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Task Management web services

The Viewing the TMS_TaskInterface web service performs task query and update operations, including creating relationships and work information. It facilitates the exchange of data between the BMC Change Management and BMC ITSM Configuration Management applications.

You use the TMS:TaskInterface form in the Task Management System (TMS) to perform the following actions:

  • Query tasks, relationships, and work information.
  • Update tasks and work information.

The TMS:TaskInterface form is a self join of the TMS:Task form. It provides the server side filter functionality available with TMS:Task. It is extensively used to support web services.

Web services is one of the protocols that leverages this interface form. You can use the TMS:TaskInterface form with other protocols like API, other AR System applications, and so on to perform specific operations. By itself, the interface form does not support the relationships and work information actions that are available through the web service operations.

The TMS web services feature is extended to allow creation of multiple task relationships. The TMS:RelationshipsInterface_Create interface form, supports the creation of task relationships.

Web service function overview

The TMS_TaskInterface web service is used to let BMC Remedy ITSM Configuration Management query and update tasks. A back-end task web service interface form acts as a web service interface into the task entry. This form handles both returning values for queries from BMC Remedy ITSM Configuration Management and updating data directly to the task entry. It also handles updating data that is related to the task entry, such as work information or associations.

The TMS_TaskInterface web service is a complex web service with many operations. It is based on the TaskInterface.xsd XML Schema, which is also provided if advanced users want to extend and modify the out-of-the-box web service. For more information about web services, see the BMC Remedy Action Request System 7.5.00 Integration Guide .

Following is a list of the web service functions available for the Task Management module. These functions are described in the sections that follow.

  • QueryTaskPlusRelationshipsAndWorkInfo returns the most detailed information. This function queries tasks, relationships, and work information.
  • QueryTaskOnly queries only tasks.
  • QueryTaskPlusWorkInfo queries tasks and work information.
  • QueryTaskPlusRelationships queries tasks and CI relationships.
  • UpdateTaskOnly updates only tasks.
  • UpdateTaskAndWorkInfo updates tasks and work information.

In the Query operations and in the UpdateTaskOnly operation, the input parameter is the Task ID.

For the UpdateTaskAndWorkInfo operation, the main input parameter is the Task ID. Existing work information records can be updated if their Instance ID is provided.

Finally, you can use the UpdateTaskAndWorkInfo operation to create new work information entries for existing tasks if the work information Instance ID is omitted. Even though you do this using the same operation that updates a task in general, creating new work information entries for existing tasks is its own specific function.

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