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Errors related to API operations

The following describes CRITICAL error messages you might encounter with API operations.

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ClassSub ClassOperationOperation TypeParameters to operation in API URLCodeError detailsTask ErrorCloud Error
ComputeContainerNot applicableStartPOSTNot applicable10800196Message: Error starting ComputeContainer ${resourceId}
Cause: Could not start the Virtual Guest:{0}.
Action: Generic error occurred while starting the Virtual Guest:{0}.
ContainerBlueprintNot applicableSearchPOSTNot applicable10800305Message:  Error while searching of container blueprint proxy
Cause:  Error while searching container blueprint proxy.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
LoginServiceNot applicableLoginPOSTNot applicable11500019Cause:  Failed to authenticate user. Please check user name and password.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
LoginServiceNot applicableLoginPOSTNot applicable11500016Cause:  Cannot initialize LoginService.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
LoginServiceNot applicableLoginPOSTNot applicable11500020Cause:  Failed to authenticate user. Invalid login request body. x
LoginServiceNot applicableLoginPOSTNot applicable11500021Cause:  Failed to authenticate user. x
DeploymentModelNot applicableSearchGETDeploymentModel  GUID11500009Cause:  Failed to retrieve Cloud object. Got Error : {0}.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
DeploymentModelNot applicableSearchGETDeploymentModel  GUID11500003Cause:  No Service Registry found.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
LogicalHostingEnvirnomentNot applicableCreatePOSTNot applicable10800048Message:  Cannot create Network Container: not enough data. {0} data is missing.
Cause:  Cannot create Network Container: not enough data. {0} data is missing.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
LogicalHostingEnvirnomentNetworkContainerCreatePOSTNot applicable10800321Message:  Error while creating Network Container.
Cause:  Error while creating Network Container.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
LogicalHostingEnvirnomentNot applicableUpdatePOSTLogicalHostingEnvironment GUID10800350Message:  Error while creating Network Container.
Cause:  Error while creating Network Container.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
OptionOptionChoiceSearchPOSTNot applicable11500009Cause:  Failed to retrieve Cloud object. Got Error : {0}.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
OptionOptionChoiceSearchPOSTNot applicable11500003Cause:  No Service Registry found.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
OrganizationNot applicableSearchPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID11500003Cause:  No Service Registry found.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
OrganizationNot applicableSearchPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID11500009Cause:  Failed to retrieve Cloud object. Got Error : {0}.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceNot applicableApplyOptionChoicePOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10400045Message:  Could not find option choice from input request to apply to SOI.
Cause:  Cannot find option choice from input request to apply to Service Offering Instance.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceNot applicableApplyOptionChoicePOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10400046Message:  Could not find the option choice from CloudDB to apply to SOI.
Cause:  Cannot find the option choice from CloudDB to apply to Service Offering Instance.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceNot applicableApplyOptionChoicePOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10400047Message:  Could not find the target ${targetObj.getGuid()} in the cloud database for which the option choice is to be applied.
Cause:  Could not find the target {0} in the cloud database for which the option choice is to be applied.
Action:  Please check if the target parameter in input request is sent correctly.
ServiceOfferingInstanceVirtualGuestApplyOptionChoicePOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10400048Message:  Could not find the valid VirtualGuest on which the option choice is to be applied.
Cause:  Cannot find the valid VirtualGuest on which the option choice is to be applied.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceNot applicableApplyOptionChoicePOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10400066Message:  Could not find the valid target for which the option choice is to be applied.
Cause:  Could not find the valid target for which the option choice is to be applied.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceNot applicableApplyOptionChoicePOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10400068Message:  NetworkContainer : ${lheObj.getName()} attached to requested ServiceOfferingInstance is not in Active State. Cannot complete operation.
Cause:  Add NIC operation can not be completed as NetworkContainer: {0} attached to requested ServiceOfferingInstance is not in Active State. Current state of NetworkContainer : {1}.
Action:  Please wait for NetworkContainer to become active before retrying the Add NIC operation.
ServiceOfferingInstanceResourceSetApplyOptionChoicePOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10400069Message:  Could not find ResourceSet or LogicalHostingEnvironment object associated with ComputeContainer :${target.getName()}
Cause:  Could not find ResourceSet or LogicalHostingEnvironment object associated with ComputeContainer :{0}
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceNot applicableApplyOptionChoicePOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10400200Message:  Error while applying option choice in SOI.
Cause:  Error while applying option choice in Service Offering Instance.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceNot applicableApplyOptionChoicePOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10400238Message:  Error while applying day 2 option on target ${target} and Service Offering Instance ${soi_id}
Cause:  Error while applying day 2 option on target [{0}] and Service Offering Instance [{1}].
