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Configuring Microsoft Hyper-V switches

Because BMC Network Automation does not directly support Microsoft Hyper-V, you must complete the following tasks:

  • Create a ROGUE_DEVICE in the pod blueprint.
  • Make the pod and network container XML blueprints compatible with Microsoft Hyper-V by editing the <nameWithinSwitch> tag so that it has the same switch name as on the System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM).
  • Use these blueprints to create pods and network containers in BMC Network Automation.

This topic includes the following sections:

Before you begin

Create a template in BMC Network Automation with the name ConfigFakeHYPERVTemplate. Templates are used for configuring and unconfiguring a max topology container on the pod. For more information about creating templates in BMC Network Automation, see the Creating standard provisioning templates topic in the BMC Network Automation online technical documentation.

To create a ROGUE_DEVICE in the pod blueprint

  1. Open the pod blueprint XML file.
  2. Scroll to <nodeBlueprints>.
  3. Insert the following text:

        <description>ROGUE DEVICE ADDRESS</description>
  4. Save the file.

You can now import the pod blueprint into BMC Network Automation.

To edit the network container blueprint XML

  1. Open the Customer blueprint XML file.
  2. Scroll down to <nodeBlueprints>.
  3. Insert the following text to take noaction in BMC Network Automation on this node:

  4. Save the file.

To create the pod in BMC Network Automation

Import the pod blueprint into BMC Network Automation as follows:

  1. Open BMC Network Automation.
  2. Click the Network tab.
  3. Click Pod Blueprints under Virtual Data Center.
  4. Click Create Pod in the Pod Blueprint.
  5. In the Pod wizard, enter the name of the pod, and click Next.


    Do not select a device for the pod nodes. 

  6. In the Hypervisor Context field, enter the name of the Microsoft Hyper-V server.
  7. In the ROGUE_DEVICE_ADDRESS field, enter the name of the rogue device by using the following format:
    For example:
  8. Click Next.
  9. Enter any remaining values to create the pod, and click Submit.

Where to go next

Onboarding Microsoft Hyper-V resources

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.
