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This topic describes the following verbs, command-line arguments, and API parameters available for the server noun in the BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management SDK:


Use server-list from the command line to list servers for the specified service.

Command-line syntax
clm server-list [-h] [-l] [-u] [-n] [-s] [-k FIELD_NAME [FIELD_NAME ...]] [--filter FIELD_NAME=VALUE [FIELD_NAME=VALUE ...]] --servicename NAME

Use server_list in the API to list servers for the specified service. This command returns a list of ComputeContainer API objects with the same attributes and relationships.

API syntax
obj = server_list(gcac, service_name, filters=None)

obj[n].guid returns the GUID
obj[n].name returns the name
Command-line argumentAPI parameterDescriptionRequired?
--servicenameservice_nameName of the service for which to list servers.Yes
-l List all fields. This parameter does not need a value. 
-u List only GUIDs. This parameter does not need a value. 
-n List only names. This parameter does not need a value. 
-s List GUIDs, names, and status (if applicable). This parameter does not need a value. 
-k List the field names specified in the value for this parameter. 
--filterfiltersList the output that matches the specified filters. 
 gcacGenericCloudAPIClient instance/user authentication. 


Use server-refresh from the command line to synchronize the state of the specified server to make it current with its actual configuration.

Command-line syntax
clm server-refresh [-h] [-l] [-u] [-n] [-s] [-k FIELD_NAME [FIELD_NAME ...]] [--waitfor TIME_OUT_SECONDS] --servicename NAME --servername NAME

Use server_refresh in the API to synchronize the state of the specified server to make it current with its actual configuration. This command returns a ComputeContainer API object with the same attributes and relationships.

API syntax
obj = server_refresh(gcac, server_name=None, service_name=None)

obj.guid # returns the GUID
obj.name # returns the name
Command-line argumentAPI parameterDescriptionRequired?
--servicenameservice_nameName of the service containing the server to refresh.Yes
--servernameserver_nameName of the server to refresh.Yes
-l List all fields. This parameter does not need a value. 
-u List only GUIDs. This parameter does not need a value. 
-n List only names. This parameter does not need a value. 
-s List GUIDs, names, and status (if applicable). This parameter does not need a value. 
-k List the field names specified in the value for this parameter. 

Time in seconds to wait for response from the server, otherwise return running task details.

 gcacGenericCloudAPIClient instance/user authentication. 


Starting from 4.5 patch 3 and later, use server-restart from the command line to restart a server in the specified service.

Command-line syntax
clm server-restart [-h] [--waitfor TIME_OUT_SECONDS] 
--servicename NAME --servername NAME

Use server_restart in the API to restart a server in the specified service. This command returns a ComputeContainer API object with the same attributes and relationships.

API syntax
obj = server_restart(gcac, service_name, server_name)

obj.guid # returns the GUID
obj.name # returns the name
Command-line argumentAPI parameterDescriptionRequired?
--servicenameservice_nameName of the service to restart.Yes
--servernameserver_nameName of the server to restart.Yes

Time in seconds to wait for a response from the server, otherwise return running task details.

 gcacGenericCloudAPIClient instance/user authentication. 


Use server-start from the command line to start a server in a specified service.

Command-line syntax
clm server-start [-h] [--waitfor TIME_OUT_SECONDS] --servicename NAME --servername NAME

Use server_start in the API to start a server in a specified service. This command returns a ComputeContainer API object with the same attributes and relationships.

API syntax
obj = server_start(gcac, service_name, server_name)

obj.guid # returns the GUID
obj.name # returns the name
Command-line argumentAPI parameterDescriptionRequired?
--servicenameservice_nameName of the service containing the server to start.Yes
--servernameserver_nameName of the server to start.Yes

Time in seconds to wait for response from the server, otherwise return running task details.

 gcacGenericCloudAPIClient instance/user authentication. 


Use server-stop from the command line to stop a server in a specified service.

Command-line syntax
clm server-stop [-h] [--waitfor TIME_OUT_SECONDS] --servicename NAME --servername NAME

Use server_stop in the API to stop a server in a specified service. This command returns a ComputeContainer API object with the same attributes and relationships.

API syntax
obj = server_stop(gcac, service_name, server_name)

obj.guid # returns the GUID
obj.name # returns the name
Command-line argumentAPI parameterDescriptionRequired?
--servicenameservice_nameName of the service containing the server to stop.Yes
--servernameserver_nameName of the server to stop.Yes

Time in seconds to wait for response from the server, otherwise return running task details.

 gcacGenericCloudAPIClient instance/user authentication. 

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.
