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This topic contains information about fixes and updates in the various patches, and provides instructions for downloading and installing the patch. 


For information about issues corrected in the patch, see Known and corrected issues.

To create a PDF of the appropriate patch release notes, see PDFs and videos.

Updates in the latest 4.1.00 patch

Patch 7 for BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management 4.1.00 ( is the latest cumulative patch that includes the fixes of all the earlier patches.


Documentation for the earlier patches has been moved to this page. If you had bookmarked those pages and happen to open them, you will be automatically redirected to this page after 30 seconds.

To locate any update for a particular patch, perform any of the following actions:

  • Select a patch number from the Available in list to filter the table by patch version numbers.
  • Type a character string in one or more of the boxes to filter the list of updates.  
  • Click any column heading to sort this table or change sort direction.

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Available in
Fixed issuesSee Known and corrected issues for a list of issues that were fixed in version
Pod synchronization propagates newly-added port types, and networks in the pod to all the existing network containers

Pod synchronization honors the following changes:

  • New Port Types added to an existing Pod Node - NIC Segment 
  • Newly-added networks in the pod
    The newly-added pod-level networks are propagated to all the existing network containers. As a result, you can provision SOIs with these new pod-level networks with existing network containers. A new attribute, propagateNetworkChangesToContainers (as shown in the following code snippet) has been added to the providers.json file to control this behavior:


        "cloudClass" : "com.bmc.cloud.model.beans.AccessAttributeValue",
        "accessAttribute" : {
          "cloudClass" : "com.bmc.cloud.model.beans.AccessAttribute",
          "datatype" : "BOOLEAN",
          "description" : "If flag is set to true, POD synch changes like addition of new 
    POD network, are propagated to all associated containers.Default value is true",
          "guid" : "f520a1c8-ea13-41cb-b01f-ef8df104a04f",
          "isOptional" : true,
          "isPassword" : false,
          "name" : "propagateNetworkChangesToContainers"
        "attributeValue" : "true",
        "guid" : "5b44f92e-2599-4890-9608-ae5c99591f96",
        "name" : "propagateNetworkChangesToContainers"
Support for dedicated pod-level networks in container reprovisioningWhenever you create new networks in a pod in BMC Network Automation, these networks must be synchronized in BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management for them to be visible and to be able to provision to the new networks. For dedicated pod-level networks existing containers must be reprovisioned with the new node in order to be provisioned to the dedicated pod-level network. For details, see Synchronizing network pods, Reprovisioning network containers and Examples of container reprovisioning.
AWSA new parameter,  AWS Instance Family , has been added to the blueprint to allow the cloud administrator to create option choices for the AWS instance family so that a provisioned AWS instance can be placed under a specific family that Amazon defines.

The Cloud Software Development Kit (SDK) includes the following changes:

  • To enable the cloud administrator to restart one or more servers in the specified service, two new commands, service-restart and server-restart have been added.
  • To create a service by specifying the user/password in a template, the service-create command has been modified to include the usetemplatecredentials argument.
  • To stop a server or service forcefully, the service-stop and server-stop commands have been modified to include the force argument.
  • For details of all the changes in the SDK, see Summary of changes to the SDK.
  • To enable the cloud administrator to list the available local disks, a new command, localdisk has been added.
  • To support the Resize Disk TRO action via an SDK command, the  service-update-option command has been modified to include a new disk argument.


The Cloud Software Development Kit (SDK) includes the following changes:

  • To enable the cloud administrator to acquire and release NAT addresses of a server for a specific service, two new commands, ipaddress-create and ipaddress-delete have been added.
  • To enable reuse of load balancer pools in different network containers, the lbpool-delete command has been modified to include loadbalancer and environment arguments. Also, lbpool-name, which is deprecated in this patch has been renamed to lbpool.
  • To print the full stack trace in the output and in the logs, all the commands support a new argument, --verbose. For details, see Summary of changes to the SDK.

APIA new API has been added to create an organization.

Support for configurable AWS instance types

To allow customers to dynamically control instance types, the AWSInstanceTypeMetaData.json file has been externalized. For more information, see Overview of support for Amazon Web Services .

Support for IBM Shared Storage Pool

This patch supports IBM Shared Storage Pool to create disks for IBM Logical Partition (LPAR). You must have applied the hot fix on BMC Server Automation 8.5.00 Service Pack1 Patch5 Hotfix1 (Build To avail the hotfix, contact BMC Support at http://www.bmc.com/support. For details, see Configuring shared memory, resources, and NPIV.

