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CLM product configuration files after installation

This reference topic lists the file and database configurations for each product installed. Some values are not retained after upgrade. This section describes configurations for which you must validate values if you need to upgrade. 

(error) indicates files you must validate, because not all values are retained if you upgrade.

(tick) indicates files you do not need to validate, because values are retained if you upgrade.


Apart from BMC Database Automation,BMC Capacity Optimization, and BMC Server Automation, the installer backs up the required configurations files of the remaining products. The installer creates a upgbckup_<random_ID> file in the product install directory and stores the backup file there (for example, C:\Program Files\BMC Software\AO-Platform\AMREPO\upgbckup_1403039455260\BMC Atrium Orchestrator Access Manager and Repository.lax). 
Product filesValues retained if you upgrade?
Platform Manager 


Linux : <PM_Install_Directory>/Platform_Manager/configuration/cloudservices.json
Windows : <PM_Install_Directory>\Platform_Manager\configuration\cloudservices.json



Linux: <PM_Install_Directory>/Platform_Manager/configuration/providers.json
Windows: <PM_Install_Directory>\Platform_Manager\configuration\providers.json



Linux: <PM_Install_Directory>/Platform_Manager/wrapper.conf
Windows: <PM_Install_Directory>\Platform_Manager\wrapper.conf



Linux: <PM_Install_Directory>/Platform_Manager/configuration/config.ini
Windows: <PM_Install_Directory>\Platform_Manager\configuration\config.ini



Linux: <PM_Install_Directory>/Platform_Manager/csm-bootstrap.properties
Windows: <PM_Install_Directory>\Platform_Manager\csm-bootstrap.properties

(error) For safety, verify any parameters that were customized in this file.


Linux: <PM_Install_Directory>/Platform_Manager/configuration/actionCatalogs
Windows: <PM_Install_Directory>\Platform_Manager\configuration\actionCatalogs



Linux: <PM_Install_Directory>/Platform_Manager/configuration/email-templates
Windows: <PM_Install_Directory>\Platform_Manager\configuration\email-templates

BMC Server Automation 

Config Server

Use the BMC Server Automation Console to enter Application Server settings as required. Your changes are stored in the database.

  1. Open the BMC Server Automation Console.
  2. Go to Configuration > Infrastructure Management.
  3. Expand Application Servers.
  4. Right-click the config_deployment object (for example, config_deployment_clm-hou-008414).
  5. Select Edit.
  6. Set MaxHeapSize to 2048.
  7. Click OK.


Job Server

Use the BMC Server Automation Console to enter Job Server settings as required. Your changes are stored in the database. 

  1. Open the BMC Server Automation Console.
  2. Go to Configuration > Infrastructure Management.
  3. Expand Application Servers.
  4. Right-click the job_deployment object (for example, job_deployment_1_clm-hou-008414).
  5. Select Edit.
  6. Set the following values:
    • MaxHeapsize = 2048
    • MaxJobs = 75
    • MaxWorkItemThreads = 120
  7. Click OK.


Linux: /etc/rsc/secure or /opt/bmc/rscd/NSH/conf/secure
Windows: C:\Windows\rsc\secure


BBSA Agent on vCenter host


Windows: <AgentHome>\daal\Implementation\BMC_VMware_VirtualInfrastructureManager_win64\ win64\AssetImplConfig.xml



Linux: <bl_install_dir>/NSH/br/deployments
Windows: <bl_install_dir>\NSH\br\deployments 

This directory contains all the various configuration settings for the Application Server.



Linux: <bl_install_dir>/NSH/br/AppServerProfiles.xml
Windows: <bl_install_dir>\NSH\br\AppServerProfiles.xml

Exists if you are running multiple instances of the Application Server.



Linux: <bl_install_dir>/NSH/br/deployments/bladelogic.keystore
Windows: <bl_install_dir>\NSH\br\deployments\bladelogic.keystore


Custom NSH scripts

Linux: <bl_install_dir>/NSH/scripts
Windows:  <bl_install_dir>\NSH\scripts



Linux : <bl_install_dir>/NSH/share/sensors
Windows: <bl_install_dir>\NSH\share\sensors

Enterprise-AR and Cloud-AR 


Linux:  <ARS_Home>/conf/ar.cfg
Windows: <ARS_Home>\Conf\ar.conf



Linux:  /etc/arsystem/<hostname>/armonitor.cfg
Windows: <ARS_Home>\Conf\armonitor.conf

(error) For safety, verify any parameters that were customized in this file.


