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ServiceOfferingInstance get request


This API retrieves the ServiceOfferingInstance object specified by the guid in the URI.

API stability classification


API overview





Return type






HTTP request message

Query string parameters

This API does not use query string parameters.

Request message headers

This API uses only common headers listed in HTTP request and response headers.

HTTP response message

Response message headers

This API uses only common headers listed in HTTP request and response headers.

Response message body

The response message body contains a ServiceOfferingInstance object.



The responses captured in this topic is an example. The responses can change according to your BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management stack.

Request URL: /csm/serviceofferinginstance/guid

HTTP method: GET

guid is the GUID of the service offering instance.

No request payload is required.

From the following response, you can derive the required cloud database relationships. Note that guid of the service offering instance is an important attribute.


You can perform the serviceofferinginstance/search operation using hostnamePrefix of the compute container and guid of the target service offering instance.

Response payload



        "cloudClass": "com.bmc.cloud.model.beans.SearchResults",

        "guid": "0174b1e7-0b59-4dd0-9ebb-ae63dccb78b3",

        "pageNo": 0,

        "pageSize": 100,

        "results": [


                "cloudClass": "com.bmc.cloud.model.beans.ServiceOfferingInstance",

                "blueprintReference": "/blueprintreference/1d4d1c71-2961-4683-8b96-128c38e77c3a",

