite\Shared_Components\currency
      #java -jar JARCurrencyDefault.jar -x "eng2k82remvm2" -u "Demo" -p "" -t "0" -F currency_asset.txt -c SEK/2 -d
      #java -jar JARCurrencyDefault.jar -x "eng2k82remvm2" -u "Demo" -p "" -t "0" -F currency_raf.txt -c SEK/2 -d
      #java -jar JARCurrencyDefault.jar -x "eng2k82remvm2" -u "Demo" -p "" -t "0" -F currency_rcf.txt -c SEK/2 -d

      Make sure these commands are completed successfully before you continue with this procedure. 

  4. Open the AR System Currency Ratios form in your web browser.
    For example:
    http://<midTier>:<port>/arsys/forms/<ARServer>/AR System Currency Ratios
    http://sanJoseMidTier:8080/arsys/forms/ARSServerSanJose/AR System Currency Ratios
    You must set the Currency Conversion Ratios between the required (new) default currency and USD. To do this, you must create two records on this form – the first record that configures the conversion ratio from USD to the new default currency and the second record that configures the conversion ratio from the new default currency to USD.
  5. Click New Request, enter the details for first conversion ratio record (from USD currency to the new default currency, for example, SEK), and then click Save.  

  6. Click New Request, enter the details for second conversion ratio record (from the new default currency, for example, SEK, to the USD currency), and then click Save
  7. In BMC Developer Studio, log on to the AR System server and verify that you are in Best Practice Customization mode (File > Switch Mode > Best Practice Customization).

  8. From AR System Navigator, select <AR System server> > All Objects > Forms (for example, SJ_ARS_Server > All Objects > Forms). 

    Use Filtering Options to easily find forms in the list, for example, Name contains SRD:ServiceRequestDefinition.


  9. Open the SRD:ServiceRequestDefinition form and perform the following steps for the required currency. 

    1. Create a form overlay:


      The following steps describe how to create overlays for forms and fields. You will use this same procedure repeatedly throughout the rest of the topic.

      1. Select the Definition tab to view the object's properties. 

      2. Expand the panel for the form.
      3. Under Permissions, click the Overlay Type drop-list to select and apply the Additive or Overwrite overlay type to the form. 
      4. When you are prompted that overlay the form, click OK.
        Developer Studio creates the object overlay after your confirmation, and then applies the overlay type to the form.
      5. Under Other Definitions, click the Overlay Type drop-list to select and apply the Additive or Overwrite overlay type to the form. 
      6. Return to the form view, for example, by clicking the Support tab.  
      7. In the Outline tab, select Show Table Overview to easily see all the fields in the form, and then click the Name column to alphabetize them. 
    2. Select SRD_SO_Price and navigate to the Properties tab. 
      SRD_SO_Price is a hidden field. 
    3. Create an overlay of the field by clicking the Permissions Overlay Type drop-list (under the Properties tab) to select and apply the Additive or Overwrite overlay type to the field. 
    4. Click the Others Overlay Type and select Overwrite
      These two overlay settings allow you to overlay the field and preserve your customizations.   
    5. Select the Currency Types value and click the elllipsis button (...).
    6. Click Customize.
    7. On the Allowable Currency Types and Functional Currency Types tabs, add the new default currency (for example, SEK) from the Available Types table to the Selected Types table.  
    8. On the Allowable Currency Types tab, set the new default currency as the Primary Currency
    9. Click OK to close the dialog box. 
    10. Set the Default Value to the new currency value, for example, SEK.
    11. Save the form. 
      You can ignore warnings –  but not errors! – as long as the form is properly saved. With these changes, the Price category of the Request Definition displays the new default currency which you can then select.

