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This version of the product has reached end of support. The documentation is available for your convenience. However, you must be logged in to access it. You will not be able to leave comments.

Permission issue with the installer on Linux

If you see the following error message, it means that you do not have correct permissions to access the required files on the host on which you launch the installer.

Running with DISPLAY environment variable set to:
./setup.sh: line 179: ./files/jre/bin/java: Permission denied
[root@vl-sjc-sln-dv03 Disk1]# pwd

To fix the permissions issue:

  1. Access the host on which you plan to launch the installer.
  2. Execute the following command:
    chmod --R 755* *foldername

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.
