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Upgrading customizations

When you installed BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management, you might have customized one or several components in the solution to suit your business needs (for example, the Network Automation API). This section covers information about how to upgrade those customizations to version 4.x when you perform the upgrade. 

Upgrade strategies for customizations

Evaluate the customizations in your environment. You have the following options:

  • BMC strongly recommends that you try to use out-of-the-box functionality instead of creating customized functionality.
  • Identify all your customizations before you start the upgrade, and then prepare your data accordingly. 
  • Thoroughly test the ported customization before you go live. Verify your customizations when you perform the upgrade.
Customization categoryHow do you handle it?Examples
Replacement Replace your customizations with out-of-the-box BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management functionality. You should replace customizations that are no longer needed (for example, add secondary disk customization) with existing features.
  • Replace AR-based EUP customizations with new HTML and Javascript-based EUP functionality
  • Added VMDK (Day 1, Day 2)
  • Day 2 install software
  • Day 2 added NIC
Partial port

Partially port your customizations. These include customizations for which partial functionality exists out-of-the-box, or which BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management makes it easier to develop some part of the customization, for example, passing custom parameters for software installation. If you must port your customizations, keep your port minimal..

  • Display-only fields
  • Fields from your old customization that display AR System data
Complete portIdentify the changes that are required to port to customization.  Then completely port your customizations. These include customizations which are not available out-of-the-box at all and you must carry them forward, for example, creating snapshots. 
  • Custom portal actions (for example, create snapshot)
  • Addition UI customizations (for non-cloud data or capabilities)
  • Callouts
  • Custom providers
No porting is possibleIn some cases, no porting is possible. For custom server operator actions, a generic UI is provided out-of-the-box. As a result, no custom UI is possible in the 4.5.00 or later release, and no migration mechanism is provided for custom operator actions.Custom operator actions
Porting or replacement not necessaryIn some case, porting or replacement of functionality during the upgrade is simply not necessary. The customization works as expected after you finished the upgrade. A good example here are optional custom actions. When you create optional custom actions (for example, custom TRO) as part of the service blueprint, these are defined inside the service offering itself and will work as expected in both the old EUP and the new 4.5.00 or later EUP.Optional custom actions

Where to go next

Upgrading callouts 

Upgrading custom providers

Upgrading UI customizations

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