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceNot applicableApplyOptionChoicePOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10400240Message:  Could not apply the selected optionchoice since target ServiceOfferingInstance was found to be Please contact System Administrator.
Cause:  Could not apply the selected optionchoice since target ServiceOfferingInstance was found to be Please contact System Administrator.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceResourceSetApplyOptionChoicePOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10500027Message:  Error creating Resource set ${s_resourceSet.getName()}
Cause:  Error occurred while creating resource set {0}.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceResourceSetApplyOptionChoicePOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10500034Message:  Error creating Resource set ${s_resourceSet.getName()}
Cause:  Error occurred while creating resource set {0}.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceNot applicableApplyOptionChoicePOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10500142Message:  Policy Engine could not match the tags on filtered Logical Network with either of the Tenant or the tags in the Blueprint.
Cause:  Policy Engine could not match the tags on filtered Logical Network with either of the Tenant or the tags in the Blueprint.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceNot applicableApplyOptionChoicePOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10500145Message:  Could not get Logical Networks for network Label : ${nicSpec.getNetworkLabel()}.
Could not get Logical Networks for all NICs.
Cause:  Could not get Logical Networks for network Label :[{0}]
Action:  Please check if a Network exist with given Network Label and it is enabled.
ServiceOfferingInstanceComputeContainerApplyOptionChoicePOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10500167Message:  Failed to retrieve Resourceset for ComputeContainer : ${target.getName()}.
Cause:  Failed to retrieve Resourceset for ComputeContainer [{0}].
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceComputeContainerApplyOptionChoicePOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10500168Message:  Failed to retrieve LogicalHostingEnvironmant for ComputeContainer : ${target.getName()}.
Cause:  Failed to retrieve LogicalHostingEnvironmant for ComputeContainer [{0}].
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceComputeContainerApplyOptionChoicePOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10500169Message:  Failed to retrieve ResourceHostingEnvironmant for ComputeContainer : ${target.getName()}.
Cause:  Failed to retrieve ResourceHostingEnvironmant for ComputeContainer [{0}].
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceNot applicableApplyOptionChoicePOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10500183Message:  Could not get NetworkInterface specification from the specified option : ${optionName}
Cause:  Error occurred while obtaining the Network Interface specification from the specified option : [{0}].
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceNot applicableApplyOptionChoicePOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10500193Message:  Add Server operation can not be completed as LogicalHostingEnvironment : ${lheObj.getName()} attached to requested ServiceOfferingInstance is not in Active State.Current state of LHE : ${lheObj.getState()}
Cause:  Add Server operation can not be completed as NetworkContainer : {0} attached to requested ServiceOfferingInstance is not in Active State. Current state of NetworkContainer : {1}.
Action:  Please wait for NetworkContainer to become active before retrying the Add Server operation.
ServiceOfferingInstanceComputeContainerApplyOptionChoicePOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10800170Message:  Could not find the ComputeContainer in the input request.
Cause:  Cannot find the compute container in the input request.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceNot applicableApplyOptionChoicePOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10800171Message:  Error while retrieving objects for placement decision from input request.
Cause:  Error while retrieving objects for placement decision from input request.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceComputeContainerApplyOptionChoicePOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUIDNo codeMessage:  Error getting compute container object with guid:  ${ccObj.getGuid()} from cloud database
Cause:  Please contact System Administrator.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceComputeContainerApplyOptionChoicePOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUIDNo codeMessage:  No Server object found in CC:  ${ccObj.getGuid()} from cloud database
Cause:  Please contact System Administrator.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceNot applicableDecommissionPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10400053Message:  Could not get ServiceOfferingInstance with guid ${soiUUID} from CloudDB
Cause:  Cannot retrieve ServiceOfferingInstance with GUID {0} from CloudDB.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceNot applicableDecommissionPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10400054Message:  Could not get ServiceOfferingInstance with guid ${soiUUID} from CloudDB
Cause:  Cannot retrieve ServiceOfferingInstance with GUID {0} from CloudDB.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceResourceSetDecommissionPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10400055Message:  Could not get resourceSet in functionalComponent : ${functionalComponent.getGuid()}.
Cause:  Cannot retrieve resourceSet in functionalComponent {0}.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceNot applicableDecommissionPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10400056Message:  Could not get functionalComponentURI in ServiceOfferingInstance : ${SOIObj.getName()}
Cause:  Cannot retrieve functionalComponentURI in ServiceOfferingInstance {0}.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceNot applicableDecommissionPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10400059Message:  Could not find Service Offering Instance with ID : ${resourceId}
Cause:  Could not find Service Offering Instance with ID : {0}.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceNot applicableDecommissionPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10400060Message:  Error stopping Service Offering Instance ${resourceId}. Setting state back to Running.