                "contractLine": "/contractline/274145d3-28ac-46d2-a3fc-bf5cc6a2b0fc",

                "deploymentModel": "/deploymentmodel/be85d253-d61a-4a3e-9a66-131b64d6449d",

                "deploymentParameterValue": [




                "description": " ",

                "functionalComponents": [




                "functionalModel": "/functionalmodel/98812f31-8a0b-46f2-ab61-a8991f6699a0",

                "guid": "c33cf0a5-ad21-4ecf-bb89-1420706be3fe",

                "hostnamePrefix": "arm671",

                "isMonitoringEnabled": false,

                "isMonitoringPoliciesEnabled": false,

                "isOpsEvalEnabled": false,

                "modifiedDate": 1486371254000,

                "name": "RO_SINGLE_NIC_DYNA_PUB_TRO_SW3-1",

                "owner": "AltoCloudUser1",

                "provisionDate": 1486368513000,

                "provisionedDeploymentModel": "{\r\n  \"attributes\" : {\r\n    \"resourceset\" : [ {\r\n      \"functionalComponentReferences\" : [ {\r\n        \"type\" : \"functionalcomponent\",\r\n        \"objectGuid\" : \"7588dfd2-b6d6-449e-bc02-2973d3e465e2\",\r\n        \"guid\" : \"f4e6293f-0f4c-4c17-9651-0775798f5066\"\r\n      } ],\r\n      \"compute\" : {\r\n        \"instances\" : 1,\r\n        \"computecontainer\" : {\r\n          \"cloudPlatforms\" : [ {\r\n            \"name\" : \"AzureRM\",\r\n            \"installableresources\" : [ \"PDC000000012828\" ],\r\n            \"guid\" : \"ed06d7f6-3f57-4f69-bd13-ff20a7061faf\"\r\n          } ],\r\n          \"memory\" : [ {\r\n            \"mb\" : 2048,\r\n            \"policy\" : \"No Less Than\",\r\n            \"guid\" : \"8ddc634f-e65c-47c7-9253-533165539a93\"\r\n          } ],\r\n          \"cpus\" : [ {\r\n            \"count\" : 2,\r\n            \"policy\" : \"No Less Than\",\r\n            \"guid\" : \"6d6c516a-384d-41bc-942c-de7ab36c25ee\"\r\n          } ],\r\n          \"hwarchitecture\" : \"Unknown\",\r\n          \"virtual\" : true,\r\n          \"installsoftware\" : true,\r\n          \"guid\" : \"e210f252-6b19-4df7-a89c-7435f9a6654c\",\r\n          \"name\" : \"AzureRM\"\r\n        },\r\n        \"guid\" : \"a6d96c36-f698-43fd-b954-740adfb93944\"\r\n      },\r\n      \"network\" : {\r\n        \"nics\" : [ {\r\n          \"isdhcp\" : true,\r\n          \"nicnumber\" : 0,\r\n          \"publicip\" : true,\r\n          \"useExternalDNS\" : false,\r\n          \"ipForDNS\" : \"PrivateIP\",\r\n          \"guid\" : \"086988f6-1275-4b28-8d58-007c2f9eaa79\",\r\n          \"tags\" : [ {\r\n            \"tag\" : \"Customer\",\r\n            \"taggroup\" : \"NetworkType\"\r\n          } ]\r\n        } ],\r\n        \"guid\" : \"d76dcadd-0ec1-4e3b-ba21-fab3c1a3a849\"\r\n      },\r\n      \"guid\" : \"fac25dea-45a1-432f-b7df-888ea110bd71\",\r\n      \"name\" : \"SG_SW3\"\r\n    }, {\r\n      \"functionalComponentReferences\" : [ {\r\n        \"type\" : \"functionalcomponent\",\r\n        \"objectGuid\" : \"c72481bc-bf14-476a-bdcf-d2bdf9cb0202\",\r\n        \"guid\" : \"d1103137-4462-44ce-ab1e-5713a306fc68\"\r\n      } ],\r\n      \"compute\" : {\r\n        \"instances\" : 1,\r\n        \"computecontainer\" : {\r\n          \"cloudPlatforms\" : [ {\r\n            \"name\" : \"AzureRM\",\r\n            \"installableresources\" : [ \"PDC000000012828\" ],\r\n            \"guid\" : \"bae04efb-cfd3-4319-a74e-5fcc8847fa66\"\r\n          } ],\r\n          \"memory\" : [ {\r\n            \"mb\" : 2048,\r\n            \"policy\" : \"No Less Than\",\r\n            \"guid\" : \"bd9ca423-2d15-4d44-9628-b4c93291793a\"\r\n          } ],\r\n          \"cpus\" : [ {\r\n            \"count\" : 2,\r\n            \"policy\" : \"No Less Than\",\r\n            \"guid\" : \"f33f14f5-4f0b-47a9-a8e7-201a4d6a352d\"\r\n          } ],\r\n          \"hwarchitecture\" : \"Unknown\",\r\n          \"virtual\" : true,\r\n          \"installsoftware\" : true,\r\n          \"guid\" : \"26719b3a-0a80-44f9-a217-51b6184d5152\",\r\n          \"name\" : \"AzureRM\"\r\n        },\r\n        \"guid\" : \"63c0c6ff-6629-4fac-956b-e11419a74fdf\"\r\n      },\r\n      \"network\" : {\r\n        \"nics\" : [ {\r\n          \"isdhcp\" : true,\r\n          \"nicnumber\" : 0,\r\n          \"publicip\" : true,\r\n          \"useExternalDNS\" : false,\r\n          \"ipForDNS\" : \"PrivateIP\",\r\n          \"guid\" : \"834d656c-6d0f-4463-8096-f36a539dc6cf\",\r\n          \"tags\" : [ {\r\n            \"tag\" : \"Customer\",\r\n            \"taggroup\" : \"NetworkType\"\r\n          } ]\r\n        } ],\r\n        \"guid\" : \"19bbbaa6-c276-4c5a-a953-b73823ebae6c\"\r\n      },\r\n      \"guid\" : \"8287db01-0809-485a-9486-33aa4a0c460e\",\r\n      \"name\" : \"SG_SW4\"\r\n    } ],\r\n    \"functionalModelReference\" : {\r\n      \"type\" : \"functionalmodel\",\r\n      \"objectGuid\" : \"98812f31-8a0b-46f2-ab61-a8991f6699a0\",\r\n      \"guid\" : \"1cdd45ea-5a67-4e17-b66a-9124aefca408\"\r\n    },\r\n    \"installorder\" : {\r\n      \"installstep\" : [ {\r\n        \"sequence\" : 1,\r\n        \"objectReferences\" : [ {\r\n          \"type\" : \"resourceset\",\r\n          \"objectGuid\" : \"fac25dea-45a1-432f-b7df-888ea110bd71\",\r\n          \"guid\" : \"e4958d67-536a-4b51-9e64-09e884360e1c\"\r\n        }, {\r\n          \"type\" : \"resourceset\",\r\n          \"objectGuid\" : \"8287db01-0809-485a-9486-33aa4a0c460e\",\r\n          \"guid\" : \"39704026-0f7a-4c1e-99c8-c810dfeb2a23\"\r\n        } ],\r\n        \"guid\" : \"f6959955-8044-4e1f-80a7-272f200d5b4a\"\r\n      }, {\r\n        \"sequence\" : 2,\r\n        \"objectReferences\" : [ {\r\n          \"type\" : \"functionalcomponent\",\r\n          \"objectGuid\" : \"7588dfd2-b6d6-449e-bc02-2973d3e465e2\",\r\n          \"guid\" : \"dfb7d791-718a-4053-b90e-0342eea05017\"\r\n        }, {\r\n          \"type\" : \"functionalcomponent\",\r\n          \"objectGuid\" : \"c72481bc-bf14-476a-bdcf-d2bdf9cb0202\",\r\n          \"guid\" : \"f72affdb-a64d-43a2-9a36-e93bebcd5b51\"\r\n        } ],\r\n        \"guid\" : \"33d2d2a1-25cb-4c57-85c6-3e512bcc2354\"\r\n      } ],\r\n      \"guid\" : \"d81b877e-e6b5-4c4f-825d-5e03f76f3296\"\r\n    },\r\n    \"monitoring\" : {\r\n      \"enable\" : false,\r\n      \"enablePolicies\" : false,\r\n      \"guid\" : \"ec888f26-f232-4c20-8e42-58bd61bcddbc\"\r\n    },\r\n    \"guid\" : \"be85d253-d61a-4a3e-9a66-131b64d6449d\",\r\n    \"tags\" : [ {\r\n      \"tag\" : \"Dynamic\",\r\n      \"taggroup\" : \"NetworkContainerType\"\r\n    } ],\r\n    \"parameters\" : [ {\r\n      \"parametername\" : \"AZURE_OS_TYPE\",\r\n      \"parameterlabel\" : \"AZURE_OS_TYPE\",\r\n      \"parameterdatatype\" : \"string\",\r\n      \"parametervalue\" : \"Linux\",\r\n      \"required\" : true,\r\n      \"enduserinput\" : true,\r\n      \"ishidden\" : false,\r\n      \"isencrypted\" : false,\r\n      \"guid\" : \"606c0290-1f82-4e72-b031-e9c8d45010d1\"\r\n    } ]\r\n  },\r\n  \"class\" : \"deploymentmodel\",\r\n  \"version\" : \"4.6\",\r\n  \"guid\" : \"f05993b2-fb53-4d25-a662-a16695ae7a4a\"\r\n}",

