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Compute infrastructure classes

The compute infrastructure that hosts provisioned workloads is another key component of the cloud infrastructure. As is the case with the network infrastructure, the object model represents a cloud-centric view of the compute infrastructure, capturing those objects and relationships of importance to BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management, and not attempting to present a detailed and complete picture of the compute infrastructure. The following diagram illustrates the compute infrastructure classes and how they relate to each other.

Compute infrastructure classes


Some compute infrastructure resources are onboarded. Onboarding a VirtualCluster also onboards the VirtualHost, VirtualResourcePool, and VirtualDatastore objects associated with that cluster. Physical servers are onboarded separately.

After they are onboarded, VirtualCluster, VirtualHost, VirtualResourcePool, and PhysicalServer resources can be placed into static pools by the cloud administrator. Static pools are used to determine where to place provisioned workloads. A StaticPool is a special type of Pool. A Pool can have any CloudObject, the superclass for all objects in the model, as a member. A StaticPool is always in pod context. The StaticPool can be mapped to multiple NetworkContainer objects, but those network containers must all be in the same Pod.

Both PhysicalServer and VirtualHost are subclasses of the abstract superclass Server. A Server can have multiple NetworkInterface resources, each of which can have an IPAddress. A Server has an OperatingSystem, and can have different types of ApplicationSoftware installed on it. Both OperatingSystem and ApplicationSoftware are subclasses of SoftwareResource. A provisioned instance of a SoftwareResource is created using an InstallableResource. The relationship between a SoftwareResource and an InstallableResource is logical and not navigable in the model.

A Server can have multiple LocalDisk resources. In addition, a Server may have multiple StorageConnection resources that connect it to either a remote FileSystem or BlockDevice.

A Server, specifically a PhysicalServer, may host a ComputeContainer. See service offering instance classes for more information about compute containers.

Both VirtualCluster and VirtualHost resources may have a BaseCPUSensor and a BaseMemorySensor to provide basic CPU and memory utilization statistics.

Related topics

ApplicationSoftware class
BaseCPUSensor class
BaseMemorySensor class
BlockDevice class
ComputeContainer class
Filesystem class
InstallableResource class
IPAddress class
LocalDisk class
NetworkContainer class
NetworkInterface class
OperatingSystem class
PhysicalServer class
Pod class
StorageConnection class
StaticPool class
VirtualCluster class
VirtualDatastore class
VirtualHost class
VirtualResourcePool class

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