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Service offering instance classes

Service offering instance classes involve objects that are provisioned into the cloud when a service offering is requested. The following diagram illustrates the service offering instance classes and how they relate to each other.

Service offering instance classes


A ServiceOfferingInstance is created when a ServiceOffering is provisioned. It is related to a ContractLine, which is created when the service offering is requested. That ContractLine is related to a Contract, which is created when a tenant is onboarded. The ContractLine is related to the ServiceOffering itself, which may have one or more Option objects associated with it. Each Option may have multiple associated OptionChoice objects. The ServiceOfferingInstance references the FunctionalModel and DeploymentModel used to guide the provisioning process.

One or more FunctionalComponent resources reside under the ServiceOfferingInstance. Each FunctionalComponent is hosted by a ResourceSet, and has relationships to the OperatingSystem and ApplicationSoftware instances deployed for that FunctionalComponent. The ResourceSet consists of SoftwareResource and ComputeResource objects.

ComputeContainer is the only subclass of ComputeResource. A ComputeContainer can have one or more NetworkInterface resources, each of which has an IPAddress and is in a Zone. A ComputeContainer can have one or more LocalDisk resources, and can be attached to a remote FileSystem or BlockDevice via a StorageConnection. BaseCPUSensor and BaseMemorySensor objects provide basic CPU utilization and memory usage statistics for a ComputeContainer. A ComputeContainer has an OperatingSystem and can have one or more related ApplicationSoftware objects.

OperatingSystem and ApplicationSoftware are subclasses of SoftwareResource. The relationship between FunctionalComponent and OperatingSystem and ApplicationSoftware might seem duplicative with those between ComputeContainer and OperatingSystem and ApplicationSoftware. However, the additional relationships are needed because more than one FunctionalComponent can be hosted by a ResourceSet, and it is necessary to know which software items belong to any given FunctionalComponent.

Related topics

ApplicationSoftware class
BaseCPUSensor class
BaseMemorySensor class
BlockDevice class
ComputeContainer class
Contract class
ContractLine class
DeploymentModel class
Filesystem class
FunctionalComponent class
FunctionalModel class
IPAddress class
LocalDisk class
NetworkInterface class
OperatingSystem class
Option class
OptionChoice class
ResourceSet class
ServiceOffering class
ServiceOfferingInstance class
StorageConnection class
Zone class

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