                "provisionedFunctionalModel": "{\r\n  \"attributes\" : {\r\n    \"functionalcomponent\" : [ {\r\n      \"guid\" : \"7588dfd2-b6d6-449e-bc02-2973d3e465e2\",\r\n      \"name\" : \"App 1\"\r\n    }, {\r\n      \"guid\" : \"c72481bc-bf14-476a-bdcf-d2bdf9cb0202\",\r\n      \"name\" : \"App 2\"\r\n    } ],\r\n    \"guid\" : \"98812f31-8a0b-46f2-ab61-a8991f6699a0\"\r\n  },\r\n  \"class\" : \"functionalmodel\",\r\n  \"version\" : \"4.6\",\r\n  \"guid\" : \"d9b17bb2-d52d-47b6-bff5-5b4a10b6156f\"\r\n}",

                "provisionedServiceOfferingModel": "{\r\n  \"functionalModel\" : {\r\n    \"functionalcomponent\" : [ {\r\n      \"guid\" : \"7588dfd2-b6d6-449e-bc02-2973d3e465e2\",\r\n      \"name\" : \"App 1\"\r\n    }, {\r\n      \"guid\" : \"c72481bc-bf14-476a-bdcf-d2bdf9cb0202\",\r\n      \"name\" : \"App 2\"\r\n    } ],\r\n    \"guid\" : \"98812f31-8a0b-46f2-ab61-a8991f6699a0\"\r\n  },\r\n  \"deploymentModel\" : {\r\n    \"resourceset\" : [ {\r\n      \"functionalComponentReferences\" : [ {\r\n        \"type\" : \"functionalcomponent\",\r\n        \"objectGuid\" : \"7588dfd2-b6d6-449e-bc02-2973d3e465e2\",\r\n        \"guid\" : \"f4e6293f-0f4c-4c17-9651-0775798f5066\"\r\n      } ],\r\n      \"compute\" : {\r\n        \"instances\" : 1,\r\n        \"computecontainer\" : {\r\n          \"cloudPlatforms\" : [ {\r\n            \"name\" : \"AzureRM\",\r\n            \"installableresources\" : [ \"PDC000000012828\" ],\r\n            \"guid\" : \"ed06d7f6-3f57-4f69-bd13-ff20a7061faf\"\r\n          } ],\r\n          \"memory\" : [ {\r\n            \"mb\" : 2048,\r\n            \"policy\" : \"No Less Than\",\r\n            \"guid\" : \"8ddc634f-e65c-47c7-9253-533165539a93\"\r\n          } ],\r\n          \"cpus\" : [ {\r\n            \"count\" : 2,\r\n            \"policy\" : \"No Less Than\",\r\n            \"guid\" : \"6d6c516a-384d-41bc-942c-de7ab36c25ee\"\r\n          } ],\r\n          \"hwarchitecture\" : \"Unknown\",\r\n          \"virtual\" : true,\r\n          \"installsoftware\" : true,\r\n          \"guid\" : \"e210f252-6b19-4df7-a89c-7435f9a6654c\",\r\n          \"name\" : \"AzureRM\"\r\n        },\r\n        \"guid\" : \"a6d96c36-f698-43fd-b954-740adfb93944\"\r\n      },\r\n      \"network\" : {\r\n        \"nics\" : [ {\r\n          \"isdhcp\" : true,\r\n          \"nicnumber\" : 0,\r\n          \"publicip\" : true,\r\n          \"useExternalDNS\" : false,\r\n          \"ipForDNS\" : \"PrivateIP\",\r\n          \"guid\" : \"086988f6-1275-4b28-8d58-007c2f9eaa79\",\r\n          \"tags\" : [ {\r\n            \"tag\" : \"Customer\",\r\n            \"taggroup\" : \"NetworkType\"\r\n          } ]\r\n        } ],\r\n        \"guid\" : \"d76dcadd-0ec1-4e3b-ba21-fab3c1a3a849\"\r\n      },\r\n      \"guid\" : \"fac25dea-45a1-432f-b7df-888ea110bd71\",\r\n      \"name\" : \"SG_SW3\"\r\n    }, {\r\n      \"functionalComponentReferences\" : [ {\r\n        \"type\" : \"functionalcomponent\",\r\n        \"objectGuid\" : \"c72481bc-bf14-476a-bdcf-d2bdf9cb0202\",\r\n        \"guid\" : \"d1103137-4462-44ce-ab1e-5713a306fc68\"\r\n      } ],\r\n      \"compute\" : {\r\n        \"instances\" : 1,\r\n        \"computecontainer\" : {\r\n          \"cloudPlatforms\" : [ {\r\n            \"name\" : \"AzureRM\",\r\n            \"installableresources\" : [ \"PDC000000012828\" ],\r\n            \"guid\" : \"bae04efb-cfd3-4319-a74e-5fcc8847fa66\"\r\n          } ],\r\n          \"memory\" : [ {\r\n            \"mb\" : 2048,\r\n            \"policy\" : \"No Less