Cause:  Error stopping Service Offering Instance {0}. Restoring the old state.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceNot applicableDecommissionPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10400062Message:  Error decommissioning Service Offering Instance ${SOIObj.getName()}.
Cause:  Error decommissioning Service Offering Instance {0}. Please check the compute resources (Virtual Machines/Physical Servers) as they might not have been deleted/released due this error.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceNot applicableDecommissionPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10400271Message:  Extend operation failed for service offering instance ${soiDesc}.
Cause:  Extend operation failed for ServiceOfferingInstance [{0}].
Action:  Please try again.
ServiceOfferingInstanceNot applicableDecommissionPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10400286Message:  Cannot decommission ServiceOfferingInstance ${SOIObj.getName()} since it is still in ${soiState} state
Cause:  ServiceOfferingInstance {0} cannot be decommissioned since it is still in {1} state.
Action:  Please wait for the ServiceOfferingInstance to complete.
ServiceOfferingInstanceResourceSetDecommissionPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10500025Message:  Error stopping ResourceSet ${rsUUID}. Setting state back to Running.
Cause:  Error occurred while stopping ResourceSet : {0}. Restoring the old state.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceFunctionalComponentDecommissionPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10500026Message:  Error stopping FunctionalComponent .Setting state back to Running.
Cause:  Error occurred while stopping FunctionalComponent. Restoring the old state.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceResourceSetDecommissionPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10500028Message:  Error decommissioning Resource Set ${rsUUID}.
Cause:  Error occurred while decommissioning the resource set {0}.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceResourceSetDecommissionPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10500141Message:  No Compute Container associated with this resource set [${rsUUID}]. Cannot proceed.
Cause:  No Compute Container associated with this resource set [{0}]. Cannot proceed.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceResourceSetDecommissionPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10500177Message:  Could not retrieve ResourceHostingEnvironment object from LogicalHostingEnvironmant.
Cause:  Error occurred while retrieving the Resource Hosting Environment object from the Logical Hosting Environment.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceResourceSetDecommissionPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10500178Message:  Error in ResourceSet Stop operation. Incorrect RHEClassName : ${RHEClassName}
Cause:  Error occurred in the resourceset start operation because of incorrect RHE class name : [{0}].
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceResourceSetDecommissionPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10500179Message:  Error in ResourceSet BulkDecommission operation. Incorrect RHEClassName : ${RHEClassName}
Cause:  Error occurred in the resourceset bulk decommission operation because of incorrect RHE class name : [{0}]
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceResourceSetDecommissionPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10500180Message:  Error in ResourceSet decommission operation. Could not retrieve NetworkContainer object from LogicalHostingEnvironment.
Cause:  Error occurred in the resourceset decommission operation because the network container object could not be retrieved from the Logical Hosting Environment.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceResourceSetDecommissionPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10500181Message:  Error in ResourceSet decommission operation. Could not retrieve LogicalHostingEnvironment object from ResourceSet.
Cause:  Error occurred in the resourceset decommission operation because the Logical Hosting Environment could not be retrieved from the resourceset.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceResourceSetDecommissionPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10500192Message:  ResourceSet BulkDecommission operation has failed. LogicalHostingEnvironment: ${eligibleLHE.getName()} is in ${eligibleLHE.getState()} state.
Cause:  ResourceSet BulkDecommission operation has failed. NetworkContainer: {0} is in {1} state.
Action:  Please wait for NetworkContainer to become active before retrying decommissioning.
ServiceOfferingInstanceComputeContainerDecommissionPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10800195Message:  Error stopping ComputeContainer ${resourceId}
Cause:  Could not stop the Virtual Guest:{0}.
Action:  Generic error occurred while stopping the Virtual Guest:{0}.
ServiceOfferingInstanceComputeContainerDecommissionPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10800197Message:  Error decommissioning ComputeContainer ${resourceId}
Cause:  Could not decommission the Virtual Guest:{0}.
Action:  Generic error occurred while decommissioning the Virtual Guest:{0}.
ServiceOfferingInstanceVirtualGuestDecommissionPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10800314Message:  Error decommissioning ComputeContainer ${resourceId}.
Cause:  Could not decommission the Virtual Guest:{0}.
Action:  Generic error occurred while decommissioning the Virtual Guest:{0}.
ServiceOfferingInstancePhysicalComputeDecommissionPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10800345Message:  Could not find OS details from PhysicalServer : ${physicalHost.getName()}
Cause:  Could not find OS details from PhysicalServer {0}
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceComputeContainerDecommissionPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10800346Message:  Could not find SystemType details from ComputeContainer : ${computeContainer.getName()}
Cause:  Could not find SystemType details from ComputeContainer {0}
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceVirtualGuestDecommissionPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10800422Message:  Could not find VirtualGuest from the DB for ComputeContainer: ${computeContainer.getName()}
Cause:  Could not find VirtualGuest from the DB for ComputeContainer: [{0}].
