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Adding additional system disks after deployment

To enable cloud end users to add additional storage to their deployed servers, you can create a post-deployment option (also known as a Transaction Requestable Offering or TRO) that adds additional storage to a deployed service offering instance. After you create the post-deployment option, you associate the post-deployment option with a post-deployment action.

Before you begin

Create a service and service offering, as described in Creating cloud services.

To create a post-deployment option for additional storage

  1. From the BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management Administration Console, click the vertical Workspaces menu on the left side of the window and select Service Catalog.
  2. In the Service Catalog workspace, select the service to which you want to add the post-deployment option.
  3. Click Edit a Service .
    The Edit Service window opens:
  4. Select the service offering.
  5. In the Service Offerings toolbar, click Create the request definition and then select Create post-deploy action:
  6. In the Request Definition window, enter information in the fields.
    For more information about the fields in the Request Definition window, see Creating a requestable offering definition. The following figure shows sample values for the fields:
  7. Click Next and enter information in the next set of Request Definition window fields.
  8. Click Finish.
    The Edit Service window is displayed and lists the new post-deploy action under the service offering:
  9. Click the Options tab.
    The Options panel is displayed.
  10. Click Options Editor .
    The Options Editor is displayed:
  11. On the toolbar on the left side of the Options Editor under Options, click New Option .
  12. In the New Option window, enter values in the following fields:
    • Option Name — Type the name of the option.
    • Option Type — Select Post-deploy Action from the list.
    • Option Description — Type a description of the option.
      The following figure shows sample values for the fields:
  13. (Optional) Click Upload Icon and upload an image that represents the option.
  14. Click OK.
  15. From the list on the left side of the Options Editor, select the option that you just created.
    The name of the option that you selected is displayed to the right of the Option Choices for heading:
  16. On the toolbar on the right side of the Options Editor under Option Choices for, click New Option Choice .
    The New Option Choice window is displayed:
  17. Enter values in the following fields:
    • Option Choice — Type the name of the option choice.
    • Description — Type a description of the option choice.
  18. (Optional) To specify prices for the option choice, under Customer Price, click Add New Price .
    The Price Editor is displayed. For more information about working with the Price Editor, see Adding a customer price or delivery cost to an option, service, or request action.
  19. (Optional) To specify costs for the option choice, under Deployment Cost, click Add New Cost .
    The Cost Editor is displayed. For more information about working with the Cost Editor, see Adding a customer price or delivery cost to an option, service, or request action.
  20. Click OK.
    The Options Editor is displayed. If necessary, you can add more option choices before continuing to the next step of this procedure.
  21. From the list on the right side of the Options Editor, select an option choice.
  22. On the toolbar on the right side of the Options Editor under Option Choices for, click Option Choice Blueprint Configuration Editor.
    The Option Choice Blueprint Configuration Editor is displayed:
  23. Click New Blueprint Configuration .
    The Blueprint Configuration menu appears in the Option Choice Blueprint Configuration Editor window:
  24. Select Blueprint Configuration > Additional System Disk:

    The New Blueprint Configuration window is displayed:


    Even if you specify a value for Disk Number, the system does not override the default virtual SCSI controller settings and numbers. The total disk count would be the sum of the existing disks and the number of disks added in the TRO regardless of the number specified in Disk Number.

  25. In the New Blueprint Configuration window, enter values and click OK.
    The Option Choice Blueprint Configuration Editor is displayed.
  26. (Optional) To specify a VSD formatting script for the option choice, click New Blueprint Configuration .
    If you do not need to specify a VSD formatting script, skip to the last step in this procedure. For additional information about adding custom actions, see To configure optional custom actions.
  27. Select Blueprint Configuration > Custom Action:

    The New Blueprint Configuration window is displayed.
  28. Enter values in the New Blueprint Configuration window.
    The following figure shows sample values that specify a formatting script. Scripts must be stored in the BMC Server Automation Depot/CSM_Scripts folder.
  29. Click OK.
    The Option Choice Blueprint Configuration Editor is displayed:

    If necessary, you can add more blueprint configurations to the option choice before continuing to the next step of this procedure.
  30. Click OK to close the Option Choice Blueprint Configuration Editor, and then click OK to close the Options Editor.
    The Service Catalog workspace is displayed.

To associate a post-deployment option with a post-deployment action

  1. From the BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management Administration Console, click the vertical Workspaces menu on the left side of the window and select Service Catalog.
  2. In the Service Catalog workspace, select the service that contains the post-deployment action which you want to associate with a post-deployment option.
  3. Click Edit .
    The Edit Service window is displayed:
  4. In the list of service offerings on the left side, click the name of the service offering.
    The service offering entry expands to show the post-deployment actions:
  5. Select the name of the post-deploy action and then click the Options tab.
    The Options panel is displayed in the Edit Service window.
  6. From the list under Available Options, select the post-deployment storage option.
  7. Click Add >.
    The post-deployment storage option that you selected appears in the list under Selected Options and the associated option choices appear in the table at the bottom of the window:
  8. Click Apply and then click Save.

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.