Than\",\r\n            \"guid\" : \"bd9ca423-2d15-4d44-9628-b4c93291793a\"\r\n          } ],\r\n          \"cpus\" : [ {\r\n            \"count\" : 2,\r\n            \"policy\" : \"No Less Than\",\r\n            \"guid\" : \"f33f14f5-4f0b-47a9-a8e7-201a4d6a352d\"\r\n          } ],\r\n          \"hwarchitecture\" : \"Unknown\",\r\n          \"virtual\" : true,\r\n          \"installsoftware\" : true,\r\n          \"guid\" : \"26719b3a-0a80-44f9-a217-51b6184d5152\",\r\n          \"name\" : \"AzureRM\"\r\n        },\r\n        \"guid\" : \"63c0c6ff-6629-4fac-956b-e11419a74fdf\"\r\n      },\r\n      \"network\" : {\r\n        \"nics\" : [ {\r\n          \"isdhcp\" : true,\r\n          \"nicnumber\" : 0,\r\n          \"publicip\" : true,\r\n          \"useExternalDNS\" : false,\r\n          \"ipForDNS\" : \"PrivateIP\",\r\n          \"guid\" : \"834d656c-6d0f-4463-8096-f36a539dc6cf\",\r\n          \"tags\" : [ {\r\n            \"tag\" : \"Customer\",\r\n            \"taggroup\" : \"NetworkType\"\r\n          } ]\r\n        } ],\r\n        \"guid\" : \"19bbbaa6-c276-4c5a-a953-b73823ebae6c\"\r\n      },\r\n      \"guid\" : \"8287db01-0809-485a-9486-33aa4a0c460e\",\r\n      \"name\" : \"SG_SW4\"\r\n    } ],\r\n    \"functionalModelReference\" : {\r\n      \"type\" : \"functionalmodel\",\r\n      \"objectGuid\" : \"98812f31-8a0b-46f2-ab61-a8991f6699a0\",\r\n      \"guid\" : \"1cdd45ea-5a67-4e17-b66a-9124aefca408\"\r\n    },\r\n    \"installorder\" : {\r\n      \"installstep\" : [ {\r\n        \"sequence\" : 1,\r\n        \"objectReferences\" : [ {\r\n          \"type\" : \"resourceset\",\r\n          \"objectGuid\" : \"fac25dea-45a1-432f-b7df-888ea110bd71\",\r\n          \"guid\" : \"e4958d67-536a-4b51-9e64-09e884360e1c\"\r\n        }, {\r\n          \"type\" : \"resourceset\",\r\n          \"objectGuid\" : \"8287db01-0809-485a-9486-33aa4a0c460e\",\r\n          \"guid\" : \"39704026-0f7a-4c1e-99c8-c810dfeb2a23\"\r\n        } ],\r\n        \"guid\" : \"f6959955-8044-4e1f-80a7-272f200d5b4a\"\r\n      }, {\r\n        \"sequence\" : 2,\r\n        \"objectReferences\" : [ {\r\n          \"type\" : \"functionalcomponent\",\r\n          \"objectGuid\" : \"7588dfd2-b6d6-449e-bc02-2973d3e465e2\",\r\n          \"guid\" : \"dfb7d791-718a-4053-b90e-0342eea05017\"\r\n        }, {\r\n          \"type\" : \"functionalcomponent\",\r\n          \"objectGuid\" : \"c72481bc-bf14-476a-bdcf-d2bdf9cb0202\",\r\n          \"guid\" : \"f72affdb-a64d-43a2-9a36-e93bebcd5b51\"\r\n        } ],\r\n        \"guid\" : \"33d2d2a1-25cb-4c57-85c6-3e512bcc2354\"\r\n      } ],\r\n      \"guid\" : \"d81b877e-e6b5-4c4f-825d-5e03f76f3296\"\r\n    },\r\n    \"monitoring\" : {\r\n      \"enable\" : false,\r\n      \"enablePolicies\" : false,\r\n      \"guid\" : \"ec888f26-f232-4c20-8e42-58bd61bcddbc\"\r\n    },\r\n    \"guid\" : \"be85d253-d61a-4a3e-9a66-131b64d6449d\",\r\n    \"tags\" : [ {\r\n      \"tag\" : \"Dynamic\",\r\n      \"taggroup\" : \"NetworkContainerType\"\r\n    } ],\r\n    \"parameters\" : [ {\r\n      \"parametername\" : \"AZURE_OS_TYPE\",\r\n      \"parameterlabel\" : \"AZURE_OS_TYPE\",\r\n      \"parameterdatatype\" : \"string\",\r\n      \"parametervalue\" : \"Linux\",\r\n      \"required\" : true,\r\n      \"enduserinput\" : true,\r\n      \"ishidden\" : false,\r\n      \"isencrypted\" : false,\r\n      \"guid\" : \"606c0290-1f82-4e72-b031-e9c8d45010d1\"\r\n    } ]\r\n  },\r\n  \"guid\" : \"1fcf7138-b41e-489c-a239-bd7d0c2942ba\",\r\n  \"name\" : \"ARM_SINGLE_NIC_DYNA_PUB_TRO_SW3\"\r\n}",