Support for vApp networks in vCloud provider

BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management supports vApp networks and organization vDC networks by creating tags for each vApp network that is associated with a VM NIC. Like an organization VDC network, the vApp network details are not persisted in the Cloud DB. For details, see Provisioning VMs on VMware vCenter using Quick Start.

Support for additional AWS instance types

This patch includes support for additional AWS instance types. For details, see Supported instance types.

Ability to modify description of service offering instances

As an end user or a cloud administrator, you can edit the description of a service offering instance from the BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management – My Cloud Services Console by using the operator action, Modify Description. For more information, see Modifying the description of the service offering instances.

Ability to restart a service offering instance

A Restart operation is now available from the Service Instances workspace. For more information, see Restarting service offering instances.

Support for DNS configuration during pod creation

Using Quick Start, you can now configure the DNS registration details for a VMware pod or environment network. For more information about configuring DNS registration details, see Provisioning VMs on VMware vCenter using Quick Start.

Ability to sort Load Balancer Pool names

You can sort load balancer pools based on their names in an ascending or a descending order. For details, see Managing load balancers.
Support for adding new networks in a podWhenever you create new networks in a pod in BMC Network Automation, these networks must be synced in CLM for them to be visible and to be able to provision to the new networks. For details, see Synchronizing network pods.

Downloading the patch

This section lists the installation files required to download the patch and describes the procedure the download the files from the Electronic Product Distribution (EPD).

Downloading the BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management patch files

The following table lists the patch installation file to download:

Patch on EPD pagePlatformFiles downloaded from link
BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management 4.1 Patch 7

Microsoft Windows



To download the files

  1. Create a directory in which to place the downloaded files.


    On Windows computers, ensure that the directory is only one level into  the directory structure. The EPD package creates a directory in the  temporary directory when you extract the files, and the directory that  contains the installation image should not be in a directory deeper than  two levels into the directory structure.

  2. Go to http://www.bmc.com/available/epd.html.

  3. At the logon prompt, enter your user ID and password, and click Submit.

  4. On the Export Compliance and Access Terms page, provide the  required information, agree to the terms of the agreements, and click Continue.

  5. If you are accessing this site for the first time, create an EPD profile to specify the languages and platforms you want to see, per the EPD site help otherwise, skip to step 6.

  6. Verify that the correct profile is displayed for your download purpose, and select the Product Patches tab.

  7. Expand BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management or BMC Cloud Extension Pack to show its versions, and then expand the version, platform, and language to show its downloadable files.

  8. Select the files that you want to download.

  9. Click Download (FTP) or Download Manager:

    • Download (FTP) places the selected items in an FTP directory, and the credentials and FTP instructions are sent to you in an e-mail message.

    • Download Manager enables you to download multiple files consecutively, and to resume an interrupted download if the connection drops.
      This method requires a one-time installation of the Akami NetSession  Client program on the target computer and is usually the faster and more  reliable way to transfer files. A checksum is used to verify file  integrity automatically.


      You can also click on a download file and be prompted to save it.

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Supported upgrade paths

The following table describes the supported upgrade paths if you want to install the latest BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management patch. 

Current versionUpgrade support
4.1Patch installer installs the latest patch
4.0 or earlierUpgrade to 4.1 and then install the latest

Preparing to install the patch

Before installing the latest patch, ensure that the following conditions are met:

  1. If you are using any of the earlier versions, upgrade to BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management version 4.1.
  2. Ensure that the supported products are at the latest service pack or patch level. 
    For more information about the supported product versions, see Component BMC product service pack and patch levels.
  3. To resolve QM001886418, you must apply BMC Network Automation 8.5.01 hotfix#31. To avail the hotfix, contact BMC Support at http://www.bmc.com/support.
  4. If you have changed the administrator user password for the enterprise AR System and cloud AR System after the last time you installed BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management, you must ensure that the passwords match the installation configuration file. If the passwords do not match, the installation fails.  

    1. Generate an encrypted password: 
      1. On the Cloud Platform Manager, go to C:\Program Files\BMC Software\BMCCloudLifeCycleManagement\Utilities.
      2. Run the BMCCloudLifeCycleManagementMaintenanceTool.bat/sh file.
      3. Click Encrypt.
      4. In the Password and Confirm Password fields, enter the new password.
      5. Click Encrypt.
      6. Copy the new encrypted password.
    2. Update the encrypted password in the installation configuration file on the enterprise AR System: 
      1. Go to  InstallationDirectory\BMCCloudLifeCycleManagement\ and open the ARSystemInstalledConfiguration.xml file.
      2. Search for the BMC_AR_PASSWORD_HOSTING attribute.
      3. In the value field for the attribute, enter the encrypted password.
    3. On the cloud AR System server, follow the same steps to update the encrypted password in the installation configuration file.
  5. Ensure that the BMC Remedy AR System ports specified in the ARSystemInstalledConfiguration.xml  file are accurate. 
    If the ports are not accurate, stop the enterprise AR System or cloud AR System services, updated the port numbers, and restart the service. For more information, see BMC Knowledge Article KA410544.
  6. Take a VM snapshot and a database backup of the components involved; for example, Enterprise AR System Server, CloudDB, and Platform Manager.