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceComputeContainerDecommissionPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10800423Message:  Could not find serverUUID for ComputeContainer: ${computeContainer.getName()}
Cause:  Could not find server UUID for ComputeContainer: [{0}].
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceNot applicableStartPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10400058Message:  Error starting Service Offering Instance ${resourceId}. Restoring the old state.
Cause:  Error starting Service Offering Instance {0}. Restoring the old state.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceNot applicableStartPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10400059Message:  Could not find Service Offering Instance with ID : ${resourceId}
Cause:  Could not find Service Offering Instance with ID : {0}.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceNot applicableStartPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10500023Message:  Could not find Service Offering Instance with ID : ${resourceId}
Cause:  Could not find Service Offering Instance with ID : {0}.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceFunctionalComponentStartPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10500024Message:  Error starting FunctionalComponent. Setting state back to Installed.
Cause:  Error occurred while starting FunctionalComponent. Restoring the old state.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceResourceSetStartPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10500176Message:  Error occurred in the start operation for resourceset ${resourceSet.getName()} because of incorrect Resource Hosting Environment class name : ${RHEClassName}
Cause:  Error occurred in the start operation for resourceset [{0}] because of incorrect ResourceHostingEnvironment class name : [{1}].
Action:  The relationship between ResourceSet and LogicalHostingEnvironment-ResourceHostingEnvironment is broken. Please check if the ServiceOfferingInstance is provisioned correctly.
ServiceOfferingInstanceResourceSetStartPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10500177Message:  Could not retrieve ResourceHostingEnvironment object from LogicalHostingEnvironmant.
Cause:  Error occurred while retrieving the Resource Hosting Environment object from the Logical Hosting Environment.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceVirtualGuestStartPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10800196Message:  Error starting ComputeContainer ${resourceId} .Cause:  Could not start the Virtual Guest:{0}.Action:  Generic error occurred while starting the Virtual Guest:{0}.x 
ServiceOfferingInstanceNot applicableStopPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10400059Message:  Could not find Service Offering Instance with ID : ${resourceId}
Cause:  Could not find Service Offering Instance with ID : {0}.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceNot applicableStartPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10400060Message:  Error stopping Service Offering Instance ${resourceId}. Setting state back to Running.
Cause:  Error stopping Service Offering Instance {0}. Restoring the old state.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceResourceSetStartPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10500025Message:  Error stopping ResourceSet ${rsUUID}. Setting state back to Running.
Cause:  Error occurred while stopping ResourceSet : {0}. Restoring the old state.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceFunctionalComponentStartPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10500026Message:  Error stopping FunctionalComponent .Setting state back to Running.
Cause:  Error occurred while stopping FunctionalComponent. Restoring the old state.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceResourceSetStartPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10500177Message:  Could not retrieve ResourceHostingEnvironment object from LogicalHostingEnvironmant.
Cause:  Error occurred while retrieving the Resource Hosting Environment object from the Logical Hosting Environment.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceResourceSetStartPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10500178Message:  Error in ResourceSet Stop operation. Incorrect RHEClassName : ${RHEClassName}
Cause:  Error occurred in the resourceset start operation because of incorrect RHE class name : [{0}].
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
ServiceOfferingInstanceComputeContainerStartPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10800195Message:  Error stopping ComputeContainer ${resourceId} .
Cause:  Could not stop the Virtual Guest:{0}.
Action:  Generic error occurred while stopping the Virtual Guest:{0}.
ServiceOfferingInstanceComputeContainerStartPOSTServiceOfferingInstance GUID10800346Message:  Could not find SystemType details from ComputeContainer : ${computeContainer.getName()}
Cause:  Could not find SystemType details from ComputeContainer {0}
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
TaskNot applicableStatusGETTask GUID11100008Cause:  Error occurred while retrieving task status from the repository for task ID {0}.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
TaskNot applicableStatusGETTask GUID11100009Cause:  Error occurred while retrieving task status since the task {0} has expired.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
TaskNot applicableStatusGETTask GUID11500000Cause:  No Task Manager available.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
VirtualGuestNot applicableSearchGETVirtualGuest GUID11500003Cause:  No Service Registry found.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.
VirtualGuestNot applicableSearchGETVirtualGuest GUID11500009Cause:  Failed to retrieve Cloud object. Got Error : {0}.
Action:  Please contact System Administrator.

This version of the documentation is no longer supported. However, the documentation is available for your convenience. You will not be able to leave comments.