      Perform the same sequence of steps for the remaining forms.  
  10. Open the SRD:ServiceRequestDefinition_Base form and perform the following steps:
    1. Create an overlay of the form. 
    2. Customize the following fields with the new default currency.
      Make sure that you set the new default currency as the Primary Currency and that you set the Default Value to the new currency value.
      • SRD_Cost 
      • SRD_Price
    3. Save your changes to the fields.
    4. Save the form. 
  11. Open the SRM:Request form and perform the following steps:
    1. Create an overlay of the form. 
    2. Customize the following fields with the new default currency.
      Make sure that you set the new default currency as the Primary Currency and that you set the Default Value to the new currency value. 
      • Actual Cost
      • Expected Cost
      • Price
      • SRD_SO_Price
      • Total Price Request
    3. Save your changes to the fields.
    4. Save the form.
  12. Open the SRS:RequestDetails form and perform the following steps:
    1. Create an overlay of the form. 
    2. Click Show Fields Not In View. and then click Name to alphabetize the list. 
    3. Customize the following fields with the new default currency.
      Make sure that you set the new default currency as the Primary Currency and that you set the Default Value to the new currency value. 
      • SRD_Cost
      • Total Price Request
    1. Save your changes to the fields.
    2. Save the form.
  13. Open the SRS:SREC_ProvideInformation form and perform the following steps:
    1. Create an overlay of the form. 
    2. Customize the following fields with the new default currency.
      Make sure that you set the new default currency as the Primary Currency and that you set the Default Value to the new currency value.
      • SRD_Cost 
      • SRD_Price
    3. Save your changes to the fields.
    4. Save the form. 
  14. Open the CMU:AIFInterfaceSummary form and perform the following steps:
    1. Create an overlay of the form.
    2. Customize the following fields with the new default currency.
      Make sure that you set the new default currency as the Primary Currency and that you set the Default Value to the new currency value. 
      • CurrencyField 
      • Price Field
    3. Save your changes to the fields.
    4. Save the form.
  15. Open the CMU:CloudAdvancedInterface form and perform the following steps:
    1. Create an overlay of the form.
    2. Customize the following fields with the new default currency.
      Make sure that you set the new default currency as the Primary Currency and that you set the Default Value to the new currency value. 
      • LastPageRecurringPriceShow
      • LastPageTotalPriceShow 
      • Price
      • PriceDelete
      • RecurringPriceShow 
      • SRD_SO_Price
      • TotalPriceShow 
    3. Save your changes to the fields.
    4. Save the form.
  16. Open the CMU:CloudAdvancedInterface_Storage form and perform the following steps:
    1. Create an overlay of the form. 
    2. Customize the following fields with the new default currency.
      Make sure that you set the new default currency as the Primary Currency and that you set the Default Value to the new currency value. 
      • LastPageRecurringPriceShow
      • LastPageTotalPriceShow 
      • Price
      • PriceDelete
      • RecurringPriceShow 
      • SRD_SO_Price
      • TotalPriceShow 
    3. Save your changes to the fields.
    4. Save the form.
  17. Open the CMU:CloudAdvancedInterface_Virtual form and perform the following steps:
    1. Create an overlay of the form. 
    2. Customize the following fields with the new default currency.
      Make sure that you set the new default currency as the Primary Currency and that you set the Default Value to the new currency value. 
      • LastPageRecurringPriceShow
      • LastPageTotalPriceShow 
      • Price
      • PriceDelete
      • RecurringPriceShow 
      • SRD_SO_Price
      • TotalPriceShow 
    3. Save your changes to the fields.
    4. Save the form.
  18. Open the CMU:ServiceInstances form and perform the following steps:
    1. Create an overlay of the form. 
    2. Customize the following fields with the new default currency.
      Make sure that you set the new default currency as the Primary Currency and that you set the Default Value to the new currency value. 
      • zTmpOptionsPrice 
      • zTmpTotalPrice 
    3. Save your changes to the fields.
    4. Save the form.
      After you finish with these steps, you can then localize Cloud Lifecycle Management with this currency.
  19. (optional) Restart the AR System server.
  20. (optional) Restart Apache Tomcat. 
  21. Flush the Mid Tier cache to reflect these changes to all these forms in the Cloud Portal.
  22. Clear the browser cache.
  23. Log on to My Cloud Services and create a service request.
    If you correctly updated the currency settings, the Submit Request form displays the new default currency, as expected.


    Change the Requestable Offering price currency with the new default currency if the Requestable Offering was created with the old default currency.

Related topics

Offering services in multiple currencies

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.
