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Configuring the Cloud Platform Manager for HA

This topic provides instructions for configuring the Cloud Platform Manager for high availability (HA).

Before you begin

To configure Cloud Platform Manager for HA, you can use any clustering technology and you can configure it accordingly with the help of your cluster administrator.

To configure the Cloud Platform Manager for HA

  1. Create the Cloud Platform Manager generic service by following the steps documented in Configuring BMC Network Automation for HA.


    Ensure that you select the BMC CSM as the service when configuring the generic service.

  2. Update the Providers.json file with the load balancer details for BMC Server Automation, BMC Network Automation, and BMC Atrium Orchestrator.
  3. Update the cloudservice.json file with the following details:
    • The csm.global.url property with the Cloud Platform Manager cluster host name

    • The host name and port details for the Database (AR) Server (EAR name) accessAttribute

       "cloudServiceDefinitionObject" : {
          "cloudClass" : "com.bmc.cloud.model.beans.CloudServiceDefinition",
          "accessAttributes" : [ {
            "cloudClass" : "com.bmc.cloud.model.beans.AccessAttribute",
            "datatype" : "String",
            "description" : "CSM Global Registry URL",
            "guid" : "5f49c658-e3fb-4ace-95aa-d5c13636a82e",
            "hasValueObject" : [ {
              "cloudClass" : "com.bmc.cloud.model.beans.AccessAttributeValue",
              "attributeValue" : "localhost:8080",
              "guid" : "79c5b890-1b4e-4514-8e28-ddd216551b3c",
              "name" : "csm.global.url"
            } ],
            "isOptional" : false,
            "isPassword" : false,
            "length" : 255,
            "modifiableWithoutRestart" : false,
            "name" : "csm.global.url"
          }, {
            "cloudClass" :
  4. On the Cloud Platform Manager host, navigate to installationDirectory\Platform Manager\configuration.
  5. In the configuration file, add the following entry before the org.osgi.service.http.port=8080 entry:

  6. Create the generic service in Failover Cluster management by following the steps described in Configuring BMC Network Automation for HA.

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