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Adding Amazon services from templates

Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) can be used as service offerings in BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management. An AMI is a type of pre-configured operating system along with virtual application software that can be used as a template to instantiate a virtual machine within the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). In an EC2 environment, an AMI is the basic unit of service that you can deploy.

The Amazon Service Offerings page lists existing AMIs that can be used as service offerings.

To begin defining a service offering, click Add New . The Service Offering page opens.

End-to-end Quick Start process

For a complete description of the Quick Start process for Amazon, see Provisioning VMs on Amazon using Quick Start.

Recovering from a failure

If the operation to create an Amazon service fails, artifacts from the operation may persist within BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management. To ensure that Quick Start is functioning smoothly, you can perform a cleanup procedure.

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.
