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Known issues for SOIs when integrating BMC Server Automation

This topic was edited by a BMC Contributor and has not been approved.  More information.

After upgrading or reinstalling the RSCD agent on a vCenter server, live browsing a vCenter and other use cases might fail

When a use case on a vCenter server fails, you may see the following message:

"BMC_VMware_VirtualInfrastructure_Manager:<vc_name>/": Failed to lookup custom asset classes for '/BMC_VMware_VirtualInfrastructureManager'
class : on host  <vc_name>

 Also, if you try to redistribute a custom object, the Distribute Custom Object job may run with this warning:

"Warning : did not register classes on target  <vc_name>
Info : ClassBMC_VMware_VirtualInfrastructureManager:82000000 was already registered on server <vc_name>... ignoring registration"


Do not attempt to re-enroll the vCenter server in BMC Server Automation. Re-enrolling the vCenter server causes service offering instance (SOI) provisioning and other use cases to fail.

Instead, run the Update Server Properties job on the vCenter server. Then run the Distribute Custom Object job again.

Impact of re-enrolling the vCenter server in BMC Server Automation

SOI provisioning fails with this error:

'Error retrieving VirtualCenter CO version. BBSA response: Resource not found: No result for fetch'


See KA365301.

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