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Sizing and scalability factors by environment

This section explains the sizing and scalability factors that you must consider before you begin deploying the BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management solution. The following topics are covered in this section:

Before you begin

Before you complete the sizing for your cloud deployment, ensure that you have your business requirements and use case ready.


The product-specific sizing in this section has been included as a reference from different sources. This information is for general purposes, and is not specific to the CLM Value path.

Sizing factors

The factors that determine the sizing of BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management products are: Number of concurrent users, provisioning rate, and size of managed environment. These factors directly or indirectly affect the sizing of products in the BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management stack. The following table illustrates the effect of the sizing factors on each product in the solution.


Primary factors affecting sizing

Enterprise AR (Including Mid-Tier)

Number of Concurrent Users


  • Provisioning Rate
  • Size of Managed Environment

BMC Server Automation

  • Provisioning Rate
  • Size of Managed Environment

BMC Network Automation

Size of Managed Environment

BMC Atrium Orchestrator

not applicable

Impact of changes in sizing factors

Any changes in the sizing factors have varied impact on the products in the BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management stack. The following table illustrates the effect of the changes in provisional rate or managed environment on the cloud components.


Enterprise AR System

Cloud Core components

BMC Server Automation

BMC Network Automation


Increase in Users/Provisional Rate

High Impact

High Impact

Medium Impact

Low Impact

Low Impact

Increase in Managed Envrionment

High Impact

Low Impact

High Impact

Medium Impact

Medium Impact

  • High – The impact of change on the CPU usage is considerable, probably as high as 2x.
  • Medium – The impact of change on the CPU usage is marginal, say 1.5x
  • Low – The impact of change on the CPU usage will not have much effect on CPU.

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