    Installing the patch can affect the AR objects in a non-overlay mode. Ensure that you follow the best practices for customizations. 

  7. Ensure that the JAVA_HOME variable is set on the servers where you are installing the patch. On Linux servers, ensure that X11 libraries are installed.

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Installing the patch

This topic describes the procedure to install the latest patch.


To install the patch on a single-VM compact deployment setup, formerly known as Cloud Express, place the installer file on the host and extract the files. Perform step 2 to install the patch.

To install the latest patch: 

  1. Download and extract the patch installer and place a copy on each of the VMs that have the following components installed:
    1. Enterprise BMC Remedy AR System server
    2. Cloud Platform Manager


      Install the patch on the enterprise BMC Remedy AR System first and then on Platform Manager.

      For Linux, extract the installer by using the tar –xvf CLMPatchInstaller4100Px.tar command.
      In the above command, x refers to the patch number. Therefore, to extract patch 7, run tar –xvf CLMPatchInstaller4100P7.tar.

  2. On the Enterprise AR System server, install the patch: 
    1. Start one of the following installation programs:
      • On Microsoft Windows, double-click the setup.exe file. 
      • On Linux, navigate to the  \CLMPatchInstaller\Disk1 location and run the setup.bin file  by using Xmanager.

        With Xmanager, X applications installed on remote UNIX-based computers run seamlessly with Windows applications side by side.


        You can also use the VConsole to launch the installer.

    2. On the Welcome pane, note the warnings and click Next
    3. On the Directory selection pane, navigate to the location on the host where you want to install the BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management patch installer files and click Next.
      You can accept the default value if you do not have a specific location for the installation files.
    4. On the Installation Preview pane, review the summary and click Next
  3. Repeat step 2 on the Cloud Platform Manager. 
  4. (Optional; only if you have a high availability environment) On each additional or secondary enterprise AR System server, copy all the files from the  <CLMPatchInstaller>\Disk1\files\patch\ear\Px\jars\Cloud_Portal\plugin (except pluginsrv_config.xml and log4j.xmland replace them in the  <BMCCloudLifeCycleManagementInstallationDirectory>\Cloud_Portal\plugin  location.


    In the above path, x refers to the patch number. Therefore, to refer to the path for patch 7, specify <CLMPatchInstaller>\Disk1\files\patch\ear\P7\jars\Cloud_Portal\plugin .

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Configuring after installing the patch

You must clear the cache after installing the patch. Perform the following post configuration steps: 

  1. Clear the mid-tier cache.
    If the mid-tier used by the BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management console is different than the mid-tier running on the enterprise AR System server, then you need to clear the cache.
  2. Log on to the Mid Tier Configuration Tool. 
  3. Perform a flush cache.
    The flush cache removes all items from the caches that BMC Remedy Mid Tier maintains. The next time the mid tier needs those objects, the most up-to-date versions are retrieved from the AR System server.
  4. Clear the browser cache.
  5. Perform the following steps to hard delete the mid-tier cache:
    1. Stop the mid-tier service.

    2. Log in to the mid-tier server, and delete the contents of the following folders:

      • ARSystem\midtier\attstore

      • ARSystem\midtier\cache

      • ARSystem\midtier\cachetemp

      • ARSystem\midtier\dvmodule

      • ARSystem\midtier\PluginsCache

      • ARSystem\midtier\WEB-INF\atriumDeploymentPackages

      • ARSystem\midtier\WEB-INF\AtriumWidget

      • ARSystem\midtier\WEB-INF\AtriumWidget-7604

    3. Delete the atrium-* files in the ARSystem\midtier\WEB-INF\lib folder.

    4. Delete the contents of the work and temp folders in the ....\...\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat X.X folder.

    5. Delete the viewStats.dat and viewStats.dat.bak files from the ARSystem\midtier\WEB-INF \Classes folder.

    6. Start the Tomcat (JSP Engine) service.

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Related topics

Patch installation issues
Downloading the installation files

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.