                "reconciliationID": "OI-9f853fed203246d693a485ca2d3b4b44",

                "resourceSets": [




                "serviceOfferingContractLine": "/serviceofferingcontractline/274145d3-28ac-46d2-a3fc-bf5cc6a2b0fc",

                "serviceRequest": "/servicerequest/40f91a17-e6ab-488c-b1fc-fa8c0a5fb1c6",

                "state": "Running",

                "tags": [


                        "cloudClass": "com.bmc.cloud.model.beans.Tag",

                        "guid": "a94bdd9d-d882-489c-8cd6-d45a41b68ed7",

                        "label": "Dynamic",

                        "modifiedDate": 1453886752000,

                        "name": "Dynamic",

                        "tagGroup": {

                            "cloudClass": "com.bmc.cloud.model.beans.TagGroup",

                            "guid": "bf947749-f81d-4312-865f-becb6e3cb17f",

                            "modifiedDate": 1453886752000,

                            "name": "NetworkContainerType",

                            "ownedTags": [




                            "tagScope": "User_Defined"


                        "tagGroupObject": {

                            "cloudClass": "com.bmc.cloud.model.beans.TagGroup",

                            "description": "@circular-reference-placeholder@",

                            "guid": "bf947749-f81d-4312-865f-becb6e3cb17f",

                            "tagScope": "User_Defined"




                "tenant": "/organization/AGHAA5V0HC3F9AOBLPPYB3O6QBBKH2",

                "tokenID": "c33cf0a5-ad21-4ecf-bb89-1420706be3fe"



        "totalRows": 1



This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.
