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Validating the eZDeploy import

To validate that the import was successful, verify that the eZDeploy package and the service blueprint or service catalog or both are imported. This topic contains the following sections:

To verify the imported software package

  1. Go to the BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management Service Designer console and locate the blueprint with the blueprint name (or the prefix followed by the blueprint name, if you have applied a custom prefix during import).

  2. Open the imported blueprint and check for the following items:
    • Application and deployment models
    • System packages and software packages
    • Whether installable resources attached to the models
      The following figure shows a custom prefix (eZ) applied on the Virtual Guest Package (VGP) name and displayed as an Installable Resource:

  3. If options were imported, go to the Service Catalog console, open Options Editor, and look for options and option choices with the option name (or the prefix followed by the option name, if you have applied a custom prefix during import) as shown in the figure below:

    If required, you can now select the imported options or option choices manually while creating a new service offering from the eZDeploy imported service blueprint.

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To verify the imported service catalog

Go to the Service Catalog console and locate the service with the service name (or the prefix followed by the service name, if you have applied a custom prefix during import). 

You can view the imported service and service offering with the custom prefix eZ, as shown in the following figure.


  • Service offering option and option choices are imported when you import a service catalog as an eZDeploy package. Also if the service catalog has a request definition, that request definition will be imported; otherwise, a new request definition will be created with the name of the service offering. 
  • Postdeployment actions attached with the option and option choices are only imported from an eZDeploy package, if you originally exported the service (created the eZDeploy package) with the option and option choices attached to the postdeployment action for that service.

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To verify the imported service blueprint

  1. Go to the BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management Service Designer console and locate the blueprint that you imported. 
  2. Open the imported blueprint and check for the following items:
    • Application and deployment models
    • System packages and software packages
    • Whether installable resources are attached to the models
    • Multiple versions of the blueprint are present in case you had imported multiple blueprints as shown in the following figure:

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