E-AR Linux:

E-AR Windows:

C-AR Linux:

C-AR Windows:

(error) For safety, verify any parameters that were customized in this file.

CAI Plugin Registry

  1. Log on to the Mid Tier.
  2. Open the CAI Plugin Registry form.
  3. Review the settings.
    Required settings are stored in the database.
(error) For safety, verify any parameters that were customized in this file.
Mid Tier 


Linux: <MidTier_Install>/WEB-INF/classes/config.properties
Windows: <MidTier_Install>\midtier\WEB-INF\classes\config.properties



Linux: < Tomcat_Install>/conf/server.xml
Windows: <Tomcat_Install>\conf\server.xml



Linux: <Tomcat_Install>/bin/startup.sh
Windows: <Tomcat_Install>\bin\tomcat6w.exe

BMC Atrium Orchestrator 

Access Manager and Repository .lax/server.sh

Linux: <AMREPO_Install>/bin/server.sh
Windows: <AMREPO_Install>\bin\BMC Atrium Orchestrator Access Manager and Repository.lax


Access Manager and Repository bao.sh

Linux: <AMREPO_Install>/bin/bao.sh


Access Manager and Repository repository.xml




Configuration Distribution Peer
BMC Atrium Orchestator CDP.lax/server.sh

Linux: <CDP_Install>/bin/server.sh
Windows: <CDP_Install>\bin\BMC Atrium Orchestrator CDP.lax


Configuration Distribution Peer bao.sh

Linux: <AMREPO_Install>/bin/bao.sh


Configuration Distribution Peer log4j.xml

Linux: <CDP_Install>/tomcat/webapps/baocdp/WEB-INF/classes/log4j.xml
Windows: <CDP_Install>\tomcat\webapps\baocdp\WEB-INF\classes\META-INF\classes\log4j.xml

BMC Network Automation 


Linux: <BCA_NETWORKS_INSTALL_DIR>/BcanInstalledConfiguration.xml
Windows: <BCA_NETWORKS_INSTALL_DIR>\BcanInstalledConfiguration.xml



Linux: <BCA_NETWORKS_DATA_INSTALL_DIR>/database.properties
Windows: <BCA_NETWORKS_DATA_INSTALL_DIR>\database.properties



Linux: <BCA_NETWORKS_DATA_INSTALL_DIR>/logging.properties
Windows: <BCA_NETWORKS_DATA_INSTALL_DIR>\logging.properties 



Linux: <BCA_NETWORKS_INSTALL_DIR>/tomcat/conf/server.xml
Windows: <BCA_NETWORKS_INSTALL_DIR>\tomcat\conf\server.xml

BMC Capacity Optimization 


Linux: /opt/cpit/etl/freetds/etc/freetds.conf



Linux : %BCO_HOME%/web/tomcat/conf/server.xml


User configurations

User configurations in the BCO database

BMC Database Automation 

Manager Configuration (Manager Host)

Linux: <BDA_Install_Dir>/dmanager/etc/dmanager.conf


Middle Tier Configuration (Manager Host)

Linux: <BDA_Install_Dir>/dmanager/etc/mtd.conf


GUI Configuration (Manager Host)

Linux: <BDA_Install_Dir>/dmanager/etc/d2500_config


GUI PHP Configuration (Manager Host)

Linux: <BDA_Install_Dir>/etc/php.ini

(error) Partial – Some values reset on upgrade 

GUI Web Server Configuration (Manager Host)




(error) Partial – Some values reset on upgrade 

MultiManager Configuration (Manager Host)

Linux: <BDA_Install_Dir>/dmanager/etc/mesh.conf


Agent Configuration (Agent Host)

Linux/Unix: <BDA_Install_Dir>/dagent/etc/dagent.conf

Windows: <BDA_Install_Dir>\dagent.conf


This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.
